Chapter 196

Chapter 195 The Three Towns of Jianghan

After Lu Pan, the old, middle and young, plus a foreigner wearing a Taoist robe, a total of six people, followed out.

Xu Junming can do everything, besides himself, he can also control seven guardians of the law.

And he now has nine guardians in total.

Ren Wuji looked like a six or seven-year-old child, not suitable for chasing the corpse; Vivian was a Western woman, not suitable for him; the rest was in front of him.

Of course, the two people who were eliminated were also placed in the Movement Technique bag. They can be replaced at any time, or they can be warmed and strengthened with Spiritual Qi.

When the puppet magic talisman goes further, he won’t let himself wait.

Xu Junming waved his hand, a big seal, a bone needle, a long sword, two ropes, and two umbrellas appeared in front of him.

The Great Seal and the Long Sword are two superb Magical Items obtained from Ren Xiang.

The ‘rock seal’ of the eleven treasures and the ‘black sword’ of the twelve treasures.

The spicule is his bone spicule, which absorbs the essence of the female skeleton of the cold flame stink bug, and is the best Magical Item of the twelve treasures forbidden to practice.

The two ropes were the ‘Fu Mo Golden Lock’ he practiced with Ren Xiang’s ‘Nine Nether Xuan Ming Array’ pattern, each with eleven Restrictions.

Two umbrellas, a Sixiang umbrella, and an Eight Trigrams umbrella; it is the two formations that were replaced by his “Tianluo Umbrella”, combined with the cold flame bug female husk, and it is also a ten Second Stage treasure forbidden. The perfect Magical Item.

The seven superb Magical Items, plus the ‘Vajra ring’ hung on Ren Wuji’s neck, the black dragon armor and the Panlong Halberd in Lu Pan’s hand, almost exhausted all the materials Xu Junming had accumulated in his hands over the years.

If it weren’t for his own refinement level, coupled with the contributions of many gifting boys, I am afraid that he would not have so many top Magical Items.

You should know that many Gold Core cultivators are using the best Magical Item instead of the magical item.

“You take one piece at a time.”

Lu Pan did not move.

He has black dragon armor for protection and Coiling Dragon Halberd for attack, which is enough for now.

The remaining seven people each took a Magical Item into their arms.

There is a superb Magical Item in the body, even if it encounters a cultivator below the Gold Core level three, it can resist one or two. Give Xu Junming enough time to rush to rescue.

As for the Gold Core middle stage, there are only a hundred Gold Core middle stage cultivators in the spiritual world, almost all of them are Optimus Prime.

A few guardians of the law are just chasing the corpses outside, and they are not going to provoke such a big taker.

“Meow, sir, give me a Magical Item too?”

Xu Junming wholesales Magical Items, Mao Miaomiao has long been envious of it.

He licked his face and leaned forward.

Xu Junming smiled faintly at the cute and silly look she tried hard to pretend.

“If I come back next time and see the medicine garden, grain garden, tea garden, and Diyang grass, if they are growing well, I will give you one.”

“Can’t it work now?”

“You are not qualified for no merit, you are not qualified now.”

Seeing his resolute attitude, Mao Miaomiao twitched his mouth and stopped talking.


The little blue bird cried.

Obviously it also knows that Magical Item is a good thing.

“You don’t join in the fun and cultivate honestly. Whenever you make a contribution, the master will give you this green wooden staff in his hand.”

“Shoo, hoo…!”

The little blue bird waved its wings, very confident.

After patted its head, he turned his head to look at Mao Meow.

“Take a good look at home!”

“I know!”

Xu Junming nodded slightly, urging the formation, and with the help of the big formation, he brought many guardians of the law to the outside of the valley in an instant.

Looking back, it was just a cloud-filled valley, no different from the surroundings. The mountain top where he planted the elixir was also hidden in the white clouds, and there was no abnormality.

Nodded in satisfaction, took out the “Yin & Yang Damo”, and jumped on it with the guardian god.

Magic power urged, and the great grind rose to the sky.

The spirit weapon can already take people to fly. However, the consumption of Magic power was a bit large, and he flew out of Shennongjia. After the addiction to flying away from Qingming, Xu Junming came down.

There is nothing to worry about, he doesn’t want to waste Magic power on the road.

Xu Junming took a trip to Tanzhou first with the guardian gods chasing the corpses to earn merit.

I originally thought that my Hutian Talisman had entered the blue fundamental talisman, and Lu Pan and Ren Wuji, two guardians with Gold Core combat power, would be on the side, wanting to conquer the dark space in the old house of the Cen family.

Unexpectedly, when he got there, he didn’t notice the existence in the gloom at all.

Even the haunting of Cen Mansion hadn’t happened for half a year.

Xu Junming can’t tell whether he was subdued by others? Or moved it away on its own?

Seeing that hope was lost, he stayed in Tanzhou for half a month, taught Mao Tou a little bit, and after taking the examination of his four elephant palms, Xu Junming traveled all the way north and entered the three towns of Jianghan!

As the capital of North Lake and relying on the convenient water transportation of the Yangtze River, the prosperity of the three towns in Jianghan and Han Dynasty is far more prosperous than Tanzhou, and it is one of the most important cities in southern China.

The revolution that broke out a few years ago is no longer visible, and the three towns of Jianghan are still prosperous.

Xu Junming examines this famous city of later generations, now also well-known throughout the country, with a purple crown covering a hundred miles, in the shape of a turtle and snake, and the most prosperous luck of all the cities he has been to now.

“As long as these two turtles and snakes are not destroyed, and the Yangtze River veins are not destroyed, these three Jianghan towns will always enjoy the prosperity!”

Insight is too easy The deeper the Eight Trigrams, the stronger the understanding of numerology and Feng Shui. With the cooperation of the bronze mirror, Xu Junming is now also called a master.

“Master, Wuchang is here!”

The boss of the ship respectfully said.

This Daoist is tall and strong, and he knew it was not easy to mess with.

After Xu Junming paid the ship’s freight, he stepped off the ship.

Because of its backing on the Yangtze River, Wuchang water transport is developed, and the wharf is especially busy. Boatmen wearing vests and sweating, shouting chants to move goods; well-dressed merchants arguing about prices; boat passengers who are anxious to return home after disembarking, a pair belonging to the market The breath of Life came to your face.

Of course, in this crowded place, all kinds of flavors are really good!

Xu Junming didn’t want to stay for a long time. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a ‘cock boom’.

“Hurry up, the old crane tower has fallen down!”

Someone yelled anxiously.

Xu Junming turned his head and saw that a crane standing on the edge of the river, more than six meters high, used to unload cargo from the ship had fallen for some reason.

The planning of the wharf at this time was very primitive, and it was the norm for both passengers and goods.

If this old tower crane is allowed to fall, dozens of lives will be killed or injured.

The situation was urgent, and Xu Junming didn’t even bother to hide it, and shook the green wooden staff in his hand.

“Aoki God Stake!”

In an instant, three large wooden piles joined together, suddenly rising from the ground, a few “cangs” to block the falling tower crane, and at the same time countless tough rattans grew from the stumps, which lifted the falling debris from the tower crane. , And the operator who frightened and passed out, were trapped.

A disaster disappeared into the invisible, Xu Junming no longer cared about it, and left with the green wooden staff.

“Master, are you okay?”

Qian Wanchun looked at the three big wooden stakes close at hand and the dense and tough cane above him in shock.

He, who paid his own death, just survived.

“Master, master…!”

Seeing that he was silent for a while, the servant was anxious.

“Okay, okay, don’t shake it. If you continue to shake it, you won’t be killed by this crane, and you have to be stupid to shake it to death!”

The servant was terrified and quickly said: “Master, the old slave is also in a hurry…!”

Waved to interrupt him.

“Well, for your loyal protection of the Lord, forget it this time.”

“Thank you sir, thank you sir!”

“Do you know what’s going on?”

Qian Wanchun pointed to the big wooden stake next to him.

“Old slave, let’s find out!”

I recruited a few young men from the team, and the old servant took him away. It was not long before he came back to report.

“Master, according to people seen on the pier, a tall Daoist with a wooden staff just swayed here, and three big wooden piles grew out of thin air to withstand the falling crane.”

Qian Wanchun’s eyes lit up and said hurriedly.

“Where is Daoist?”

“left already!”

“Hurry up and chase me, then.”

When the old servant heard it, he quickly took someone to find it.

“The Daoist must be a Taoist master. If he can get his hands on him, my son will be saved.”

Not to mention Qian Wanchun’s excitement, there were many people on the dock, and many people saw this scene. There were also a few who wanted to find this Taoist master.

“Lin, did you see the scene just now?”

A foreigner in a suit excitedly pointed at the big wooden stake in the distance.

Next to him, a young man who also wore a suit and had an obvious face of China nodded in a daze.

Although he also grew up listening to China’s strange stories from childhood, he never thought that such a supernatural thing as Taoism really existed in the world.

“Great, coming to China this time is the most wise decision in my life!” The young foreigner excitedly opened his arms and shouted, “I want to explore this mysterious land!”

Everyone around them responded with curious eyes. If they didn’t understand English, the expression on their faces would be ‘caring for the mentally retarded’.

The young man surnamed Lin next to him was somewhat embarrassed in the eyes of everyone.

“James, let’s go.”

“Lin, don’t go to your house yet, let’s go find that magical China mage!”

After all, without waiting for him to reply, James has hurriedly chased in the direction Xu Junming left.

“Xiao Lin-jun, have you seen it?”

Asked a slim and slender woman wearing an indigo skirt, hollow black gauze covering her head and face, and her arms wearing ladies’ gloves.

“Hi! It should be the secret technique of wood escape from the Taoist school of China.”

Saburo Kobayashi respectfully said.

“The only one who is proficient in Jiamu and Yimu Taoism at the same time is the Longhushan Tianshi Dao. Such a young, so advanced Mu Dun Realm, seems to be the descendant of Longhushan.”

“This person is really good, but he is much worse than Hanako-sama.”

Hanako Ito smiled faintly, glanced at him, and stepped forward.

“Where is Yamashita Ozu?”

“Waiting for Hanako-sama at the consulate!”

“Let’s go!”


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