Chapter 172

Chapter 171 Renjia Town

“Put people down!”

The Mandrill’s face changed, he roared, and with a wave of his giant fist, he struck Xu Junming straight.

The tyrannical force hit an air burst in an instant!

Xu Junming’s face remained unchanged, his left foot withdrew, his right hand clenched a fist and punched out.

Compared to the mandrill, his fists were slow and light, as if powerless.


After the muffled drums, Xu Junming retreated one step further.

The mandrill retreated two steps, and a fart squatted down.

“A lot of strength!”

Xu Junming’s discoloration changed.

He cultivated the gods to fight the true tactics, and the physical body was the most important thing. Now, with his Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of Xiantian, he only has the upper hand in strength with a mandrill that is no more than the middle stage of Xiantian. It can be seen that this monster is indeed worthy of the name ‘Juli’.

Mandrill got up from the ground, shook his head, and looked at Xu Junming with a trace of fear.

Since it became a demon, it gave birth to a split tiger and leopard. Nothing in the mountain has been its own opponent. Now the demon queen went down the mountain for the first time, but she broke the halberd in the hands of a small human.


With a roar, the mandrill’s body flashed with green light, the thick wood Spirit Power swelled, and the vines entangled towards Xu Junming.

“Hehe, I want to compare Dao Fa with me!”

Refers to a pinch.

“Aoki God Stake!”

A huge wooden stake measuring six feet long grew out of the ground like lightning, enclosing the mandrill in it.

Only a huge ugly face was left exposed.

The fierce eyes showed the color of struggle, but the two-foot-tall wooden stake looked like a pin of the sea god, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn’t be shaken.


The woman bound by Mandrill’s Magic power also fell.

“Master, leave that guy to me…!”

Mao Meow came rushing forward, and when he saw the situation in the field, he couldn’t help feeling depressed.

“Why did it end so soon? This guy is too incompetent.”

It was just ready to fight and have some fun for itself, but now it’s all gone.

Xu Junming didn’t bother to care about it.

I walked over and checked the woman. There was no injury, but she was overwhelmed and unconscious.

Reaching out, Magic Power held up the opponent and walked towards the Temple of Earth.

“Master, what about this big guy?”

“Don’t you want to fight? Find an open place to fight hard. Before going on the road tomorrow, sir, I want to see a tamed mandrill!”

Zheng Chou didn’t have a good meeting ceremony this time, and this mandrill was caught up.

Mao Miao Miao’s eyes lit up, and Mao’s face was eager to try.

“Master, don’t worry, wrap it around Meow.”

When the mandrill saw the black cat walking towards him, a feeling of badness rose in his heart!

Back to the Temple of the Earth, the old miaozhu was already clothed.

In addition to him, there are also the old coachman driving the car outside the temple gate, and an old woman with a sad face, gathered in the courtyard of the earth temple.

Seeing Xu Junming coming, especially after seeing the woman floating behind him, the old mother yelled.


He ran over quickly, but after seeing Xu Junming, he stopped in fear.

With a move in her heart, the woman floated into the arms of the old mother.

“She was just fainted, you help her in to rest, you can wake up in an hour.”

“Thank you, Mr. Dao! Thank you, Mr. Dao!”


The old mother was not weak, and took the thin Miss into the room.

The old coachman was not easy to get in, and after seeing nothing happened, he went out to look after the carriage.

Old Miaozhu came over.

“Dao Master, who robbed Miss just now…?”

“It’s a mandrill in this mountain!”

“Mandrill?” Old Miaozhu showed a trace of fear on his face.

“Don’t worry! This thing has been captured and killed by me, don’t worry about it coming to harass the mountain gate again.”

The old temple sighed.

His old arms and legs are not enough for a mandrill to remove.

“Thank you Dao Chang for taking action, otherwise I am afraid I will be homeless!”

“The old layman doesn’t have to be polite. The virtue of staying overnight, I feel that I am within five years, and now I am finally rewarded!”

“The Daoist is serious!”

Xu Junming smiled and said: “There are still a few hours before dawn, the old layman can go back and rest!”

“The Daoist also rests earlier!”

After bowing, Lao Miaozhu returned to his room.

Looking at the sky, Xu Junming returned to the main hall to continue to meditate, and practiced his armor by the way.

No words for a night.

“Dao Master, can the Dao Master be here?”

A hoarse voice with a somewhat old voice rang along with the knock on the door.

Xu Junming opened his eyes, retracted the seal, and opened the door.

The old lady was standing outside the door last night. Behind her, there is a beautiful woman about eighteen or nineteen years old wearing a moon-white lady’s suit and a western lady’s top hat.

Seeing Xu Junming, the woman took two steps forward and leaned back, her expression grateful.

“Thank you Mr. Dao for your rescue last night!”

“Taoists do not measure people. Since the poor Tao meets, naturally they will not stand idly by.”

“The Taoist master is indeed a Taoist master!”

Winking a wink, the old mother quickly took a pack of silver dollars from her sleeve and handed it over.

“This is a little bit of my Miss, and I hope Master Dao can accept it!”

Xu Junming was not polite, and took it directly into the law bag. He also needs silver taels when he walks in the world.

“Thank you layman for his generous gift!”

After thanking her again, the woman left the Earth Temple with her mother.

Looking at her back, Xu Junming always felt a little familiar.

Seeing that the sky was bright, Xu Junming stretched out.

“Master Dao, I slept well last night!” Lao Miaozhu walked over with a broom and asked with a smile.

Xu Junming nodded.

“The old layman Duomen took care of him, and the poor slept well.”

“Master Dao is polite, if it weren’t for you, the little old man would be unpredictable.”

“The old layman is serious!”

There was a pause.

“The sky is bright, the poor road should be on the road!”

“Dao Master, I have already cooked breakfast under the kitchen, why don’t I leave after eating some?”

“Haha, the poor way has been bigu, thank you for the kindness of the old layman!”

With a wave of his big sleeves, he took a step forward, and his figure looked like a phantom outside the mountain gate.

“Old layman, leave the poor way!”

The old temple admiredly watched the tall figure disappear at the end of the mountain road.

“Shen Nai Taoist master is also!”

When it came to the bottom of the mountain, the carriage had already left. Xu Junming summoned Mao Miaomiao through the soul-staying talisman. After a short time, a black stream of light rushed forward, and there was a tall green figure behind it.


Mao Miaomiao landed on Xu Junming’s right shoulder.

The Mandrill fell to Xu Junming’s side, with his limbs hanging down, and his eyes looked at one person and one cat with deep fear.

Looking at the mandrill’s blue nose and swollen face, it was obvious that last night, I was taught by the hairy meow.

“Meow, fortunately not insulting his life, now this guy has promised to serve the master to be driven!”

Mao Meow Meow stared, Mandrill shivered, “Puff Tong” knelt down in front of Xu Junming, repeatedly knocking his head.

“Little… demon, willing to… work under… the master’s account…!”

Divine Sense is intermittent, obviously not very proficient in speaking.

Xu Junming drew a soul-staying magic talisman in the air, and his finger sank into the mandrill. Soon it felt that there was an extra bondage on its demon soul.

The expression that was already depressed, became more and more listless.

“You don’t have to feel wronged either. Be a spirit beast under my Taoist school, and your future achievements will be much better than being a mountain king by yourself.”

Seeing it feel depressed, Xu Junming is too lazy to say.

After tasting the benefits, I naturally feel ‘really fragrant’.

Looking at the mandrill’s tall body, Xu Junming pinched a few hands, and soon countless Otsugi’s energy gathered. The vines of the thickness of the steel wire entangled with each other, and turned into a simple but extremely wide underwear and a pair of wide straw sandals.

“Put it on!”

Mandrill took it and measured it, and put it on.

Although rough, it fits perfectly.

Turning left and looking again, it was quite novel.

With a beckon, the wide hood made from the hoodie of the previous life covered the mandrill’s hideous face.

“Without my order, you are not allowed to take it off in front of others.”

The mandrill who was about to take off his hood did not dare to move for a moment.

Mao Miaomiao curiously jumped onto the mandrill’s head, stepped left and right, scratching, the face of the stupid cat also looked a little hopeful.

“Master, Meow, I also want to wear clothes!”

“Do you think you can wear it?”

Mao Miaomiao looked at herself, and then looked at the mandrill, which looked like a human body, and she didn’t seem to be able to put it on.

“Damn it, people must cultivate well, and strive to transform it early!”

“Just know! Let’s go!”

Xu Junming walked ahead, followed by Mandrill.

With the cover of this green dress, I occasionally bumped into pedestrians, just marveling at its height, but no one thought that under this large dress was a powerful monster.

After walking along the official road for about twenty miles, a prosperous town appeared in front of him.

When I came to the town’s mouth, the stone was chiseled beside it as a monument, with three large black letters on it!


Look at the stone monument, then look at the bustling town ahead.

“The power of fate is really strong, and the uncle can’t avoid coming to Renjia Town after all.”

After asking the location of Mingyizhuang from the local population, he took the Mandrill and looked for it.

After a brief examination, Xu Junming stepped forward and banged the door of the three thatched houses and the courtyard wall made of loess.


“Come, come, who, call the door early in the morning!”

A simple but young voice came from inside.

With the sound of footsteps from far and near, with a squeak, the courtyard door opened, and a young man with a simple face with a lid on the pot appeared in Xu Junming’s eyes.

Up and down looked at the young Daoist standing in front of him.

“Who are you looking for?”

“I came from Maoshan and want to see Uncle Lin!”

“Uncle Lin?”

“Your name is Wencai?” Xu Junming smiled.

“you know me?”

After nodding, Xu Junming said loudly.

“Uncle, Xu Junming is visiting, can you stay at home?”

“Are you Xu Junming?” Wen Cai exclaimed.


With the sound of breaking through the air, the Jiu Shu in pajamas appeared at the door while pulling his shoes.

“Junming, it really is you!”

Seeing Uncle Jiu who was full of surprises, Xu Junming nodded and bowed to salute.

“Xu Junming pays homage to his uncle!”

“Get up!” After supporting his arms with both hands, “I have heard your Master say about your performance in the Changchun Valley Competition. It’s really good to be able to win with one enemy and four!”

After speaking, he patted Xu Junming’s broad shoulder with joy and relief on his face.

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