Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 398: Gu Jiu's instructions

  See the young master after the bodyguard left, there has been no action or words.

 Si Yun, Si Yu, and Jiang Bai behind Jun Beimo looked at each other.

  With their concerns in their eyes.

  They don’t know what the young master is thinking.

  In short, when we came to this Thunder safety base, the young master became different.

  Jun Beimo also felt the anxiety of the three people beside him.

  He turned his head to look at Si Yun, Si Yu and Jiang Bai.

  "For the past three days, look at the Thunder Base. Any restless forces exist, and they will all be resolved before we leave."

  The three of them heard this and knew that Young Master was cleaning up for Gu Jiu.

   nodded respectfully.




After   , Jun Beimo confessed a few more words and went upstairs.

  At this time, Gu Jiu and Huo Xiang were almost talking about it, and he should also go up.

  Not seen for a while, his heart flew to her.

  I really don’t know how to go on without her when I leave in three days.

  At this time, Gu Jiu indeed talked with Huo Xiang to the end.

  Gu Jiu told Huo Xiang a few people about the next arrangement of Thunder Base.

  Lei Jie first exclaimed among the three.

  He never expected that the Thunder Base would be handed over to them.

  Huo Xiang seemed calm on the surface, but his eyes were stupid.

  It can be seen that his heart is also unstable.

   Xiao Qi did not respond, but looked at Gu Jiu respectfully.

  Everything is focused on Gu Jiu.

Seeing this, Gu Jiu calmed the three and said: "So don't care about Ji Peng's death. Your next task is to get the people on the base to recognize and obey you. This is not an easy task. It depends on how you behave next. NS."

  Huo Xiang felt surging at this time, he knew what Gu Jiu meant.

  They are all outsiders, and their previous appearances left a deep impression on everyone.

  Now the Thunder Security Base, the small forces from all sides must have their eyes on them.

  Not to mention, after he became the manager of the base, those people will definitely move.

  The meaning of Gu Jiu’s words is to let them go and leave everything to them.

  Huo Xiang felt a little pressure, but did not back down.

  This is a rare opportunity to play.

  Although the Thunder Base will belong to the Chinese forces in the future, this is also an opportunity for them to exercise.

  No one does not want power.

  Even the management right of this Thunder security base.

  This is the height they never touched.

  Huo Xiang turned to Gu Jiu with a serious face, and promised: "I will, and I will never let you down."

   "Well, that's fine. I'll take you to see Han Dongfeng in a while. You also know that they will leave in a few days."

   "Okay, then I will go down and prepare."

  Gu Jiu nodded, and Huo Xiang took Lei Jie, who was still in shock, and Xiao Qi, who had a serious face on the side, left the room.

  When the three people left Gu Jiu’s room, they saw Jun Beimo coming from the opposite side of the corridor.

  Jun Beimo saw the three people walking out of Gu Jiu's room, his eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything.

  Huo Xiang saw the appearance of Jun Beimo, but stood still and did not move.

  Until Jun Beimo walked in front of the three.

  Because I know that Gu Jiu cares about these three people, I have a special affection for them.

  Jun Beimo walked up to them. If he wanted to speak before, he didn't even speak to his lips.

   "Three Masters."

   Huo Xiang still speaks first.

  He already knew, and now they belong to the power of the Jun family.

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