Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 364: Jun Beimo, she can't afford it

  Gu Jiu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with a satisfied smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

  Yes, she wants this kind of self.

  Why make yourself so embarrassed.

  In the last life, she was so young, but she tossed herself like a married woman in her 30s or 40s.

  Obviously she is so young, still in a woman's best years.

   but died like that.

  As if she was beautiful today, she was given a chance to be born again, so why not live arbitrarily.

  Make yourself a better life.

  In this world, who else would be good to her?

  Except for herself, Gu Jiu couldn't think of anyone else.

  Jun Beimo, this man is very good, but she can't afford it.

  She has no extra feelings to pay.

  What Gu Jiu wants is simple, and she knows what she wants.

   is just freedom, without any constraints.

  As for Jun Beimo, this man may have irresistible charm.

  But Gu Jiu won't be moved.

  She also did not allow her heart to move.

   "Boom boom..."

   Just then, the door of the room was knocked.

  Gu Jiu had surprise in her eyes.

  She turned and looked at the door with her cold eyes.

   immediately had a clear look in his eyes.

  At this time, Huo Xiang and the others should be dining downstairs.

  Then the person who knocked on the door now should be Jun Beimo.

  It is impossible for this man to let the Si family brothers come.

   is based on the other party's inexplicable possession of her.

  There is also his strong side.

  After Gu Jiu guessed who the person outside the door was, she stood there and did not leave.

  Rather, he stretched out his hand and pressed the temple with quite a headache.

  At this time, she really didn't want to see that man at all.

  There seems to be magic in that man, which always makes her look like herself.

  Gu Jiu had to admit that the other party did have attractive capital.

   That tall figure, handsome face, natural grace and dignity.

  Each is the source of light.

  Just such a luminous body, a moving body full of hormones, is really embarrassing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that men are the aphrodisiac for walking.

   "Boom boom..."

  The door was knocked again.

  Gu Jiu heard the knock on the door again, and took her hand off this time.

  She adjusted the expression on her face and walked towards the door.

  Jun Beimo stood outside the door, with a faint expression on his face.

  But there is a low pressure deep in the eyes.

  He was not at all happy about Gu Jiu not opening the door.

  He knew that the woman was not asleep, and even heard his knock on the door.

  In the daytime, he rested in this room, naturally knowing that the room could clearly hear the movement outside the door.

   Then there is only one possibility, Gu Jiu didn't want to open the door.

  Because of this discovery, how could Jun Beimo be happy.

  But at this moment, the closed door in front of me was opened from the inside.

  Jun Beimo looked up and saw the woman standing inside the door with an alienated smile on her face.

   "What's the matter with Mr. Jun?"

  Gu Jiu looked at the man standing outside the door, with obvious estrangement in her eyes.

  At this time, she was not at all cramped as she was downstairs before.

   is rather calm, just like treating everyone.

  Jun Beimo saw the alienated smile on Gu Jiu's face, and the depth of his eyes became more intense.

  He doesn't like Gu Jiu's attitude at this time.

  I don’t like the smile on her face now.

  That smile is too alienated and too false.

  He has seen how sweet and charming Gu Jiu is when he smiles.

  It's definitely not so false, so alienated, and so unfamiliar.

  And Mr. Jun, what is this name?

  Jun Beimo is not happy, and his mood is not beautiful.

  PS: Poor performance!

  Dear friends, please order all and ask for a reward.

  Poor grades, Hua Hua is about to enter the little black room.

  Cry and chirp...It’s so sad, why so few people watch it.

  It’s been free for four months, and it’s finally available on the shelves, but I didn’t expect it to be such a result.

  Huahua doesn’t know what to do, she feels uncomfortable and feels a little flustered T_T.

   Ask for full text subscription, ask for a reward T_T.

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