Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 312: Life and death, in her thoughts

   "Boom boom..."

  The door sounded.

  The silence between Han Dongfeng and Zhong Qing was broken.

   "Please come in."

  Gu Jiu opened the door, looking at Han Dongfeng's relaxed face, raising her eyebrows with the courteous smile on Zhong Qing's face.

   The two pretending to be relaxed faces are really easy.

  She felt the depression in the room.

  But these Gu Jiu ignored them.

  She walked up to Han Dongfeng, "There is no problem, then let's start."

  Han Dongfeng nodded, he got up from the seat, and issued an expulsion order to his younger sister who walked into the room, as well as Zhong Qing and Huo Xiang.

   "You go to eat first, I'm fine."

"elder brother--"

  Dark clouds are still a bit worried.

  She stepped forward two steps.

  At this time, there was immense worry and fear in his heart.

  Han Dongfeng looked at his half-sister, this face is actually very pretty.

  When he picked him up, he was still a splashy monkey, and he was dry and thin.

  But after so long, the body has grown fleshy, and the face is plump, looking a bit feminine.

  But the hairy inch on this head is still very eye-catching.

  If he survives a catastrophe after today, he must be his sister and become a real woman.

  Han Dongfeng has compassion in his eyes and touched the dark cloud's hair.

  The hair is not tied to the touch, after all, a woman’s hair is not hard.

   "Wait for my good news obediently, let's keep this hair in the future and be a woman."

  When the black cloud heard this, a dim light flashed in her eyes, and she stretched out her hand to pull brother's clothes.

  What I wanted to say, but in the end I couldn’t speak.

  She left awkwardly, also free of Han Dongfeng's touch.

  Zhong Qing and Huo Xiang left the room immediately.

  Only Gu Jiu and Huo Xiang remained in the room.

Looking at the impetuousness in Han Dongfeng's eyes, Gu Jiu did not speak to comfort him.

   "Let's go in bed."

  Han Dongfeng glanced at Gu Jiu, without any emotion in his eyes.

  Now he can only give the rest of his fate to this woman.

  He has no choice.

  All this is the last expectation.

  Life and death are also between this woman's thoughts.

  Han Dongfeng feels quite calm.

  He walked towards the side of the bed and lay on the bed obediently.

  Gu Jiu then walked over.

  She still didn't say anything, and started directly.

  Raise your hands, and the healing ability in your hands will instantly light up in your hands.

  The crystal white light is very filling.

   Feeling that the power is almost over, Gu Jiu moved towards Han Dongfeng's body.

  Display the head, move it down slowly little by little.

  These white crystals are all supernatural energy in Gu Jiu's body.

  After all the energy consumed is consumed, her body will be depleted.

  As long as the intensity is controlled, there will be no danger.

  Gu Jiu looked serious and frowned.

  At first, Han Dongfeng could open his eyes.

  But then he felt the blood flow back all over his body, and he felt pain inexplicably.

  He closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and endured it all.

  Gu Jiu similarly scanned Han Dongfeng’s body bit by bit, expelling the toxins from his body bit by bit.

  When the abilities in her hands passed through Han Dongfeng's body, a trace of black and red blood was exuded in the skin tissue.

  Although there are not many, it looks very disgusting.

  Gu Jiu forced to endure the unpleasant smell and kept scanning Han Dongfeng's body.

  Time passed unknowingly.

  Until half an hour passed, Gu Jiu still did not stop.

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