At this time, her face is a bit ugly.

  Gu Jiu took out the wet wipes from her bag and wiped her fingers.

  He looked down very seriously.

  She still can't touch men, even if it is a man who doesn't hate, she still disgusts her body.

  Gu Jiu frowned, her face unhappy.

  This problem started after being born again.

  It's not that you can't touch people, but it's psychologically uncomfortable.

  Always feel...dirty.

  Yes, dirty.

  Affected by the man Yang Zihua, she always feels dirty.

  Especially being touched by a man makes her mentally unacceptable.

  Han Dongfeng saw Gu Jiu's action, and a dim light flashed in his eyes.

  To be honest, he is a man, although he is not as hypocritical as a woman, but watching Gu Jiu's movements at this time, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

  Gu Jiu raised her eyes and saw the look in Han Dongfeng's eyes, and she naturally knew what the other party thought.

   "It's just a little clean, don't take it to heart."

  At this time, Gu Jiu returned to the indifference before.

  As far as she and Han Dongfeng are concerned, it is nothing more than mutual benefit, and there is no need to take it to heart.

   But in the future, Huo Xiang will have a few people under his hands, so he still needs to take care of it.

  Han Dongfeng's eyes were clear, and the discomfort in her heart also dissipated in the words of her explanation.

   "I didn't expect you to have such a heart for those people, but I don't know if they will still appreciate you in the future."

  Han Dongfeng’s words were a bit unpleasant, but this is true.

  Gu Jiu listened to her ears, her face did not change.

  Apocalypse is the most challenging situation.

  She can't always guarantee that Huo Xiang and the others are loyal to her.

  But these people are treating her well right now, and she will try to help them get some opportunities.

  As for where they go in the future, it is their good fortune.

  So Gu Jiu smiled lightly, “I only do what I should do. As for the future, who can say it clearly.”

  Han Dongfeng had to admire the woman in front of him.

  She doesn’t care about anything, not even anyone.

  Her strength lies here.

   But now that the two have such a deal, he will also be able to agree to the counterparty.

  Seeing that Han Dongfeng had nothing to say, Gu Jiu turned and walked towards the door.

  Han Dongfeng saw this and immediately shouted to the other person, “Miss Gu, don’t you just eat here today, by the way, introduce you and Huo Xiang to the people below.”

  Gu Jiu paused, "Okay."

  After speaking, he turned and left.

  She guessed that Han Dongfeng would definitely express something today.

  I am very satisfied with these Gu Jiu.

  Looking at Gu Jiu leaving, Han Dongfeng still looked at the direction the other party left.

  Even though the door had been closed, his sight did not leave.

  Gu Jiu—

  This woman is not to be hushing, she is also very mysterious.

  Where did the oppressive aura in her come from?

   Is it just because her power level is higher than him?

  Han Dongfeng fell silent.

  Although the other party has no idea about his position.

   But Han Dongfeng still has a feeling.

  Thunder base, it won’t be too peaceful.

  He just has an instinct.

  Gu Jiu left the room, and saw the blushing face of the dark cloud outside the door that had not yet subsided.

  And Zhong Qing’s courteous smile.

  She nodded to the two and left.

  I don’t know how Huo Xiang’s people are doing?

  It looks like they can have a big meal again tonight.

  Take it as a reward for them to clean up their housework.

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