Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 197: Gu Jiu's killing intent

   But the situation at this time and Mu Siran's attitude made it obvious to Liu Hu that it was impossible to get what he asked for.

  Musiran ignored Liu Hu, but looked at Gu Jiu next to him, “Miss Gu, you are worth the goods of a truck. Are you satisfied with the price?”

  Gu Jiu's expression was a little cold when he heard the obvious joking words.

  She could hear Mu Siran not saying anything.

  This made her look at Liu Hu on the opposite side, with a bit of killing intent on her face.

  Liu Hu's opinion, Mu Siran and others changed his face, and his face couldn't be stretched anymore.

  Looking at the woman sitting by the nearest fire, she pulled up one directly, and in front of everyone, she tore open the army green coat on the woman's body to get her hands up and down.

  He really wanted to reduce the fire at this time.

  The woman wears nothing, and there are many traces of ambiguity.

  Gu Jiu squinted her eyes slightly when she saw this scene.

  Musiran, Si Yun, Si Yu and others, their expressions remained the same.

   Huo Xiang and Lei Jie's faces were red.

  But when the two looked at Liu Hu and others, their eyes were obviously colder.

  A simple action by Liu Hu completely tore off all the disguise.

  There are so many women present. They wear the same clothes. It is not difficult to see that they are the same as the women in Liu Hu's hands.

  After Liu Hu tore the clothes off the woman's body, most of the other women around were shivering.

  It seems that they are very afraid of Liu Hu.

  Gu Jiu took a few steps forward and looked at the appearance of Liu Hu putting his hands on the woman in his arms, and his face became colder and colder.

  She hates this kind of beast in clothing.

  Gu Jiu stood opposite Liu Hu, watching everything he did with a cold expression.

  Liu Hu saw Gu Jiu stand up, the evil-evil light in his eyes became more and more obvious.

  "Beauty, as long as you follow me, I promise that you will be delicious and spicy. Come here. As long as you come, I promise you will be the only woman in the future."

  Liu Hu threw the woman in his arms up and down, and then threw it to the wretched man who was aside.

  At this time, there was no woman's obstruction, and Gu Jiu saw Liu Hu's lower body bulge at a glance.

  She couldn't bear it anymore, and gently raised her hand, and the flame in her hand gradually rose.

  Liu Hu saw this scene and squinted his eyes. “The beauty turned out to be a supernatural person. It seems that she is toasting and not eating or punishing wine.”

   Talking that Liu Hu also uses the abilities within the body.

  Unfortunately, Gu Jiu didn't give him a chance at all.

  I saw the flame in her hand and quickly attacked Liu Hu.

  A gust of wind hit Liu Hu, and he was attacked by fire when he was about to use his ability.


  As soon as the flame hit Liu Hu's body, it quickly swept through his body.

  A painful wailing sounded from his mouth.

  Gu Jiu's battle on this road, the fire power has already been upgraded.

  Now her fire ability is already level two.

  The ability sensor just uploaded from Liu Hu's body, let Gu Jiu know that this man's ability should be the wind element.

  It's a pity that she really doesn't want to pester each other, such a person should be killed and hurry up.

  The people around saw that Liu Hu was surrounded by flames and turned into a fireman, as well as his howling like a pig, and they retreated.

  Even the wretched man who was fond of Liu Hu before, at this time he held the woman in his arms and quickly moved away.

  Want to leave here.

  They did not expect a woman to have such ability.

  The speed of the flame attacking Liu Hu's body was too fast for them to catch.

  In a blink of an eye, their boss became a fire man.

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