To cross the road in a while, those who charge tolls will definitely search for the car. At this time, they can solve it if they can solve it.

  The vehicle in front is moving slowly.

  Musiran, Gu Jiu and others have already begun to deal with the food in the car.

  This time they are all filling their stomachs.

  Huo Xiang, Lei Jie, and Xiao Qi are all holding a pile of food, and there are some fruits on the car seat beside them.

  On this road, every time they pass by a place, they don’t forget to collect supplies.

  So along the way, they never lack food.

  But now it is very possible to give these foods to others, how can they accept it psychologically.

  Lei Jie almost constantly stuffed his mouth with food.

   "Tenino! What a mess!"

  Lei Jie couldn't eat anymore, after taking a few sips of water, he finally couldn't help but complain.

  Huo Xiang and Xiao Qi are almost eating, they are eating fruit at this time.

  Hearing Lei Jie's words, Huo Xiang glanced at Gu Jiu in front of him.

  I saw that Gu Jiu didn't speak up, and even turned his eyes to the sleeping white wolf sitting in the co-pilot.

  White Wolf has become more intimate with Gu Jiu in this half month.

  They all know that White Wolf is a transfiguration, even a man.

   However, Gu Jiu has no pressure and is as close to the White Wolf as ever.

   is even more intimate.

  It’s just that in the past week, White Wolf doesn’t know what’s wrong, so it’s easy to get sleepy.

  It’s not today that White Wolf has been in a coma all afternoon again.

  Huo Xiang glanced at Lei Jie who was still about to speak, and directly stuffed an apple into the opponent's mouth.

  Lei Jie stared at Huo Xiang dumbfounded, seeing his disapproval gaze, and following his gaze, he saw Gu Jiu looking at the white wolf.

  Although he was in a coma for a while, he knew everything he should know.

  Naturally also knows the identity of the white wolf very well.

   even knew that White Wolf had a name, Mo.

  Every time Gu Jiu called Bai Langmo, the smile on his face became more obvious when he got along with him.

  He felt that the wolf-person relationship was weird.

  However, seeing Gu Jiu’s silent side at this time, Lei Jie kept his mouth shut, holding the apple in his mouth, Gats Gatsi began to gnaw.

  Gu Jiu looked at the white wolf lying on the co-pilot, with a worried look in her eyes.

  In fact, when the White Wolf was initially lethargic, she felt that something was wrong with him.

  Looking at the white wolf's lacklustre appearance, she fed the lotus seeds to the opponent.

  But the White Wolf had no effect at all, and the sleeping time was getting longer and longer.

After   , she fed the white wolf lotus seeds every day.

  Now she has no lotus seeds in her hands.

  The few lotus seeds left were all fed to the white wolf by her.

  Now the white wolf is still asleep, and has started to sleep after lunch.

  Because of the White Wolf, Gu Jiu did not eat much.

  There was no hunger in her abdomen, and she decisively gave up the food around her.

  Time passed very quickly, and the queued vehicles were about to reach them in a blink of an eye.

  As long as they cross this road, they enter S city, and take another night's rest, and they must be able to reach the capital tomorrow night.

  In their car, close to the intersections where tolls were collected, they saw the scene in front of them.

  I saw a lot of corpses lying on both sides of the road, including men and women, and even some children.

  Their corpses were just thrown on the side of the road at random, and they all had gunpoints on their bodies.

  Some corpses are still bleeding.

  The blood-red eyes pierced everyone's eyes.

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