Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 170: Gu Jiu feels soft again (plus more)

  Huo Xiang didn't understand the meaning of Gu Jiu's words at first.

   But seeing her face so serious, she understood in a blink of an eye.

  White Wolf has the same transformation ability as Xiaoqi.

  White Wolf is a person, but also a man.

  This is big news.

  If White Wolf is a man and still sticks to Gu Jiu so much, it will be full of violations.

  Huo Xiang knows that the white wolf is male.

  Well, it's a male.

  After all, Gu Jiu said that the white wolf is a transfiguration ability. This is definitely not a joke, he understands Gu Jiu.

  I still remember he joked before, saying that the white wolf regarded Gu Jiu as a she-wolf.

  Think about it now, why is it so guilty.

  Huo Xiang didn't think that Gu Jiu was joking suddenly.

  Since he spoke, then there must be something wrong with the White Wolf.

   Xiao Qi looked at the noble white wolf who was behind the door, tilted her head and was silent.

   And Huo Xiang seemed to have discovered something, and he didn't speak with a guilty conscience.

  Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Gu Jiu turned his head and sighed.

   However, I felt relieved because of the incident.

  The white wolf touched Xiao Qi's sight, and the pair of blue eyes softly in front of Gu Jiu, immediately became cold.

When    looked at Xiaoqi, he was also full of aloft aura.


  He howled a few times outside the door.

  The voice made Xiao Qi tremble.

  Jun Beimo could not hear Gu Jiu's words outside the door, but he could also feel weird when he saw the situation inside the car.

   Xiaoqi heard the roar of the white wolf, and he raised his head to look at Gu Jiu.

  The corners of his lips were pressed tightly, he wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to say it.

  White Wolf is already very impatient outside the car.

  But did not dare to face Gu Jiu, only knowing to scare him.

   "Actually, he didn't do anything, just likes to be close to Miss Gu."

  After a long time, Xiao Qi organized the language to speak.

  Gu Jiu stopped rubbing her forehead hand.

Although Xiaoqi's words are simple, they are also important.

  The White Wolf did nothing and never disturbed their way forward.

   also did not do anything to hurt them.

  Some are just inexplicable closeness to her.

  Some are just acting cute in front of her.

  She seems to care too much about being talked about.

  Who knows if what the pervert said is true or not.

  Gu Jiu's face softened a bit at this moment.

  She opened the door of the co-pilot.

  Xiao Qi regretted it after speaking.

  He is helping the White Wolf speak.

  Others don't know what Bai Lang's idea is, can he still not know.

  When the white wolf appeared, it was directed at Gu Jiu.

  The noble lineage and powerful ability of the other party are different from Gu Jiu.

  I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse.

  Fortunately, the other party has no malicious intent towards Gu Jiu.

  Otherwise, even if the coercion on the white wolf is strong, he will not help each other to speak.

  The door of the co-pilot was opened, and Jun Beimo jumped into the car impatiently.

  As soon as he got into the car, he murmured while facing Gu Jiu.

   Those cold eyes have also become aggrieved.

   is such a pair of beautiful blue eyes, every time Gu Jiu looks at it and likes it.

  Even if he knew that the other party was deliberate, Gu Jiu couldn't help but feel soft.

  Seeing White Wolf’s old-fashioned approach, Gu Jiu smiled softly.

  Jun Beimo felt that something was slowly changing.

   Seeing Gu Jiu’s smile at this time, he thought that he had been thinking too much.

  He couldn't help but leaned close to Gu Jiu, trying to nudge him.

  Huo Xiang, who was sitting in the back seat, saw this, his eyes could not help widening, seeing the white wolf, he was going to rub Gu Jiu.

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