Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 143: Out of the encirclement (1)

  Musiran shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the words, then his face became cold, and the car pressed against the body of the zombie behind him.

   However, new zombies continued to flow in from the front.

  Although they are unconscious low-level zombies, their desire for fresh flesh and blood gives them new actions.

  Musiran could not back up at this time, because a group of zombies once again surrounded the car.

  Some zombies even started to push the car.

  Such a zombie, that physical strength must also be strong.

  At this time, Mu Siran, Si Yun, and Si Yu were sitting in the car and could not get out at all.

  Even if they open the car door and go out, they will be overwhelmed by zombies for the first time.

  As for what Musran said before letting them leave first, it was obvious that Musran planned to use himself to protect them.

  How to protect this issue, Si Yun and Si Yu know what the other party will do without even thinking about it.

  This is also the reason for their refusal.

  They will not trade the lives of their brothers in exchange for living in this world.

   Holding the mentality of fighting, Mu Siran reversed the car, pressed over the zombies under the car, and then quickly stepped on the accelerator.

  He even rushed directly to the denser zombies in front.



  Those zombies roared excitedly at Mu Siran's actions.

  It's like seeing fresh flesh and blood food delivered to the door.

  Unfortunately, Musiran rushed to the zombies and smashed their team apart.

   then quickly rotated the steering wheel, and turned directly in this small space.

  The speed is very fast, even when it encounters surrounding zombies and parked vehicles, it still spins the steering wheel flexibly.

  Those zombies saw Mu Siran's turning of the front of the car. They didn't understand, but they stepped forward again and surrounded the car.

  This is their desire for fresh flesh and blood.

  The zombies that were disrupted came up from all around again.

   But at this time, Mou Siran had already turned the front of the car.

  But the price paid is a bit high, that is, this car is about to end.

  Because the car crashed into other vehicles, it smashed a crack in the window glass, and the car door was also recessed.

  Jun’s vehicle, but the modified Hummer driven by Gu Jiu, has the same protection factor.

  It can be seen how tricky Mu Siran's driving skills are.

  Musiran intends to break up the team of zombies so as to break out of the encirclement.

  Unfortunately, there were too many zombies around, and soon those zombies surrounded them again.

  Musiran stepped on the gas pedal, and the zombies in front of him were also injured a lot by the car, but the car still couldn't move.

  The resistance ahead is too great to drive past.

  The zombies around the body were still pushing the car, and the body began to shake.

   Seeing a thin layer of sweat hung on this Mou Siran's face, he looked at Si Yun next to him, "This time I really miscalculated."

  Si Yun and Si Yu could hear the frustration in his words.

  The zombies surrounded the car, and the surrounding black was so heavy that they couldn't see the situation outside.

  I don’t know how Gu Jiu and the others are, whether they have taken the young master out.

  Have you taken the young master on the road?

  At this moment, the car shook again.

  Musiran, Si Yun, and Si Yu sat in the car and shook a few times.

  They looked at the ugly zombies outside the car, their faces were pale and bloodstained, and there was no fear in their eyes.

  They are not afraid of death, but they are still a bit unwilling to be buried here at this time.

  The car was still shaking, and Mu Siran left the steering wheel with both hands.

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