Just as Gu Jiu was about to start the car, she suddenly raised her head and looked at a place outside the car.

  Even though it was pitch black outside, Gu Jiu stared straight at one place.

  It's not just Mou Siran who felt that he was being stared at by something, but Gu Jiu also felt it.

  She has felt this way since she was eating at White Wolf.

  She thought she was too nervous.

   But this feeling is still there at this moment.

  This shows that this is not her illusion.

  Gu Jiu looked up in the direction, where it was pitch black and could not see anything.

   But before her intuition, the weird she felt being stared at was there.

  Can't see anything, Gu Jiu retracted his eyes, started the car and quickly left the place.

  Behind the car, Musiran and others saw it and quickly followed.

  Behind them, where Gu Jiu was staring before, there was a pair of naive but unconcealable evil sights, staring closely at the vehicle they were leaving.

  When the car of Gu Jiu and others disappeared, the master of those eyes came from the dark.

  Only those dark eyes with shining eyes are especially obvious in the dark.

"Hee hee hee……"

  After a while, the man made a naive and penetrating laugh.

  This person is not someone else, it is 20017 who disappeared before.

  She stood there for a long time before turning around 1 and went immediately.

  Everything has just begun.


  Gu Jiu drove directly onto the highway to Beijing.

  The journey is extremely quiet, except for their fleet, almost no vehicles can be seen.

  But on the road, there are occasionally a few trucks parked, and private cars exist alone.

   Turning a blind eye to this, Gu Jiu drove quickly in one direction.

  On the dark highway, a few cars are driving fast, with a strong sense of presence.

  The dark environment around is like a beast, waiting for ignorant people to enter their mouths.

   Those green eyes were staring in the dark surroundings.

  These are all animals that panic and become angry and irritable after the end of the world.

  They watched several cars driving fast on the highway without any attack.

  But who can guarantee that when those vehicles stop, they will swarm up.

  Unfortunately, the vehicles of Gu Jiu and others will not stop.

  The end of the world is coming, not only humans have mutated, but animals are also the same.

  They have no chance to attack Gu Jiu and others.

  The car moved quickly.

  Gu Jiu and Mu Siran relaxed slowly because of the tension they had been at the transit station before, and because they were unimpeded along the way.

  The first half of the night passed so safely.

  However, they didn’t know that, behind them, a crazy side was playing out.

  Even the crazy behavior keeps coming in their direction.

  20017 was attacked by Gu Jiu and burned his face.

  She left the transit station and came to a densely populated place.

  Looking at those unconscious zombies, he giggled.

   Then she cut a wound on her wrist with a knife.

   Sprinkle those blood on the zombies group and spill it on the ground.

  I saw those unconscious zombies, with red eyes one by one, rushing to the blood of 20017 frantically.

  Even if the blood drips on the ground, they will not let go.

  20017 looked at the wound on his wrist, lowered his head and placed the wound to his mouth, stretched out his tongue to roll the blood into his mouth.

  The warm blood was drawn into her mouth by 20017, making her evil face a bit crazy.

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