Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 120: Jun Beimo's heart... is covered with blood

  The kind of fear, the kind of fear that is about to lose a woman and never see each other again.

  This is the feeling he has never experienced no matter how terrifying danger he has experienced during so many years of mission.

  Jun Beimo felt this kind of mood for the first time, this kind of strange involvement.

  The feeling of being picked up, it seems that it hasn't eased.

  Jun Beimo looked at Gu Jiu deeply, his eyes were full of complexity at this time.

  At this time, he didn't hide a bit, and he didn't seem to be afraid of exposing anything.

  And Gu Jiu saw the white wolf's humanized gaze and the complexity in his eyes, so it was true in his heart.

  She knew that this white wolf was not easy.

  At this time, the white wolf no longer hides it. Whether it is the look in the eyes or the coercion emanating from the whole body, it is not what an animal should have.

  Even if it is a wolf, it will not have such a human look, and that powerful coercion.

  At this moment, Mu Siran and Si Yun also ran over.

  The two knelt on one knee, seeing the young master's body covered in blood, and their eyes were flustered.

  Especially Mou Siran's face, which has always been smiling like a fox. At this moment, he is in a panic with deep self-blame, and there is also an invisible emotion.

  Gu Jiu watched as Mu Siran stretched out her hand tremblingly, trying to touch the white wolf's body.

  But the white wolf was covered in blood, and he seemed to be unable to start.

  Si Yun's calm face was also a little cracked at this moment.

  The corners of the tight lips and the hands clenched into fists show how intense his inner emotions are.

  Gu Jiu looked at the expressions of the two people, as well as their emotions, and what else did they not understand.

  At first glance, this white wolf is very important to them.

  At this time, Gu Jiu was already more than half sure, thinking that the situation of Bai Lang and Xiao Qi was about the same.

  But she knew it was one thing, but it was another thing if she didn’t tell her.

  As long as the other party does not point out, she will not take the initiative to mention it.

  However, seeing the blood on the white wolf, Gu Jiu walked to him and squatted down.

   didn't know why as long as it was this white wolf, she would always be attracted a little attention by the other party.

  It's like this time, and some care about whether the other party is really injured.

  Seeing the white wolf covered in blood, Gu Jiu was also unable to start.

  There is really no place to start.

   But Jun Beimo raised his head at this time, he raised his neck and looked at the woman in front of him.

  The strange emotions this woman made him, and the feeling of palpitation, made him want to maintain a different self in front of the other person.

   However, it was the action of Jun Beimo that made Gu Jiu find a place to start.

  Gu Jiu reached out to the white wolf's jaw.

  She didn’t know that the wolf’s jaw had a different meaning.

   Those white jade hands stretched out toward Jun Beimo's jaw.

  Musiran and Si Yun saw Gu Jiu's action, their eyes were incredible.

  They couldn't bear to look straight on their faces, but at the same time they shot to block Gu Jiu's movements.

  Unfortunately, they are not as fast as Gu Jiu.

  Gu Jiu reached out to the white wolf's jaw, where the soft flesh and hair were still warm.

  She touched a few handily.

   Then she felt the tight body of the white wolf.

   Then he looked at the other person’s eyes.

  I saw the white wolf's eyes narrowed slightly, but the blue in his eyes was so obvious.

  There was alertness in those eyes, and a hint of uncomfortableness.

  At this time, even though Jun Beimo kept a wolf body, he could not deny that he was a human being.

  The position of the chin is exactly his taboo, and it will not be easily touched.

  That is the restricted area, once it is controlled by others, it will be the hands of the other party.

  PS: Ask for five-star praise (QQ asks for 10 points). I ask for all kinds of things every day, but nobody cares.

  Maybe there are not many people who see it, and the beauties that I see are not positive, Huahua decided to reduce it~

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