Gu Jiu looked at the two people in front of her, and she knew that they didn't have any abilities.

  At this time, they were in front of them. If 20017 is really riot-moving, they will undoubtedly die.

"Step aside!"

  An icy voice sounded from behind.

  Musiran and Si Yun looked at each other, and at the same time looked back at Gu Jiu behind them.

  They can feel the unquestionable in the woman's tone.

  But the two did not give way for the first time, but looked down at the white wolf.

  Jun Beimo also looked at them with disapproval in his eyes.

  He can feel the weirdness of the little girl, which is very difficult to deal with.

  So it is impossible to let Mu Siran and Si Yun die in vain.

   Seeing the disagreement in the eyes of the young master, they slowly moved away.

   did not go far, but stood beside Gu Jiu and Young Master one by one.

   And 20017 had a somewhat unpleasant face. After Musiran and Si Yun stepped aside, they saw White Wolf again, and the expression on his face returned to the "innocent" smile.

  She looked at the white wolf with shining eyes, her dark eyes turned steadily and she didn't know what she was thinking.

  Gu Jiu felt danger in her eyes.

  That is a danger to the white wolf.

  20017 The eyes that looked at the white wolf were full of malice, with excitement in his eyes, but they couldn't hide the perverted light that dissected the white wolf.

  Jun Beimo naturally dared to see the malice that the little girl could not hide.

   "I want it! Send it to me immediately!"

  20017 looked at White Wolf with straight eyes, and the words of the command came from her mouth.

  But Gu Jiu and others did not make any movements.

  20017 waited for a long time, only to find that the other party did not take any action.

  She raised her head to look at Gu Jiu. In her consciousness, Gu Jiu was the enemy and the leader of those people.

  She felt the power fluctuations in Gu Jiu, because she was the strongest of these people.

  "If you want to leave, give me the white wolf, otherwise these "warriors" will tear you apart!"

  Gu Jiu looked at 20017 and pointed at the zombies and said they were warriors. She frowned.

  The 200171 in front of him obviously doesn't know the identity of the zombies, and they call them fighters. Isn't this really playing the family?

   However, just between Gu Jiu's eyebrows, 20017 has already waved at the zombies.

   Soon those zombies moved into action.



  The zombies all came towards them, and the deafening roar made people's ears a little uncomfortable.

  Musiran and Si Yun stretched out their hands to cover their ears, and the only two of them present were ordinary people.

  The moment the zombies rushed over, the flame in Gu Jiu's hand began to increase.

  Huo Xiang and Xiaoqi also made defensive moves.

  Just wait for the moment when the zombie rushes over, and fight with them.

   But while they were waiting, a white shadow pounced on the group of zombies.




  When they heard the sound, Mou Siran and Si Yun, who were standing beside Gu Jiu, raised their feet to rush over.

  Gu Jiu pulled their clothes from left to right.

  The howling of wolves, and the roar of zombies constantly sounded.

  Among those sounds, there was also a deafening thunder.

  The white wolf rushed into the group of zombies. Thunder and lightning surged in the group of zombies, and billowing smoke was quickly ignited.

  At first, Gu Jiu and others could still see that the lightning fell on the zombies to the scene.

   But as the lightning hit more and more zombies, the billowing smoke blocked their sight.

  PS: Ask for collection, ask for recommended votes, ask for five-star praise (mobile QQ asks for a full 10 points for praise) mua! ( ̄3 ̄)~

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