Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 113: Encounter with zombies

  Gu Jiu walked into the supermarket and did not look at the things on the shelves, but walked towards the supermarket.

  Huo Xiang and the others have been following Gu Jiu.

  They felt the tension in the atmosphere and the flames of Gu Jiu's abilities.

  It seems that there is a real problem here.

  Musiran had been following them all the time, because Huo Xiang and others were obstructed, they did not immediately discover the ability in Gu Jiu's hand.

  Gu Jiu continued, but stopped when she reached the end of the shelf.

  At this time, in front of her is a freezer, and next to her is a utility room.

  She stopped and looked at the two rooms deeply.

  At this time, Mu Siran and others also came to them.

   Seeing Gu Jiu stopped, Mu Siran stepped forward.

  However, at this moment, he finally saw the flame that was burning in Gu Jiu's hand.

  The flame was in Gu Jiu's hands, but she didn't have any pain of being burned.

Looking at Gu Jiu like this, Mou Siran was speechless for a while.

  Is this performing magic? Still using the blindfold method?

  For a while, Mou Siran didn't know how to speak.

  Huo Xiang and Lei Jie have already stepped forward and came to Gu Jiu's side, "Do you want to open the door?"

  Gu Jiu nodded, Huo Xiang and Lei Jie had already walked to one room by themselves, and directly kicked the door open.



  As soon as the door was kicked open, the roar of zombies came from inside.

  Gu Jiu increased the flame in his hand, and Huo Xiang also raised his hand to attack the wind blade towards the room at the first moment, and then quickly backed away.

  Lei Jie stood in the utility room without any movement.

  The utility room he opened also contains zombies.

  And he had no reason to leave in the first place, because he felt the energy fluctuations in his body again.

  That is the fluctuation that occurred in the hotel before.

  If he guessed well, this is his ability.

  He wants to know what kind of power he is, so he is blogging.

  The zombies in the utility room have appeared in his eyes.

  It was this time that Lei Jie felt strong fluctuations in his body.

  He raised his hand unconsciously.

  As he raised his hand, the zombies had already rushed over.

   But no matter how fast the zombies are, they are not as fast as Lei Jie's actions.

  As Lei Jie raised his hand, the floor of the utility room in front of him began to tremble.

  As Lei Jie raised his hand, the dirt rising from the ground began to rise slowly, until it blocked the clutter in front of him.

  Gu Jiu had already taken action when Huo Xiang retreated, just because there were too many zombies in the freezer.

  When Huo Xiang withdrew, which zombies had already swarmed out.

  Huo Xiang also joined the battle, Xiaoqi also did not fall behind.

   Xiaoqi’s ability is a power system ability, he can tear the body of a zombie with his bare hands.

  When Gu Jiu was fighting, he did not forget to pay attention to Lei Jie's side.

  As early as seeing Lei Jie's raising her hand, she had already guessed Lei Jie's plan.

  She watched as Lei Jie blocked the two-meter-high door in the utility room.

  However, there seemed to be something in the rising earth shield, as if it was a human figure.

  Gu Jiu finished solving the zombies at hand, and then went to take a closer look, as expected.

  There is a person buried in the earth shield, no, or a zombie is more accurate.

  It seems that Lei Jie wrapped the zombies in the earth shield.

  Seeing that Lei Jie can also use abilities, Gu Jiu's eyes flashed brightly.

  Leijie is an earth type ability, and such an ability is not bad.

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