Musiran naturally accepted Gu Jiu's scrutiny.

  He did not hear the answer from the other party, nor was he anxious, but waited silently.

   By the way, he waved to the bodyguard of Jun's house.

  Those people in black saw this and immediately put away the weapons in their hands.

Seeing this, Si Yun and Si Yu also came to Mu Siran.

  Si Yun looked at Gu Jiu's familiar face, his calm face softened a bit.

He showed an unnatural smile, "We met because the white wolf is very important to us. Now he doesn't cooperate. I hope you can be more considerate. It is also safer to go on the road together, and to take care of each other. "

  Si Yun and others don’t know the outside world. What he said is safe because Gu Jiu is a woman.

   And when Musran turned his head, he knew the general situation of the young master through years of tacit understanding.

  At this time, he can only bite the bullet and ask the woman to take in the young master.

  And when Gu Jiu heard Si Yun's words, she looked at the stiff expression on his face, and then at Mou Siran's fox smile, the corners of her mouth curled up.

   "Whatever you want."

  After speaking, she walked towards her car.

  And Jun Beimo saw her movements and immediately followed.

   Just as Gu Jiu opened the car door, she turned her head and waited for Mu Siran and said, "My name is Gu Jiu."

  Gu Jiu knew that he couldn't let go of the White Wolf for the time being, so he had acquiesced to them and went to the capital together.

  In this case, she did not pretend to be, and reported her name.

After    reported her name, Gu Jiu did not look back, she was waiting for something.

  Musran heard Gu Jiu’s words, and the smile on his face became a little real.

  He smiled and said, "My name is Mou Siran."

   said, pointing to the brothers Si Yun and Si Yu, "They are called Si Yun and Si Yu."

  Gu Jiu nodded when he heard the words, sat in the driving seat, and closed the door.

  Jun Beimo was in the passenger seat, looking at the closed door, scratching the door with his paw.

  Hearing the movement of the paw on the door, Gu Jiu resigned and opened the door in the passenger seat.

  White Shadow jumped up and quickly landed on the driving position.

  When those faint blue eyes looked at Gu Jiu, they still glowed with grievances.

  Every time he faces the wrong eyes of the white wolf, Gu Jiu is always soft-hearted, and there is also a kind of hope in his heart that he wants to comfort the other party.

  She felt that she had control of her fluff, otherwise, why would she always want to get close to this white wolf.

   Restrained from trying to pet the white wolf, Gu Jiu looked at the people in the back seat.

   "Those people will go on the road with us. They are here to find the White Wolf, and their destination is also the capital."

   Just such a sentence has already made Huo Xiang, Lei Jie, and Xiaoqi already understand.

  This white wolf is very clingy to Gu Jiu. It must be the reason for the white wolf. Those talents will go on the road with them.

   But there is no danger.

  Before seeing those people with heavy weapons in their hands, they thought there would be a fierce battle.

  But I don’t know what the man with gold frame glasses said to Gu Jiu, those guys with heavy weapons put down their weapons.

  As long as they can really get along on the road together in peace, they naturally have no opinion.

  And they believe in Gu Jiu’s judgment.

  Gu Jiu was steady from beginning to end, she took them to the present step.

  Huo Xiang and Lei Jie looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

  Especially think of the scene in the hotel before.

  They did not blame Gu Jiu for being unable to save.

  It’s just that I have been unable to pass my level.

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