Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 105: Woman's indifference

  Seeing the twin brothers at this time, Gu Jiu guessed that maybe she was overly worried.

  If these people guessed well, they should be from Jun's company.

  Before Gu Jiu got out of the car, Musiran and others could not see clearly what was going on in the car.

  They looked at the car nervously, just about to approach, to see the situation of the young master, but they didn't want the car door to be opened.

  A young woman jumped out of the car, wearing a casual sportswear, with a delicate and beautiful face in their eyes.

  It's just that the woman's eyes are indifferent, with an alienated temperament all over her body.

  The owner of the car who had been driving turned out to be a woman.

   Speeding the car so fast, so fierce.

  It can be seen that this woman is also a cruel.

  After getting out of the car, the woman did not look at them, but walked around the front of the car, went to the co-pilot and opened the door.

  Looking at the white wolf lying on the front passenger seat, Gu Jiu laughed and said, "Get off."

  Jun Beimo raised his head and looked at Mu Siran and the others coldly.

   Then he jumped out of the car.

   Seeing the young master's wolf body, Mu Siran, Si Yun, and Si Yu stepped forward one after another.

  And Gu Jiu, who had been following them all the time, confirmed that these people really came at the White Wolf.

After Jun Beimo got out of the car, there was no one looking at Jun's house. He stood behind the woman.

  Gu Jiu saw this and walked towards the three people who were holding heavy weapons and surrounded by them.

  She kept looking at her twin brother.

  Si Yun and Si Yu felt familiar from the first sight of a woman.

   Soon they found the woman’s face from memory.

  Gazed at each other's eyes, because they were twin brothers, they all felt it.

  The two of them thought of this woman, who had appeared in Jun's branch.

  That time, Musiran followed the young master into the meeting room, so he had never seen a woman.

   Thinking of this, Si Yun leaned close to Mu Siran and whispered a few words.

  Musiran heard Si Yun's words and looked at Gu Jiu's eyes, not as nervous as before.

  He looked at Gu Jiu who was coming, and followed him a few steps forward.

   "Hello, lady."

  Musiran’s appearance is very gentle, especially with those eyes, which blocks the cold light in his eyes a lot.

   Such gentle men like jade are generally liked by women.

   But Gu Jiu felt the alienation emanating from the man, and the cunning smell like a fox.

  This is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing all the time, but it is not as easy to touch as on the outside.

  Gu Jiu glanced at the white wolf who was behind her, she said casually: "Presumably you are because of this white wolf, so you will intercept my car, now I will return it to you, can I give way?"

  Musiran's face was stunned.

  He didn't expect that a woman would take the initiative to raise this matter.

  There is also the casualness in women's words, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

  The master they served was handed over by the woman at will.

  There is also Young Master’s fierce eyes, which makes him wonder how to pick up the woman.

  Look at the white gauze on Young Master’s abdomen again, this is obviously injured.

  But the wound cannot be the young master's own hands, so this is the woman.

  Musiran saw Young Master’s gaze with resistance.

  He calmly glanced at the young master who was following the woman, and he suppressed all his thoughts.

   smiled and walked towards Gu Jiu and stretched out his hand, “Hello, we are indeed here for the white wolf. He is very important to the Jun family. Thank you for saving him.”

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