As soon as he was thinking this, Chestnut suddenly took a tablet and let him watch a picture taken by a satellite.

On the screen, tens of thousands of zombies flocked to this place in the eastern port from all directions.

It's clear that someone did it on purpose, trying to bury what happened here with zombies and not let more information about this place be revealed.

"It came at the right time. Ye Wen laughed secretly.

Because he was wondering what way to punish these people, so that they could feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

Now these zombies have just arrived, and they have just given him an inspiration and material to make him want a very good way to do it, so that these people can experience an unprecedented "big carnival".

"I remember there was a stadium around here, right? Ye Wen asked chestnut.

Chestnut immediately switched to the top of the tablet, switching the top-down shot of a large stadium near the port of the East, so that he could get a bird's-eye view of the stadium and its own football field, which also contained more than a dozen sports arenas.

"Transfer the place, bring everybody over. Ye Wen ordered.

Order the Shadow Force to escort all the people here away, and escort them all to the side of this large stadium.

Chestnut immediately conveyed this order, waving his hand to signal all the personnel of the Shadow Force here to take action and transport all the prisoners detained here.


going to happen?] [Why are they all escorted away all of a sudden?]

[What's going on over

there?] [Is there anyone who lives in Dongcheng District to talk about?]

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand why they all suddenly had to "evacuate".

Soon, someone sent a message in the live broadcast room, telling a friend from out of town who didn't know what was going on.

[I used a drone to see a large number of zombies moving towards the eastern port, the number is tens of thousands! [

Tens of thousands of zombies

] [Just kidding

] [Is there a mutant] [

I've seen a mutant once.] It's a Erha in our village that has mutated, and it has directly become three times larger. Fortunately, he fell into the dung pit and drowned

] [Hahahaha! You must want to laugh to death so that you can inherit my inheritance

] [Erha, fall into the dung pit! This size can't change its IQ even if it grows larger

] [You can nominate the worst Erha in history]

The topic between the anchors was immediately shifted a little.

But through these barrages, viewers who don't know the situation also probably know the situation. Understand that without mutants in it, tens of thousands of zombies are terrifying enough.

Because this is already the extent that it is easy to tear down a homestead house.

If there are mutants in it, it is a more troublesome and terrible situation, and it is certainly not something that hundreds of thousands of infantry can easily solve.

[Anchor go quickly

] [Don't have an accident, we don't want to see you in danger

] [Prayer and wish

] [This must be deliberate, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence]

The audience who understood the situation in the barrage expressed their doubts and worries.

Ye Wen knew that they were a little worried about it in advance.

Because he was talking about the transfer, but it was much faster than they expected.

Because the camera didn't look around at this time, the people who were detained here were basically knocked unconscious and sent away by the members of the Black Shadow Force with shadows. It can be said that the delivery was completed in just a few minutes, and it was easily transported to the large stadium.

"Boss, do you want to clean up some of these zombies, especially the mutants inside. "

Chestnut confirmed that the personnel were basically escorted, and knew that compared to the commercial representative on Hu Tao's side, she was a military representative on her side, and she mainly dealt with Ye Wen's military business.

"Don't use it for the time being, keep it for them first. Ye

Wen knew that he was also a little greedy for the life coins of these zombies.

But I understand that these zombies have been cleaned up, and it is only tens of thousands of life coins.

And this belongs to Dongcheng District, not the territory under his main contracted jurisdiction.

So he has now solved these zombies, but he has cheapened the managers of Dongcheng District, which is equivalent to helping them complete the cleanup indicators.

The most important reason is that the port of the East is not a densely populated area of survivors, so it is better to attract them all here.

This reduces the level of crisis in other high-density areas and increases the security of survivors.

"Understood. Chestnut listened to him and didn't ask for it, and she didn't do anything superfluous.

Ye Wen also moved past the large stadium.

At this time, more than 100 people who have been escorted here have been relocated to various corners of the large stadium.

The entrances and exits of the large stadium were temporarily closed, making it a large arena.

In order to make this place more interesting, he also asked the Black Shadow Force to collect some small props and place them in this large stadium.

After confirming that everything was ready, he forwarded the signal to a high-altitude camera position with a view of the entire stadium.

It also makes use of the stadium's own broadcast function, so that each person has a camera position near them, which can broadcast their every move.

A long !!!! echo above the football field with a "beep".

All the personnel who were escorted here were awakened to see them placed in the large stadium with their bare hands.

Ye Wen also told them about the arrangement decision through the big broadcast in the stadium, and said to them: "Don't you like to play?

There are various props placed in this stadium to increase your own chances of survival.

And just 5 minutes later, about 70,000 zombies will flood here.

You can choose to go head-to-head with them, or you can choose to find the football trophy here and hold it alive for 5 minutes. At that time, this person can be rescued by me and become the only survivor

!This game is called the real stadium battle royale!"

【Wocao!The anchor is awesome

!】【Let's go, let's go

!】I love watching this!】【Is this something that can be broadcast?But I like it!】【

This should be done, let them retribute their abuse of others on themselves!】 70,000 zombies, these bones have to be gnawed clean

] [I'll call someone over to watch the excitement right away!]

The whole live broadcast room is crazy.

Of course, Ye Wen can't just let the people in the live broadcast room enjoy this carnival alone.

He directly asked Hu Tao to contact Wu Yong and asked him to directly relay the communication signals from here to various sports channels, forming a live broadcast on almost the entire platform!

This move can be said to not only shocked the hundreds of millions of people who survived in the country.

Even the directors of various major media platforms and television stations, as well as the broadcasting department, were alarmed.

But they found that the energy on this side was much more than they expected.

Because they found that the signal was not going to stop at all!

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