You can be rewarded once if you do it once, and you can clearly feel that his lower circumference is thick.

"No, I've got to take a picture of him. Feng Qian watched Ye Wen do squats from the side, and found that he had done more than 40 unconsciously.

She suddenly thought that this scene couldn't just be seen by herself, so she simply took out her mobile phone to open the live broadcast room and broadcast this scene directly to her live broadcast room.

She actually has a little secret that she has been hiding from her own mother and Uncle Ye, as well as this brother Ye Wen.

The secret is that she is not only a female anchor on the Internet, but also a female anchor with a certain popularity.

She doesn't have too many fans, but she has more than 700,000 fans.

The tips from these fans made her basically have no worries about her pocket money in college.

She doesn't rely on dancing or selling her hue to earn live traffic, or she broadcasts some of her funny daily life, and talks about her daily life.

So she can't compare to those big anchors, but her traffic is not bad, at least her daily life is enough.

Now open her live broadcast room, and someone will immediately come to her live broadcast room.

However, the person who came in found that it was not "I am not a clip" that was live today, but a strange man doing squats.

immediately confused these old fans about what they were doing, and they also brushed up the barrage.

[Clip, why isn't he broadcasting himself live today

?] [This is going to take the live broadcast route for couples?]

[It's over, my clip has a boyfriend, and it's off the powder!] [

If this is the boyfriend of the clip, he looks quite handsome, but why does he keep doing squats?].

These old fans who poured in as soon as they found out that the live broadcast room was open greeted Feng Qian in their own ways, and they were even more curious about how she changed her live broadcast style today.

"This is my brother, he's done 60 squats, it's amazing.

Feng Qian whispered to the old fans in the live broadcast room, completely showing off her baby's attitude and introducing to them that this was her brother.

[Brother?Clip, do you still have

a brother?] [Is my brother single?I'm interested in being a sister-in-law of the clip

!] [Ask for contact information, ask for eight characters!] I immediately rushed over with the household registration book

!] [Upstairs crazy! Forget that there are so many zombies outside?] Aren't you afraid that zombies will chase you and bite your ass?].

Because everyone is isolated at home due to the zombie virus, the Internet has become a channel for everyone to vent their frustration, and Feng Qian's live broadcast room has become a platform for everyone to chat and relieve boredom.

The content of everyone's chat in it is also quite open, and they basically think of what to say.

[What are you afraid of!There is such a handsome brother who summons me there, and if you dare to stop me, I will bite those zombies to death directly

!] [Ruthless!] [

No, this is a wolf extermination, or a wolf sister. [

Ask for live broadcast, I want to see how the big sister bites to death and kills zombies. ] The

atmosphere in the live broadcast room is quite joyful, so that the attention is on the content of everyone's chat.

It's just that some people still pay attention to Ye Wen's squats, and someone suddenly finds a problem.

[This brother is very cruel, from my point of view, he has been doing 50 in a row, which is equivalent to doing more than 100 in a row. [

Is more than 100 very powerful?

[Yes, is more than 100 very powerful?] Last time, I didn't even

do 10,000 in a dream without panting] [You're not out of breath, you're out of breath!] Oh, you're in a dream!] [

Popular science, normal people do 100 in a row, and they don't have to think about getting up the next day.] If you do 1000 in a row, you can basically consider sawing a pair of legs directly. [

So the brother of the clip is...... Superman!Red panties are worn today?]

The barrage content in the live broadcast room is still not serious.

Feng Qian also changed from the content of their chat from just thinking that Ye Wen was very powerful, to now that he was a little too powerful!

[The problem is still being done

] [Brother doesn't really plan to make 1000 in a row today]

[Expectation, expectation. If I can do it, I will directly

reward the clip for a carnival] [Attention downstairs, I have taken a screenshot

] [Screenshotted]

[Screenshotted] The

barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly became a formation of [screenshotted], and they were all willing to wait for this person to reward 1 carnival, that is, 1000 yuan.


person who just let out the words said confidently, so that they don't have to worry about him being able to speak.

Feng Qian didn't care so much about the 1,000 yuan reward, and she was also curious about whether Ye Wen could really make 1,000 in a row, because he hadn't stopped until now, and even had a posture of doing it faster and faster.

Ye Wen did squats at this time without pressure, and it was really easier and easier.

Because you can increase 1 attribute point by doing one, you can increase the leg strength, endurance and lower circumference size respectively.

He can basically say that one can offset the pressure of the previous physical burden.

After doing 100 in a row, he found that doing an attribute that increased by 1 point became doing an increase of 5 points, which suddenly multiplied by 5 times!

[Is this still a person?Why hasn't it stopped?

] [Liu Genghong is not so powerful, if I am not wrong, he has done more than 230 in a row

] [Clip! Clip! Send me a private message with your address, I have something to talk to your brother

about] [This waist strength, this endurance, my sister I have fully understood, count me one!] [This

calculation is very meaningful, the exam must be taken as a test point, everyone must take good notes]

Because Ye Wen continued not to stop, the men and women who had been watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room were messy.

The men are all shocked, this is still a human being. This kind of sustained athleticism can only be done by a superman.

The woman kept privately texting Feng Qian, wanting her brother's contact information, and she wanted to talk to him about life.

Feng Qian regretted exposing her brother a little, because in her eyes, this brother was exclusive to her.

But now there is no regret medicine to take, she can only continue to help Ye Wen live broadcast, and she has to endure the private message harassment of those female fans whose hormones have completely lost control.

[You have been live streaming for 30 minutes, popularity +1, appearance +1, trigger new feature: during live broadcast, training effect +100%]

A prompt appeared, and suddenly he originally did a training attribute improvement of 5 points to do a squat


Only then did I find out that Feng Qian had been standing at the door with her mobile phone to broadcast him live!

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