The content of the phone made the person on the other end of the phone dumbfounded.

He also quickly reacted and shouted into the microphone of the phone: "Do you know what you are doing! Hurry up and release my son! If he loses a piece of skin, I will not let you go!" Su

Yibei, who is the executive director of Haiyong Heavy Industry Group, is now full of panic.

Because he only has such a son.

is also because there is only such an old son, so that he is laissez-faire in the growth of this son, and even a little lawless.

Now he already has a rough idea of what kind of person Ye Wen is, so he knows that his son will definitely not be able to get anything good if he falls into the hands of the other party, and it is possible that he will really die because of it.

"Ouch, I'm so scared. Ye Wen laughed and teased him on the phone.

He also looked at Mr. Su, who had been hanging above the oil pot as an example for killing chickens and monkeys, and he had instead sent a video call to this father.

Su Yibei immediately connected, just in time to see the scene of his son being restrained and hanging from the steaming oil pot.

"What the hell are you going to do!"

Seeing that the other party really did it, he still did it so without scruples.

Su Yibei calmed down and wanted to negotiate with him very seriously. It is not clear whether he can take any good ways from the other party, and now his son is in the hands of the other party, as long as the other party orders his son to prepare to go to the oil pot. This can happen in front of his eyes immediately!"

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just curious if he is missing a piece of skin when he is stripped of a skin?"

Ye Wen asked him with a smile.

In fact, when he entered this warehouse, his first thought was whether he had come to hell.

Because in the "arena" below, the corpses of hundreds of innocent Chinese citizens were piled up around the arena like rotting garbage in the garbage heap, for those zombies to eat.

It's as if here they are not living lives at all, but just a pile of fertilizer for the zombies to eat.

When he entered this warehouse, the system also gave him a temporary special task very powerfully.

The mission is for him to discipline the people who have made mistakes here.

It is also based on the [Final Fear Score] to determine his reward score, and from the four levels of Gold Cup, Silver Cup, Bronze Cup, and None, he is assigned the reward standard he should have.

Although these four rewards are all a treasure chest, there is no way to see the detailed rewards inside.

But he can personally win the gold cup, of course he doesn't want to take the silver cup, and naturally it is impossible to look at the reward of the copper cup.

So of course, he made these people how frightened they came, and it was impossible to let them go easily if he didn't scare them until he was left with only one breath.

"You dare to do this!" Su Yibei gritted his teeth and said, completely squeezing out his voice from his throat to threaten him, let him dare to do this to his son to try if he can bear the consequences of his revenge afterwards.

"Cut a piece and fry it to see if it's tender. Ye Wen indifferently ordered the members of the Black Shadow Force guarding Grand Prince Su to do it directly.

A flash of sword light flashed, matching the heart-rending screams of Grand Master Su.

A piece of meat was missing directly from his leg, and it quickly made a sizzling noise in the pan of oil below him.

Su Yibei's eyes were cracking, he didn't expect Ye Wen to really dare to do it, or do it in front of him!

" It feels similar to fried lard. Ye Wen expressed his feelings.

Now that he saw the scene here, he didn't actually take these initiators seriously.

Not to mention that he also has temporary special quests, as well as additional rewards.

Of course, he wasn't going to let any of them go.

He wanted to let these fellows experience the despair of their compatriots before they died, and let them know that the more evil they were, the happier his side became.

Because the rewards and compensation that can be received on his side will be higher.

According to the situation where each of them can get 1 punishment card.

He was able to get more than 170 Punishment Cards in one go!

According to the situation that each card could get him 36 million, these 170 Punishment Cards plus the stacking increase of the Yang Good Card. It is not difficult for him to brush out trillions of assets in a day!

"You guys are watching like this!" Su

Yibei suddenly found that Zhao Xingde and another person in power in Dongcheng District were just watching from the side, and they didn't mean to help him at all.

He understands that this is because only his son exists in the hands of the other party, and no one of their relatives has fallen into the hands of the other party!

"If you are willing to sell 70% of the equity in your hand to me at a low price, I can consider helping you." Another partner smiled and said that he didn't care about taking advantage of this good opportunity.

Zhao Xingde is still weighing.

Because he was also a little afraid of the strength of the 36th regiment.

After all, it hasn't been long since it happened.

The opponent's power has fully extended to the warehouse where the incident occurred, and all the personnel there are under control.

This is not the usual time before the disaster.

Now it's full of wandering zombies and mutated monsters outside.

Even if you don't talk about this, the forces deployed by the three parties are not vegetarians.

Even if most of them are not official military forces, they are mercenaries.

But because they are willing to spend a lot of money, most of these mercenaries are retired or infiltrated from abroad, in order to facilitate their stable acquisition of the eastern port and use it as a future port of warship anchorage.

"You guys quickly contact your own people, there's something going on outside. Zhao Xingde quickly typed a row of words on his mobile phone, pointed the phone directly at them, and let them see the content of his reminder.

Su Yibei was stunned.

After another partner saw the content of Zhao Xingde's reminder, his expression changed suddenly.

Quickly take out your phone and contact someone.

But the result of the contact was clearly not what he wanted.

Because after he finished contacting, his face suddenly became ugly.

"What the hell is this Ye Wen?" he whispered.

Because he received the news that more than a dozen sentinels in his jurisdiction had lost contact.

It means that in less than half an hour, the other party has fully infiltrated their Dongcheng District, and has also controlled various key outposts.

What a terrible force of action and speed of action.

The efficiency and scale of the blitzkrieg is no more than that.

It can also be affirmed from this incident that the other party does have the ability to behead.

Zhao Xingde suddenly thought of something, took out his mobile phone and quickly typed out a line of text and showed it to Su Yibei.

When Su Yibei saw it, he immediately doubted whether the other party was serious, because this was tantamount to doing a criminal event that was disapproved by the world.

[Deal with them and control them. I ordered the bombing of this area]

Zhao Xingde understood that what was happening in this warehouse must be covered up and must not be publicly revealed.

Therefore, everyone in the warehouse must be silenced, and no one inside must be allowed to get out alive.

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