Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1124 Join forces to put out the fire


Gao Feng opened his mouth to shout, his throat burning, but it was too late. The fat man sprayed out cold ice crystal sand, and the short man swung his nine-section whip, but there was no way to stop the subsequent attackers from approaching, and they had no chance to launch a second consecutive attack. , watching helplessly as the ferocious-looking attackers passed by while shouting various weird slogans.

Time stopped at this second. All Gao Feng's worries were relieved after seeing the girl next to Doudou. They hadn't seen each other for three years. Xueya had grown up a lot. Good nutrition made her full of vitality and blood. She was 1.45 meters tall. , looks no different from a little adult. Although she is not as slim, she has a healthy wheat complexion. She reluctantly shifted her gaze from Gao Feng's face and frowned at the attacker who rushed towards them. At this moment, the Blood Queen finally became angry. .

The hazy blood spread in a geometric pattern, instantly hiding Xue Ya from the surrounding crowd, and even wrapping Gao Feng in it. Except for perception, sight did not work at all. During the detection of perception, Gao Feng also felt a little difficult because of the pungent smell. The bloody smell can weaken perception to a certain extent.

Then he saw blood pouring in from everyone's mouth and nose, including the suicide bombs that rushed towards the crowd. Gao Feng also inadvertently inhaled a lot, but he and the attacker were treated in two different ways. Gao Feng felt that something was in his heart The things were washed, and black particles were sprayed out after exhaling, and the attackers shrank at the same time, as if they were under a shrinking magic, shrinking to a monkey-like appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The moment the human bomb shrank, the clothes and various bits and pieces on it fell to the ground one after another. Then they were wrapped in the rolling tide of blood. Shining lights flashed from the blood cocoon and then extinguished, but they could not be heard. Regardless of any movement, the little girl solved Gao Feng's most urgent problem without any hesitation.

"Xueya, it's Xueya, she saved us..."

Wan Yu, who had been held in Gao Feng's hand, leaned her whole body against Gao Feng's arms, and said excitedly, with no blood on her face. She was obviously frightened by the sudden attack. Fortunately, there was no big mistake, otherwise it would be too late. General Yu was the one who regretted it the most, and it was she who suggested that everyone go out to surprise Gao Feng, but she didn't expect the surprise to turn into a shock.

After Gao Feng heard this, he immediately locked his senses on Xueya. She hadn't come back for three years. The one she was most worried about was Xueya. Among her peers, Xueya had always been rejected. No one dared to approach this method except Gao Feng who played with her. Bloody girl, didn’t expect to grow so big? It was completely different from the bean sprouts from before. No wonder he couldn't recognize it.

Suddenly, an inexplicable danger hit Gao Feng. It was when he felt the most sensitive. Gao Feng was immediately alert and looked in the direction of the danger. At this time, he discovered that Kalea was floating in the air, silver. Silk Tangle stared at herself like a goddess, with millions of silver hairs moving without wind, like a group of twisting snakes, while Caifeng stood aside with a weird smile on his face to watch the fun.

In the first second, Gao Feng didn't understand it, and before the third second came, he felt his hands were burned, and he let go of Wan Yu in his arms. With such a jealous jar, his life might be in danger at any time. It's not that he isn't a man, it's just that Kaleiya is too fierce.

"Go and check for me, what's going on..."

Although it was a false alarm, Gao Feng would not let it go. On the first day he came back, he made such a big noise. Wasn't it just to give him eye drops? Besides, God knows how many such guys there are in the West. If they were to think of detonating in a crowd, the disaster would be even more tragic.

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, Gao Feng couldn't help but look at the frightened crowd. The crowd was not out of control. People in the wilderness are tough by nature and are accustomed to life and death. There are also some lower-level managers who have retired from the team due to disability or age to maintain order. , I saw seven or eight large fireworks bursting out in the crowd at the same time. A few tenths of a second after the fireworks flashed, the ear-splitting roar rushed into the eardrums, making people jump with fear. All the eyes could see were the broken limbs and meat thrown in the air, and the billowing smoke of gunpowder. It is unknown how many people were killed in this wave of self-explosion, leaving no trace of their bodies.


Gao Feng's heart skipped a beat. He had forgotten something. Among mutants of inferior quality, ability users only accounted for a very small proportion. Most of the inferior people had little abilities. That day, among the thousands of slaves in the underground mines, there were also There were only six or seven special mutants, but there were more than ten here, which meant that the number of enemies was far greater than he imagined.

"Ah, Great Elder... hurry..."

Wan Yu was so surprised by this series of events that she lost the ability to speak continuously. In her eyes, countless lives were swallowed up by flames. The boundless regret was like poison that corroded her heart. She wanted to save the suffering civilians, but she didn't know how. If you do, you can only place your hopes on the peak.

She didn't need to say that the peak had disappeared before her eyes, and explosions were still ringing out one after another. Not all explosions sounded at the same time. In order to create greater panic, the attackers would create a steady stream of explosions, destroying the hearts of people in the entire wilderness. The explosion caused the living people to panic all day long, and eventually lost the confidence to resist.

For such a shameless terrorist attack, Gao Feng will not hide behind and wait for the people below to suffer heavy casualties before trying to track down the murderer. He will try his best to stop this attack, like a sharp arrow passing through the panicked managers, towards the end of the explosion. Rush to a violent place.

Just when he rushed past Xueya, White Tiger, and Jin Neng, Kalea rushed to the sky above countless civilians. The sky was instantly shrouded in a silver-white world, and the fiery red clouds were blocked by silver that spread for several kilometers. Billions of threads will fall from the sky and rush into the crowd...

The silver hair is like a rolling flood, submerging everything along the way. Anyone caught in the hair will be tied up and unable to move. The moment before the crowd collapses in panic, they will control the situation from the edge and rush to the crowd at the peak. In the middle, there are rolling silver hairs in all directions. I don't know if Kalea is deliberately making things difficult, but the silver hairs are not giving way to Gao Feng at all, and even tend to tie him up together.

Gao Feng was not afraid of this. He grabbed a strand of hair that passed by him, and then his perception spread along the hair, taking more control over the hair in his hands. After a while, a huge strand of hair The threads gathered into a tide and surged to the foot of the peak, lifting his whole body up and rising towards the sky.

As long as the hair was in contact with him, Gao Feng knew where Kalea was. Soon he saw Kalea floating in the silver world like a fairy in the clouds among the separated hair. Kalea saw Gao Feng , snorted coldly and turned away angrily, but Gao Feng came to her side shamelessly and hugged Kalea to his chest.

It wasn't that Gao Feng was lustful at this time, but that he knew how to control the situation more perfectly. When his body and Kalea's were uncooperatively attached, the messy hair suddenly became orderly, and his control was strengthened a hundred times. , controlling more people under the hair.

Perception is like an X-ray that makes people invisible. It can easily separate the miscreants mixed in the crowd. The perception of hair tangles can distinguish the small squares entangled on a very small number of people in the crowd below. It is these High explosives as big as mahjong and as big as a belt instantly took away hundreds of lives. The cooperation between Gao Feng and Kalea was most suitable to find these terrorists with death aspirations among tens of thousands of people. .

The silver hair tied up the tens of thousands of people who collapsed, and the explosion never sounded again. Except for the people around the explosion point who could smell the smoke and blood, everyone else could only stay where they were. On the ground, big eyes and small eyes looked at the silver threads around him.

Kalea's ability to control tens of thousands of people is almost a miracle, and it is also her limit. Every second of control is a huge drain on her. At this moment, Gao Feng also completed the test. Amidst the screams, Like pulling out a carrot, he pulled the guys with bulging waists out of the crowd into the air, and at the same time released a large number of tied up civilians.

This kind of indiscriminate binding is a last resort. At this moment, this is the only way to control the situation as quickly as possible, even if Bengyun Jialuo is replaced. Maybe Bengyun Jialuo can easily kill the people below, but he has to find out what is inside. It is not necessarily possible for the unruly person to control the other party before they detonate the bomb.

Everything that happened before and after ended in less than ten minutes. The real situation is that the wilderness people feared the strong more than death itself. Kalea's miraculous method made no one among the tied civilians dissatisfied, and even resented it. Kalea has a strong heart of obedience. When the silver hair was separated from their bodies, these people knelt down in fear and uttered various words of praise to the owner of the hair.

After the people were released, Kalea's embarrassment of throwing herself to the limit was relieved, and she finally had some strength to resist Gaofeng's embrace. It happened that Gaofeng no longer needed Kalea and let go of her soft body. At this time, Gaofeng didn't wait. Turning his attention to the captured terrorists, Kalea spoke:

"What? Haven't you thought about it yet? Who said I was the only one before? And said..."

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