Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1111 The Little One’s Tribulation First Update

There are many people in the laboratory, all working around the core culture tank. Some people write programs to deduce various possibilities, some detect temperature and humidity, and others are collecting various data. The culture tank is only half a person tall, and the meat is breathing. Calling unknown object.

Countless tiny tentacles sprout from the surface of the object, just like coral polyps in a coral reef, swallowing up the nutrients surrounding its own liquid. At the bottom of the nutrient night, hundreds of the highest quality energy crystals are evenly laid out, reflecting under the light Brilliant light.

In addition to these, Gao Feng also saw that there were people who were responsible for crushing the essence of various elixirs and blending them into the nutritional repair fluid of the Chaos Front as food for the meat balls. Seeing the huge meat balls, Gao Feng was secretly surprised. Could it be that Xiaodie was both One of them will become this thing in the future? How could he use meat balls to explain to Maple Leaf Mania?

"Your Excellency, Commander, it's unbelievable. The DNA is completely different from the comparison sample of a natural person. The regeneration capacity is more than a hundred times that of ordinary people. The speed of stem cell division is unimaginable. She must be a bellwether for human evolution. There is no trace of it." Perfect words to describe the miracle that happened to her..."

Medical Officer K's excited eyes continued to discharge, causing Gao Feng to turn his head away, fearing that he would be electrocuted by the opponent's eyes. The only good thing was that K showed his excitement in a restrained manner and did not pounce on him physically. of friction.

"K, you are a researcher. The first criterion for a researcher is to be absolutely rational, not to mix in any personal emotions, and to make subjective judgments..."

Gao Feng had to use more serious words to remind the overly excited K. Only then did the electricity in her eyes dissipate, and she nodded to Gao Feng with rosy cheeks, accepting the accusation.

"So... can you tell me, what exactly is this?"

Gao Feng raised his chin in front of the big meat ball and said sternly. In fact, he didn't want to look at it more, because he always compared Xiaodie's vivid images with this meat ball, and the conclusion he came to made him happy. Had a nightmare.

"She is your maid? Look how beautiful, healthy, and cute she is..."

"Okay, tell me the results, I still have something to do..."

Before K could finish his praise, Gao Feng turned around and left. He had determined that the researchers were all freaks, at least in terms of aesthetics, and could not be in line with ordinary people. K was surprised to see Gao Feng disappear at a speed that ordinary people could not match. After a while the assistant woke her up.

"K, we are going to do the 23rd internal dialysis scan. Is there anything we need to pay attention to this time, or any additional tests?"

K immediately forgot about the peak, walked quickly to the dialysis scanning device, and looked at the vivid picture carefully. What was squirming in the picture was the big meat ball, but with the spectral decomposition time and time again, the meat membrane continued to disappear, and one person looked like a baby. The curly body appeared vaguely, and as the dialysis progressed, Xiaodie's closed eyes appeared on the screen.

"It is difficult to be confident that she can actually absorb nutrients to build a placenta and form an artificial womb. If this technology can be discovered, humans will have a more perfect way of regeneration than cloning. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know whether she can retain her memory and personality programs. , or become a baby who doesn’t know the past?”

Others lamented this almost miraculous phenomenon. Even though they had watched it 23 times in a row, K did not respond to this sigh. He looked at the girl inside with obsession, as if appreciating the most precious art platform in the world.

"My lord..., my lord..."

Feng Feng, who was escaping from the laboratory, was still thinking about where to go before setting off, when he heard Xia Yi calling like a mosquito, and turned to look at Xia Yi in surprise. This person even needed to talk to him. Would the little girl who Xiaodie notified in advance be so proactive?

"What's the matter? Didn't I ask you to take care of Xiaodie?"

Gao Feng has decided to name Xiaodie Shuangshuang separately. Xiaodie is the sleeping one, and Shuangshuang is the big meatball. Although Xiaodie is still in the coma stage, he is not very happy about Xiayi's absence without permission. Xiayi suddenly said no nervously. When she spoke, she was trembling like a quail soaked by heavy rain, and Gao Feng didn't like her look like this even more, so he quickly said:

"what's up……."

"It's about two little sisters..."

"What's wrong with them? Is there something wrong?"

Gao Feng suddenly returned from being careless to being nervous. The two little guys were his darlings. Of course, this trend only started after they transformed into human forms.

"Since they were transferred to the medical observation room, they began to suffer from intermittent coma..."

Gao Feng was stunned and asked uncertainly: "Is there any sign of sleeping again?"

Xia Yi suddenly lost her nervousness in front of Gao Feng and denied it very decisively:

"No, they haven't eaten or even drank water. I suspect that they have entered the depletion stage. When Jialuo is old and weak and his body cannot maintain it, he will enter the depletion period until death. In addition, Jialuo has no Without food and water, they will also enter the depletion stage and may live longer than ordinary people, but they will still die eventually..."

This is the worst news, which means that the two little guys will die at any time. Gao Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he fell to the ground. After a while, he said hoarsely:

"Have you found a solution? No matter how high the cost, we must save them. No matter what materials or treasures we have, even if we don't have them, there are so many merchants in Liberty City, we will definitely be able to find them..."

Gao Feng pinned all his hopes on Xia Yi, because he understood that there was not as much as Xia Yi. Xia Yi looked at Gao Feng and shook his head regretfully.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to save them. I've tried all your elixirs. Even if they pile up light stones under their beds, it won't work. Maybe the heavenly elixirs will work, but that thing..."

"Just wait, I'll be right back..."

Gao Feng disappeared like a gust of wind after leaving these words. About three minutes later, he reappeared in front of Zha Qi Xiayi, holding a translucent constant-temperature petri dish in his hand, and the elixir in the shape of jade Ruyi carved like blue jade remained. With great vitality, Xiayi was still wondering what it was when she saw this thing, then she was pulled by Gao Feng into the ward where the two little guys were training.

This is the only thing in Gao Feng's hand that looks like a heavenly elixir. This elixir, which exudes the fragrance of gardenia, is dissipating energy at any time and must be completely sealed to be preserved intact. It is not yet known how it was cultivated. Gao Feng usually also I didn't pay much attention to it. Now when Xia Yi talks about it, he can only treat it like a dead horse.

Seeing the two little guys again, Gao Feng felt a strong burning pain in his heart. They were no longer as lively and healthy as before. In just a few days, they were like fruits that had lost their moisture, exuding a withered smell. At this moment, they had just gone from a short intermittent period to When I woke up from a coma and saw the peak, my dim eyes suddenly brightened up, as if I was struggling to get up but couldn't move, which made me feel heartbroken.

Even people who don't understand medical science can see that the two little guys don't have much time left, and they can only open their eyes with the last breath of their own energy. Gao Feng silently stepped forward and sat beside the bed, touching their hair and feeling Feeling the warmth of Gao Feng's big hands, the two little guys closed their eyes happily and fell asleep in a few seconds. They didn't want much, but Gao Feng's company was enough to make them feel at ease.

"No matter what method we use, we must save them..."

Gao Feng looked at Xia Yi seriously and said, and at the same time he said to himself that the guilt in his heart reminded him of his two children. At least they were devoted to him wholeheartedly. Even death could not stop their affection for him. Even death could not stop them from loving him. He made a decision, even if he didn't have the heavenly elixir in his hands, he would still find a way to find the heavenly elixir from Liberty City, no matter how high the price was.

"But I have no experience, and I was just guessing..."

Faced with Gao Feng's stern eyes, Xia Yi was inexplicably panicked. She couldn't bear any pressure or responsibility. She was a simple person who simply did her own thing and didn't worry about anything. Now Gao Feng will be burdened like a mountain. When it was put on her, she couldn't accept it for a while, but in Gao Feng's stern eyes, her lips were trembling and she couldn't even say a word of rejection.

"Regardless of whether you have experience or not, just do your best. Now that you are watching, let's try to see if this thing works..."

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