Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 1106 Meeting an Old Friend Again

While Gao Feng was waiting, a handsome man dressed as a waiter came over with a golden drink on a tray. He nodded to Linlin first, and then respectfully said to Gao Feng:

"This is a top-quality wine given to you by the steward. Please use it with caution..."

Gao Feng didn't like drinking at first, and was about to refuse when he suddenly heard a refreshing fragrance. He immediately became interested. He took the glass of wine and was about to drink it. When he glanced around, he saw Linlin's nervous and expectant expression. Looking at each other, suspicion suddenly arose in his heart, his perception was released, and he immediately discovered that the heartbeats of these two people were much faster than the normal frequency.

"Dang..." The transparent crystal wine glass was placed heavily on the coffee table. Gao Feng glared at the two of them. Before questioning, the young waiter's face suddenly became ferocious and his whole body deformed rapidly. Many of the guests around him were Jia Luo. , seeing this change, they all let out angry roars and prepared for battle. At the same time, the ticking electronic sound also echoed repeatedly in the hall, making Linlin's legs weak in fear and she sat on the ground.

The young and handsome waiter was like a werewolf in the movies and TV series of the past. He suddenly swelled to an astonishing level, his height increased by at least half, his muscles were tangled, his face was black and he had fangs. He was no longer as handsome as before, and with a thunderous roar The roar erupted from the chest, forming a powerful sound wave that exploded all kinds of glassware in the hall to pieces. However, Gao Feng still sat motionless with a cigar in his mouth. He was just showing off, not to the point of taking action, and he also knew , it was because he saw through the opponent's trick that this guy took the unexpected risk to activate his ability.

What's surprising is that after this guy transformed, he didn't even attack. He picked up Linlin and ran outside, like a rampaging tank. Looking at his back, Gao Feng shook his head helplessly. This kind of place can't be tolerated. This guy acted wildly and put himself and Linlin in danger. He was really a brainless guy.

Just as Gao Feng guessed, the protective force on the tenth floor was more than the lower floors combined. He rushed out less than ten meters, and at least ten kinds of strange forces were exerted on him. The man was unable to dodge while carrying Linlin. In the roar, His stature dwarfed, as if he was being pressed down by an invisible mountain. The ground he stepped on made a crackling sound, and the cracks like spider webs turned into radiant cracks. Then several extremely fast figures pounced on him, knocking them down in two or two strokes. The man and the girl Linlin uniform disappeared in an instant. If the traces of cracks on the ground were not still there, it would be difficult to believe the thrilling scene that just happened.

Because of the timely handling, the surrounding guests got into fighting postures one after another and regained their previous calm. Then everyone presented a bottle of luxurious-looking wine as compensation for the disturbance. As the source of the chaos, Gao Feng was not disturbed in any way. Previously, it seemed that he was not the one who caused the incident. He had everything he should have, but no new woman was sent to him. He was left alone to stay there quietly. After about twenty minutes, the guy who had gone to ask for instructions and report earlier came to him. He walked to Gao Feng with a respectful face and said:

"I've been waiting for a long time. Please come with me. Sir, I agree to see you..."

When Feng Feng was taken to the top thirteenth floor, he was surprised to find that the top floor used some unknown material as the exterior wall. From the outside, it looked no different from other floors, but from the inside, everything was transparent. As one of the tallest buildings in Cuiliu City, it feels like it has everything under its feet.

An ordinary person might sigh, but the peaks are so high that they almost vomit. Naturally, they ignore this scenery which was normal in the previous life. The top floor is in a split-level style, with no walls to separate them, and only a variety of bright plants. Flowers serve as natural walls, ivy-like vines fill every place they can cling to, and the hollow staircase is like a suspended ladder made of vines.

Many people work quietly in separate rooms on the top floor, and various technological products are also common. Gao Feng is very puzzled by Cuiliu City's rapid return to a technologically civilized lifestyle. If it relies solely on the infiltration of underground people, I am afraid that it will It may not be possible to achieve it in a hundred years, but I don’t know who can actually achieve this?

Climbing up the stairs woven with green plants, you will be surprised to find an extremely spacious office. An invisible membrane separates this place from the outside into two worlds. It is silent and peaceful. Except for the peak, you can only stand in the center of the office. Humaid.

Humaid's appearance is not much different from before. His belly is much bigger, but he is not as bloated as his head is full of fat. He has the bearing of a superior. He no longer looks like a businessman, but a senior elder of a big family. When Humed saw the peak appear, he first put a smile on his face and greeted him enthusiastically:

"The world-famous Blood Sea Fleet came to Liberty City in person, but they didn't greet it personally. It was really rude, offended, offended..."

Humaid obviously did not recognize Gao Feng and said apologetic words, but he was neither humble nor arrogant in his actions. He was obviously confident in the background of Yin Sheng Tower. Even if Gao Feng caused a big loss to the Lei Clan family, he was still not afraid.

"Brother Hu doesn't recognize me anymore? I wonder if Brother Fulingzhi still remembers me?"

Gao Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, reminding Humaid himself and the way he got to know him. It is no wonder that as a businessman, Humaid has to come into contact with different people every day. The number will be terrifying in one year, let alone three years later. The two met again, and this was the second time in total.

Poria twigs have different meanings to Humaid. It was precisely because of the acquisition of a large number of fine tuckahoe twigs that he rose to prominence and gained a high position in the Yin Sheng Tower. After carefully looking at Feng Feng's face, he suddenly became excited. He was not as enthusiastic as he seemed just now. In fact, He kept his distance indifferently, rushed to Gao Feng in a few steps, grabbed Gao Feng's arm and said gratefully:

"Haha, it turns out you are my lucky star. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Don't say anything. What's mine is yours. I don't know how many elixirs I have come up with. You don't know. Now the elixirs are The prices have skyrocketed. The lowest elixir is more expensive than the top elixir in the past. If it were still Poria cocos, I could sell it for at least twenty times..."

Humaid had forgotten Gao Feng's current identity, and revealed his special expectations in his enthusiasm, which made Gao Feng a little embarrassed. He was not short of energy crystals now, so he had no time to do these things.

"Originally I didn't want to sell it, but since I need it, a hundred or ten prefecture-level elixirs are no problem. Don't ask for money, just give them to me as a meeting gift..."

Gao Feng needed to know more information, and Hu Maid was a good candidate, and the two parties had a good relationship. He threw out a bunch of elixirs that the little guy didn't like, and asked for directions. Hu Maid was very open-minded after hearing this, and took the lead. Gao Feng walked to the sofa and sat down, poured tea for Gao Feng himself, and then asked:

"The elixir is not particularly urgent. I don't think I want anything that cannot be seen in the light..."

After all, he is a businessman. The first thing that comes to his mind is the large-scale plunder of the Leicra family's territory by Gaofeng's fleet. Many of these things are labeled by the Leicra family. Although the price is high, it is difficult to sell them. If they are kept in their hands, they are worthless. Gaofeng shook his head. He picked up the teacup and drank the tea carefully. After three to five seconds, he said:

"I have been to Cuiliu City before. It seems that it is still under the control of the Xuanye family. I don't know how it developed to this point? I don't know what is said in it."

As soon as these words came out, Humaid's expression suddenly changed slightly. There are some things that cannot be stated openly. Cuiliu City is now called Free City. The meaning is that anyone can do business. There is no distinction between camps and families. Because of this, Liberty City is a big piece of oily meat. There are countless people and forces who want to get a piece of it. Any inquiry is taboo, and there is no room for Humaid to be careless.

Gao Feng is not in a hurry. If he cannot find out from here, there is no way to find out from other aspects for the time being. Unless he pulls out a fleet to bombard Liberty City, but this will inevitably make him the enemy of the entire Garo World. Drinking tea, Gao Feng looked at the floating airship slowly sliding across the sky outside the transparent wall. He didn’t know what he was thinking. Humed, who was sitting opposite, had a cloudy and uncertain expression on his face, as if he was constipated. He seemed to be doing something. Make the most difficult decision in your life.

As a businessman, Humaid would not look down on anyone, let alone the people of the Blood Sea Fleet? Although the peak is half a step into the mountain, it is nothing to the Yin Sheng Tower. With Holy Lord Beng Yun as its backer, it is no wonder that the Mountain Splitter Jialuo has taken refuge. It is known as the invisible top family, but the Yin Sheng Tower is for commercial purposes. What matters is not territory and force, but profit. Just being at the peak can provide huge benefits, whether it is a powerful fleet or the peak itself.

After struggling for a long time, the nature of the businessman prevailed, and Humed decided to take a gamble. If he won, he would gain huge benefits. If he lost, he would lose the interests of others, but he could still earn enough benefits.

"Brother, do you know Yinyun City?"

Suddenly talking about something off-topic, Gao Feng was slightly startled, nodded, and then Humaid said:

"Yinyun City has always been the raw material supply base for the entire Jialuo World. More than two years ago, many airship engines suddenly appeared, and you can buy them with money. The wealth of the entire Jialuo World has gathered in Yinyun City, and Yinyun City has a monopoly on light wood. The production of Heshenyoumu strangled all families' sources of raw materials for manufacturing airships, causing dissatisfaction among the top families, and eventually conflict broke out.

Later, someone found many fatal secret doors in the engines produced by Cloud Cloud City, and even the ship of Lord Beng Yun was found, causing the conflict to turn into a war. If not for the amazing defense of Cloud Cloud City, four more Beng Yun soldiers would have died. Yun Jialuo was stationed, and the outcome was really hard to say. This also led to the rise of Forest City and broke the monopoly of raw materials. Unfortunately, the engine problem could not be solved.

Liberty City took advantage of this loophole. The family that manages Liberty City got a large number of power engines from nowhere, and provided various dungeon technological equipment without any attached purchase conditions. Here, The Hidden Saint Tower occupies a large share, but it does not have real control. After all, they also have Holy Lord Bengyun behind them. What they need is Bengyun behind the Hidden Saint Tower. Only two Bengyun can temporarily stabilize their freedom. The situation in the city..."

What he said made Gao Feng even more confused. At this moment, he saw a huge shadow flashing outside, and an unusually familiar airship passed by. When he saw the airship, Gao Feng stood up and said in a voice: "Yongye" ?”

"Brother, do you know this airship? Look at my head. I met you in Xuanye's main city. You should be related to the Xuanye family..."

Gao Feng stared at Xiao Tiange, who was leaning lazily on the side of the airship, nodded and said, "After being away for too long, many things have changed, but some things will never change..."

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