Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1103 New Cuiliu City

The more he knew, the more questions he had. After a while, Gao Feng said to Lan Yu:

"Someone has been thinking about you, so I won't get involved..."

Suddenly hearing these irrelevant words, Lan Yu was originally a smart person and immediately knew that his life was saved. If he didn't participate, the summit would leave him to others, but he couldn't remember who it was. Could it be that Is it Youming?

"Yue Lasha is very willing to see you again... As for the transaction, you can talk to the people below me. As long as the price is right, there is nothing that cannot be traded..."

Before he woke up from the surprise, Gao Feng threw Lan Yu a huge surprise. In the inland area, engines are now easy to operate, and the underground people have also opened up the supply. But the problem is that light wood is difficult to operate, leading to dark clouds. The roads in the city are too dangerous, and robberies occur all the time. Unless it's Bengyun Jialuo, no one dares to say that they can reach it smoothly. This has caused the price of light wood to increase by more than a hundred times compared to three years ago. The small family has tried its best to Only small sampans can be built.

If Gao Feng knew that the things Maple Leaf Maniac led his fleet to plunder were not valuables. What was really valuable were the crashed inferior airships. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh. In short, Lan Yu got what he wanted, and Gao Feng There is one more trading partner and intelligence source.

"Although I'm jealous of you growing up from a small tribe of Jia Luozhong to now, I thank you for your kindness in not killing. The wilderness is very strange now. Any floating airship that enters the wilderness will lose its whereabouts. If you want to go back, please be careful. …….”

When it was time to leave, Lan Yu warned Gaofeng with a complex expression. Apart from the fear of death, perhaps what Lan Yu felt most strongly was jealousy. No one understood the starting point of Gaofeng better than him, from the heir of a small tribe to growing up to this point. Generally speaking, it is no longer enough to describe it as a miracle, but everyone will have deep frustration and jealousy.

Lan Yu's warning Gao Feng didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't take it to heart either. After all, he had been away for three years and in today's era of great changes, anything could happen. For him, perhaps the best outcome would be Xuan Xuan. The Ye family retreated into the wilderness. After all, the Xuanye family had prepared to develop the wilderness three years ago. The vast area of ​​the wilderness combined with the manpower and powerlessness of the Xuanye family should not be underestimated after development.

In the era of war, the wilderness was unknown due to its remoteness and previous barrenness, and no one paid attention to it. A large area of ​​fertile land was waiting for someone to fight for it. I believe that the Xuan Ye family, which has lost its energy pool, can no longer become someone else's fat. Maybe Gao Feng can reunite with his cheap uncle in the wilderness.

With this thought in mind, Gao Feng led the fleet to the wilderness without hesitation. When they arrived at Cuiliu City, Gao Feng was surprised to find that Cuiliu City was twice as big as before. Tens of thousands of people stayed on the streets, and from the sky Looking down, you can't see much open space. The streets are densely packed with shops, and people are moving between the shops. The people coming in and out connect the crowded streets into a vivid river.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gao Feng wouldn't have believed that Cuiliu City, which suffered a great calamity, would develop into its current size. At first glance, it looks similar to the main city of the Xuanye family. Except for the lack of city walls and densely packed divine cannons, the adjacent street The buildings are dazzling, and the edge of the city has expanded to the vicinity of mass graves where people were killed in robberies.

Regarding the appearance of the fleet, the people below did not panic, and there were not even airships coming to inquire. Although there are indeed a lot of airships here, most of them are huge cargo airships, and there are also some escorting combat airships.

Seeing this city, all the officers on the bridge were moved. Along the way, they saw too many ruined cities. It was the first time for them to see so many people crowded in a city so alive. And from this Judging from the layout of the city, it is a purely commercial city, but I don’t know who the owner is, so it is so grand?

The fleet moved from far to near and reached the sky above the city. Feng Feng did not find any landmark buildings with family logos on them, and there were also many family emblems that had never been seen before. They were all parked on the left side of the city, like a giant airport. Gao Feng thought about it and ordered other ships to continue to float in the air. The flagship landed downwards with a supply ship for docking and repair. In this place closest to the wilderness, he must understand the changes in Cuiliu City.

Maple Leaf Maniac has been anxious for a long time. He has lived in a lonely place in the wild mountains since he was a child. How has he ever seen such a lively place? What's more, I had just made a fortune through robbery, and I had confidence in my pocket. My heart was as uneasy as a cat's claws scratching my head. I just wanted to go down and experience the city life that I had talked about every day in my old life.

The battleship was parked on the tarmac without any danger. Strangely enough, as soon as the battleship landed, the surrounding airships were like frightened chickens. They fled one after another and landed farther away, leaving a large open space around the battleship. This reminded Gao Feng of what Lan Yu had said, that news always spreads faster on the ground than in the sky. The current situation is that the weird hexagonal diamond-shaped warship is like a weasel that broke into a chicken coop, and chicken feathers are scattered everywhere.

Maple Leaf Kuang and more than twenty Xianjun Jialuo had just walked out of the cabin when they heard a familiar and strange shout. When they looked up, Maple Leaf Hill was being hugged by a black-haired beauty, landing from the air. Seeing this beautiful girl with a very classical style, Maple Leaf Mania frowned tightly, and her good mood for going shopping suddenly dissipated a lot.

At this time, Gao Feng also walked out of the cabin door, followed by twelve fully armed scouts. Masati was worried about Gao Feng going out and asked Gao Feng to bring him with him. Gao Feng had no way to refuse his kindness. He couldn't tell Masati that he only needed one In the blink of an eye, he can kill the entire squad of scouts, right?

Just when he saw Maple Leaf Hill and Lieutenant Mei Lin, Gao Feng patted Maple Leaf Kuang on the shoulder and said: "It's normal for young people to have their own ideas. The hill is so big, so don't worry too much. You can't do anything about it. Say I don’t know when the problem of infertility will be solved..."

Gao Feng's persuasion left Maple Leaf Kuang helpless. Maple Leaf Xiaoshan has been rebellious since he was a child. Even if he gets punched ten times, he still won't get rid of something he's determined to do. Apart from the problem of infertility, Lieutenant Merlin still impresses him in terms of appearance and personality. I appreciate it. Compared to the rough-looking women in the family, Merlin is like a fairy. The adolescent beasts in the family want to find a beautiful woman who is a concoction maker. Unfortunately, they are not Maple Leaf Hill, nor can Gao Feng. allow.

After his feet landed on the ground, Maple Leaf Hill felt solid. When he looked up, he saw Gao Feng and Maple Leaf Kuang glaring at him. His face turned red. He hid Merlin behind him and said hesitantly:

"I forced her to come here. It has nothing to do with her. Merlin wants to find something that can replace milk. I don't know what kind of thing I want, so I brought her down to see for myself..."

"Hmph..., don't expect me to give you money..."

Maple Leaf Kuang snorted coldly, turned around and left. The Garos behind him gave Xiaoshan a thumbs up and hurriedly followed Maple Leaf Kuang. Gao Feng shook his head, gave Maple Leaf Xiaoshan a self-conscious look, and left on his own.

Gao Feng and others were naturally noticed by interested people, but no one dared to come forward and talk to them. In Jia Luo's world, Beng Yun is the pinnacle of the world. Most people cannot see it. It only exists in legends. Even if they see Beng Yun Every ship can be used as a talking point to show off. Maple Leaf Kuang's Half-step Bengyun has become a peerless master in the minds of ordinary people, and they dare not approach it for a while. Not to mention the Half-step Bengyun with twenty Xianjun Jialuo, and there are Who dares not to have eyesight?

I thought it would be weird to bring twelve science-fiction-style scouts, but then Gao Feng realized that there was no need to worry because he saw more sci-fi-style outfits, including several wearing smart semi-frame helmets. The voluptuous beauty in sunglasses walked past Gao Feng in scantily clad clothes. Her deep cleavage was white and dazzling. The large-caliber pistol on her waist was very cold, making Gao Feng feel like she had traveled through time and space.

Two enchanting beauties with black lipstick saw Gao Feng surrounded by twelve scouts, and then saw Gao Feng's Viper pistol habitually hanging on his waist. A smile appeared on his lips, showing his white teeth. One of them had a smile on his face. His front was almost, almost touching Gao Feng's arms. Before the guard behind him raised his rifle, Gao Feng made a stop gesture. Only then did he not get tense because of the beauty teasing him on the street.

This petite beauty with an excellent figure made Gao Feng extremely friendly. Her grimace-like smoky makeup reminded him of the decadent young generation on the streets of the past era, reliving a certain feeling from the past era. At the same time, Gao Feng did not relax. Be alert, a thin invisible spider thread silently wraps around the girl's neck. As long as she makes the slightest move, her head will fall to the ground.

"Handsome guy, remember to find me. The fee is definitely worth every penny..."

The girl took off her sunglasses, revealing the built-in chip in her left eye to contact the built-in chip in Gaofeng's eye. Gaofeng immediately received a set of unfamiliar digital codes. He was still surprised at first, but after hearing the girl's words, a few veins suddenly appeared on his forehead. Being solicited on the street.

The two women who came to the ground to handle business shook their hips and left. Gao Feng stood sluggishly for a few seconds, then shook his head to drive away the ridiculous thoughts from his heart, and continued to walk forward, not walking for a few seconds. As he stepped forward, Gao Feng saw two dark poisonous men squatting in the corner of the street, mysteriously arranging various objects in front of them.

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