Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1080 The Collision of Intelligent Life

Heaven and man are at war in their hearts, and the idea of ​​​​choosing repeatedly lingers in Gao Feng's heart. The value of a transport ship to the fleet is immeasurable, and the threat of swarms is also confusing. Gao Feng does not want to see the development of swarms, which is very harmful to human beings. , it may be a disaster.

From the ape-man, Gao Feng saw the powerful talents of intelligent creatures. It is said that he is just a half-human, half-ape hybrid. According to the nature of the golden-haired ape-man, he should not be promoted to Bengyun Jialuo, and he will not be thirty years old at all costs. , if it were an ordinary human Jialuo, even if it could hold up to the sky, it would at most become a cracking mountain, let alone a half-step collapse of the cloud. However, the ape-man could easily become a collapse of the cloud. If it was given space and time to continue to develop, Gao Feng would even doubt it. , Broken Star Gallo is not impossible.

There is no comparison in the physical difference between humans and beasts. Beasts are naturally stronger than humans and more adaptable to the body. Therefore, the talents of beasts far exceed those of humans. Just like Xianfeng Jialuo cannot stand up to the barbarian beasts, Xian Junjie Luo couldn't fight the desolate beast, and two Mountain Splitting Garos couldn't control the wild beast, let alone a disaster beast in the Infinite Forest that required four Collapse Cloud Garos to stay together to ensure safety.

The only thing that humans are better than beasts is their brains. Wisdom is a treasure given to humans by God. It is with wisdom that humans can become the spirit of all things, so Gao Feng is definitely not as smart as seeing creatures other than beasts.

When two intelligent creatures come into contact, there are only two possibilities: one will be exterminated, or the other will be enslaved, just like the golden-haired ape man's plan, the man serves as a slave or food, and the woman becomes a tool for their reproduction, although the types of killer bees are different. , Gao Feng is not sure what the future world will be like unless he strangles the killer bees in the cradle.

Killer bees are a species that must be killed by Peak. No matter how many other intelligent populations there are in the world, as long as Peak encounters them, they will kill every one they see. Only in this way can more variables be eliminated. Angelina has been peeking Gao Feng, although she shouldn't be like this as a modulator, she is no longer a normal modulator. Her ideal is to become a captain, or even better, to become a commander like Masati who can command a fleet.

"Your Excellency, Commander..., we can actually simulate the pronunciation of insects. The fleet's quantum computer has been cracked to 50%. As long as you give me twenty-four hours, I will be able to..."

"That's enough. You don't need to get involved in this matter anymore. I have arrangements..."

Gao Feng frowned and interrupted Angelina. The little girl's heart trembled, she shrank her neck in fear, blinked her eyes and did not dare to speak anymore. Even with her own emotions, the nature of modulating people is still there, which is to the commander. Absolute obedience.

Gao Feng, who was frowning with his hands behind his back, stared at the huge main pole where the terrifying vines were gradually revealed on the screen, but he was thinking about the killer bees in his heart. Kalea must absorb the nutrients of the terrifying vines in the main pole. If he waits for Kaleia God knows how long it will take for Kalea to come out. If there are new changes, Gao Feng has no way to stop it. Now is the critical moment for Ka Leia. Gao Feng doesn't want to disturb her, but it would be a pity to lose a transport ship out of thin air. .

"It looks quite like Tianjin hemp flower..."

The tangled heart made Gao Feng wandering, and his attention was involuntarily turned to the main pole of the terrifying vines that was revealed. The main pole looked low, but was actually hundreds of meters high, and was intertwined with countless twisted and dark giant vines. Together, the entangled area is ten times longer than the height of the terrifying vines, reaching at least several kilometers. It looks like a city formed by twisted rattans. The large rattan is wider than the central street of the big city, and the small rattan is wider than the central street of the big city. But it hangs like tassels, like the World Tree in the Elf Kingdom, with countless branch roots arching out of the ground, like giant arch bridges extending to no end, and forming countless small entangled roots around it. If it is modified, There will be absolutely no problem living with 100,000 people.

This majestic and magnificent scenery did not impress Gao Feng. He was well aware of the threat of the scary vines, because where the scary vines grew, there was no living thing, whether it was an animal or a plant, not even a stone, that could be swallowed. They were all swallowed up, and apart from the rolling mountains, only the terrifying vines themselves remained.

In his reverie, the restless communications officer once again interrupted Gao Feng's contemplation, raised his little hand and whispered to Gao Feng:

"Your Excellency, Commander, I just secretly tried to contact you using the syllables of the bee swarm, and I got a response. They are willing to contact us. Please..."

"Who asked you to do this? Don't you have a brain? You are just fooling around..."

Gao Feng was furious, making Angelina's face pale. She was really frightened by Gao Feng this time. She never expected that Gao Feng would arouse such a big reaction. All the previous excitement was in vain. She still doesn't understand until now. Why is Gao Feng so angry?

"Don't you know that intelligent life means life? If you give those things time and space to develop, after a few decades or hundreds of years, the earth may be destroyed because of two intelligent creatures competing for living space. Isn't this shocking... ….”

Seeing Angelina's scared look, Gao Feng couldn't help but have a headache. Among the new generation of officers on the bridge, the intelligence officers Ajieli and Angelina were the most outstanding. They were the talents Gao Feng secretly paid attention to, and they were also Gao Feng's established Candidates for the next generation of captain, but I didn’t expect that both of them are bold and boundless guys. Ajieli is willing to fight to the death, and she almost loses her reputation by obtaining first-hand information about the terrifying vines, while Angelina is even more He bypassed the peak and directly contacted the bee swarm without thinking about the consequences.

"What exactly do you think? Tell me..."

After hesitating for a while, Gao Feng decided to give Angelina a chance, otherwise he would transfer this good girl away and she would have to stay in a second-line position for the rest of her life. Angelina didn't know that she was at a crossroads in life. He bit his bright red lips stubbornly and looked down at his toes. After a while, he said in a nasal voice like a mosquito's hum:

"I think this is an opportunity to learn about intelligent life beyond humans. It is rare for us to control the situation. As long as it is under our surveillance, the bee colony will not be in too much danger..."

"There are 127 people on the transport ship occupied by the swarm. What about their safety? Have you thought about it?"

Gao Feng noticed something was wrong as soon as he heard this. What does it mean to control the situation, and what does it mean to not be a big threat? If that was the case, why should he be anxious?

"Your Excellency, Commander, one hundred and twenty-seven non-natural people to be precise. They have dedicated their lives to uncovering the secrets of intelligent life. It is their honor..."

The baby-faced Angelina has always given people the impression of being as cute as the girl next door, but as soon as she said these words, Gao Feng suddenly felt a chill. From the other party's stern eyes, Gao Feng not only saw fanaticism, He also saw the contempt for unnatural people, which made Gao Feng wonder whether Angelina, like Kalea, changed her identity from a natural person to join the fleet.

"Okay, this matter ends here. I don't want to hear about natural people or non-natural people anymore. Here, everyone has the same identity, human beings..., killer bees may threaten the future living space of human beings, and they must perish. , this is an irreconcilable conflict, your third kind of contact is now officially over..."

Gao Feng finally pronounced the verdict and sentenced Killer Bee to death. Angelina opened and closed her mouth, but she couldn't speak. Gao Feng was not Masati, and any order was final. She had no right to refute and fell silent. Staring at the virtual deconstructed graphics of various weird sound waves on the monitor was a discovery that could go down in history, and it was this discovery that ended the future of killer bees.

Maple Leaf Kuang, at Gao Feng's signal, dispatched with nearly a hundred fully armed Jialuo. The twenty Xianjun Jialuo at the front held a highly forged Tang sword. The 80% increase allowed them to compete with the Split Mountain's Jialuo. The distance is infinitely close, and the remaining dozens of Xianfeng Garo are the last foundation of the Maple Leaf family. In order to deal with the bee swarm, all the adult men of the Maple Leaf family came out. After meeting the peak, the group launched an attack on the killer bees. The final attack, and in Angelina's record, at the last moment, the female killer bees were questioning why humans would take action...

As a bystander, Angelina saw all this in her eyes from beginning to end. At the moment when Maple Leaf took action, nearly a hundred gallo carried various weapons and used illogical personal power to launch a full-scale killing of the killer bees. , countless killer bees were unable to fight back in the face of this long-planned killing, and most of them were burned to ashes.

As the only intelligent creature among killer bees, the female insect didn't understand this very well. It tried to find a chance to explain, but unfortunately humans didn't give it any chance. All the explanation syllables were sent back to Angelina, and Gao Feng simply couldn't understand it. Not listening to what the killer bee mother is trying to say.

A feast of killing ended the moment the female bee died. Maple Leaf Maniac had a concern about killer bees, but if he really wanted to take action, he would kill them all. To him, it didn’t matter whether the killer bees were intelligent or not, as long as he lived in this life There is no need to see the killer bees anymore. At the same time, the transport ship was unexpectedly preserved. As the habitat of the mother bees, the killer bees never thought of destroying the nest, but humans did not care about this. A large amount of firepower was poured into it. The ship on his side suffered some losses, but the ending was perfect. Gao Feng got what he wanted, Masati believed that the safety of the fleet was guaranteed, and the Maple Leaf family harvested a large amount of bee pupae and honey. It has an unimaginable effect on Gaara.

When Maple Leaf, who returned home with a full load, displayed various harvests in front of the peak like a show off, Angelina looked at them quietly. In her eyes, all this was plunder. Humans had exterminated the killer bees and taken away everything they had. An uncomfortable pain suddenly arose, and tears filled her eyes. Looking at the delighted Maple Leaf family and her fleet colleagues who breathed a sigh of relief, Angelina kept asking herself, is it possible that there is a conflict between the two intelligent species? Must the collision end with the extinction of one side?

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