Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1073 Stowaways on the battlefield

The area where the firepower was concentrated caused the situation to get a little out of control. The wildly dancing tentacles were much restrained. This not only relieved the pressure on the fleet, but also allowed the killer bees who had been serving as sandwich biscuits to escape partially. The killer bees no longer dared to play any more. Using camouflage tactics, they fled in a swarm against the top of the fleet, not daring to delay even being shredded to pieces by the angle-adjusted fire net.

Everyone on the bridge watched eagerly as the ferocious-looking yellow insects with distinct horns flew past the probe. Each one was the size of a fist, with sharp horns, teeth as sharp as a half-moon scimitar, and a heart-stopping black tail needle. All are enough to illustrate the terror of killer bees, but here, the killer bees are just a group of pitiful refugees. They know that the battleships around them have killed many of their kind, but none of them dare to explode their stings. They obediently stick their tail needles tightly to their bodies. The belly flashed by.

A bloated creature the size of a mule and shaped like a giant silkworm was held by dozens of creatures that looked like giant dragonflies. It slowly flew past a nine-hole machine cannon. The flames emitted from the muzzle made the giant silkworm uneasy. No need to explain, Gao Feng knew that it was the female killer bee. As long as the muzzle of the gun was twisted, the female insect would be killed and the population of killer bees would disappear.

But he did not give the order to turn the gun. Even though the young and immature fire control officer stared at him closely, Gao Feng hesitated for a few seconds and pretended not to see it. Killing the female insect is easy, but after killing it, there will be problems. , the entire killer bee population is controlled by the female bee. If the bee colony loses control after killing, it will be troublesome. Gao Feng does not want to face a two-front battle, especially at this critical moment, the priority is still clear.

Just like this, the swarm of killer bees slipped away behind the fleet. The overwhelming killer bees rolled up a frenzy and rushed toward the gap against the clock. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the black tide sloped down along the top of the canyon. The child swept in countless killer bees, and at the same time also involved the last dagger assault ship covering the fleet.

The call for help from the Stiletto assault ship was sent back immediately. Before Masati could give the correct order, all traffic was cut off. The only thing that could be done was to mobilize the firepower and tilt it to the rear to strangle tens of thousands of killer bees. into pieces while preventing the spread of the black tide.

Gao Feng's heart suddenly tightened. What was the black tide? It was the countless tentacles of the vine monster. It finally couldn't help but break the stalemate, attack the fleet in full range, and swallow up the most difficult prey in history. At this moment, It was Kalea's critical moment. The counterattack just now took a lot of pressure off of her, and the twisting range became much larger. But after the firepower was reduced by half, it began to calm down again. Once she waited for the little bump that represented Kalea If she disappears, she will disappear from this world forever.

Gao Feng looked at Kalea in great tangle. He didn't know whether he should scold her or thank her. In order to avenge him, Kalea rashly went deep into the enemy without knowing the details of the enemy, putting himself in danger, but he also It bought valuable time for the fleet to adjust. If Kallea hadn't been on top, the fleet might have suffered far more losses.

The fleet is like a fire hedgehog, but maintaining firepower also means a large consumption of ammunition. Many warships are close to the ammunition reserve warning line. Although the supply ships and transport ships still have at least three bases of ammunition, they want to replenish but they don't. In this place, all the ships are crowded together, and the space must be expanded at least ten times to effectively supply.

Gao Feng couldn't care about so much anymore and could only count on Maple Leaf Mania and the Garos of the Maple Leaf Family. Maple Leaf Mania was clearing the way for two landing tanks. Compared to the huge landing tanks, Maple Leaf Mania was intentionally or unintentionally ignored and rolled towards He doesn't have many tentacles. The huge tentacles are as huge as buildings in front of him, and the space he occupies is like the gaps between buildings. In order to cover the landing tanks, Maple Leaf Mania is like a The industrious little bee was flying among the vines, holding a pair of purple-gold fish scale knives more than two meters long and slashing out a series of blue half-moon air blades.

Gao Feng did not reveal his refining ability in front of Maple Leaf Mania. The daily rations for dealing with two little things gave Gao Feng a headache. He did not want to become a hard worker for the Maple Family's hundreds of Gallo, so the Maple Leaf Family's weapons were all made by the fleet. The system is completed in batches, and the purity is only about 50%, and 50% purity is equivalent to a 50% increase in ability, which is definitely at the forefront among the supernatural weapons.

The huge double swords are longer than Maple Leaf Maniac himself, and the blades are like door panels. Maple Leaf Maniac wielding the double swords has a contradictory beauty. He can cut off the huge tentacles in two, and the efficiency is comparable to the entire firepower of a heavy battleship. Not to mention the consumption of ammunition, it is also environmentally friendly.

Compared to Maple Leaf Madness, the other families of the Maple Leaf Family are far from impressive. The Garomen, led by Maple Leaf Hill, all hold supernatural weapon swords and fight fiercely in mid-air with the cooperation of individual aircraft. The most outstanding one is Maple Leaf Hill. Wearing a black combat uniform and a purple-gold sword that is 150 centimeters long, he is extremely cool. He is not as careful as Maple Leaf to dodge left and right. He is like an immovable God of War, guarding the smallest ship with all his might. , as long as the tentacles rolled over, they would be cut at both ends from a long distance, and one person would guard the entire ship airtight.

For Maple Leaf Hill, Gao Feng just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Uninformed people still thought that Maple Leaf Hill was majestic. In fact, Gao Feng knew that Maple Leaf Hill was afraid of heights and that the operation of individual aircraft was in the primary stage of socialism. However, Maple Leaf After Kuang Yin made a fool of himself using a single-soldier aircraft for the first time, he worked hard and practiced hard every day. He is also good at controlling himself. No one can match him in flying skills, even those who control single-soldier aircraft. The elite Doomsday Slayers who had spent more than a thousand hours were incomparable, so Maple Leaf Hill could only defend, while the other Garos were taking the initiative to attack.

These Garos were extremely wild when fighting. Only some of them wore combat uniforms with good protection capabilities and auxiliary combat units. The others were all topless and smeared with various colored oil paints, like the Indians who were crazy with each other. The vines are fighting like a group of combine harvesters, constantly strangling the vines. Although they cannot cover everything and guard everything as smoothly as Maple Leaf Hill, the distance they break in is only one step away from Maple Leaf Madness. If it were not for the strict order of the command center Forbidden, maybe someone will break into the core area like Kalea.

With the Garos' attack, the fleet is not afraid of being involved in the tentacles of the vines for the time being. The fleet's firepower is divided into two, one part supports Kallea, and the other part blocks the vines sweeping in from the front and rear. The peak of attention to the overall situation is temporarily put down. Suddenly, his eyes were focused on a certain big insect at the rear of the fleet.

This female killer bee obviously had no way of passing through the dense fire net and endless tentacles. She could only hide on the top deck of a certain transport ship and happened to make a home under the antenna tower. Dozens of huge dragonflies collected it. They raised their wings and surrounded the mother insect, closely protecting the mother insect. More killer bees kept moving closer to the transport ship, and soon dyed the transport ship the color of poop.

The actions of the killer bees made Gao Feng a little uneasy. These unexpected stowaways obviously had no intention of buying tickets. Neither the vines nor the fleet had any intention of taking action. They were carelessly hiding under the protection of the fleet, but they did not help the fleet fight. The intention was very unpleasant, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could only hope that after the war was over, these disgusting bugs would leave on their own.

At the moment when Gao Feng shifted his attention, the killer bee made a new move. The tentacles that were cut off and fell were caught by the killer bee and brought back to the top of the transport ship for storage. Some of the killer bees actually bit the broken tentacles into pieces and fed them to the female insects, while other killer bees began to use the accumulated vines to build nests. The fleet's attention was focused on the battlefield, and no one discovered the killer bees. move.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Maple Leaf family did not obey orders. Some people have suffered casualties. They rushed in rashly, and some people gave up their positions, causing the vines to break through the defense line..."

The more nervous you are, the more likely accidents will occur. Gao Feng was waiting for Maple Leaf to make a great contribution when he suddenly heard upsetting news from the communications officer. This was the job of the intelligence officer, because the intelligence officer's brain was severely loaded and he had been taken off for treatment. , the communications officer took over the task of the intelligence officer by the way.

When Gao Feng heard this, he knew that the Garos of the Maple Leaf Family were crazy. Just like the Maple Leaf Maniacs, they couldn't find Bei when they entered the battlefield. They stared at the enemy and beat them to death. But there was only one real enemy here. As long as he continued Roots will never be able to be killed. If you want to pull them back, unless Maple Leaf Kuang personally gives the order, but now is the critical period, Maple Leaf Kuang has covered the landing tanks and rushed to the final distance. Gao Feng did not dare to disturb, in desperation, I could only find the top of Maple Leaf Hill.

Seeing Maple Leaf Hill, Gao Feng's previous contempt suddenly turned into nothingness. Maple Leaf Hill had a fear of heights, which was perfect at this time. No one could order Garo more easily than him. He quickly connected to Maple Leaf Hill's communication system, and Gao Feng said directly:

"Xiaoshan, your Maple Leaf family is so unreasonable. You have agreed that men are useless and will not cause trouble for women. The Maple Leaf family says they won't cause trouble on face, but they are secretly playing dirty tricks. I fucking look down on you..." ”

Gao Feng yelled loudly, Maple Leaf Hill had always taken care of his own land, and had no idea that Gao Feng was scolding him. Because he didn't know, Gao Feng took the lead. He was short of breath before he could speak, and said quickly:

"Uncle, if you have something to say, say it directly. I got scolded for no reason. I'm so embarrassed. What's going on? If someone really stabs you in the back, I'll be the first to kill him..."

Maple Leaf Hill's attitude softened Gao Feng's tone, and he said solemnly:

"They are not the women who were rescued from the apes. They were all placed on a ship. They did not meet the people of the Maple Leaf Family. The Garo who were supposed to guard the ship all went to other places. This is to kill someone with a borrowed knife. Huh? How come your family is so rich?"

Gao Feng opened his eyes and told lies. The Garos were just too carried away by the killing to deviate from their position. It had nothing to do with the ship carrying the women. But Maple Leaf Hill didn't know which ship the women were on. Even if they knew, they were now fighting passionately. , he couldn't tell the difference, so Gao Feng scolded him with confidence.

Maple Leaf Xiaoshan was also anxious when he heard this. Although he had asked Maple Leaf Maniac for her opinion on how to deal with the woman, Maple Leaf Maniac taught her a lesson. He still feels sad about her. How could he allow others to do this? Suddenly he cursed loudly:

"Uncle, that little brat did something good. If you name him, I'll chop him up..."

Gao Feng could hear the cold murderous intention from Fengye Xiaoshan's mouth, but he did not add fuel to the fire and said in a deep voice:

"It's no use killing him. You can resolve your matter privately and return them to their original positions immediately. If the entire fleet collapses and hundreds of members of your family run away, go and shout..."

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng signaled the communications officer to inform Maple Leaf Hill about the lives of those Garo who had strayed from their position. The battlefield communication equipment worked wonders at this moment. Maple Leaf Hill's broken gong voice suddenly resounded through the internal communication, and the sound was a hundred times worse than Gao Feng's. He kept on scolding, and kept moving his hands and feet to clean up the sweeping vines, which was amazing. After all, he was the first person in the new generation of the Maple Leaf family, and he could still be useful at the critical moment.

Just when Maple Leaf Mania led the landing tank and rushed into the new area at the base of the tentacles, all the Garos returned to defense in fear. Not only that, they firmly guarded the areas they were responsible for and did not dare to move a step, because Maple Leaf Xiaoshan has already agreed to settle the score in the future, and now it depends on whether they can make amends.

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