Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1071 Garo Death Squadron

"Fight back, fight back..., we can't let her go alone..."

Weak and almost inaudible intermittent words came from the mouth of the person in Masati's arms. Gao Feng's condition was not very good, but it was not as bad as everyone imagined. It was mainly a mental blow, but he could still do it. Accepting external information to make judgments, before he couldn't support it and fell in a daze, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to protect himself. Then Kalea appeared and found out that he was going to go out to find trouble. Gao Feng was anxious in his heart But he couldn't say it. Even if Masati stopped Kalea, he was still anxious, because he knew that Kalea would not listen to anyone if she was stubborn. No one else could stop her except him.

It was impossible to stop it, and it was not easy to speak. While Gao Feng was waiting for his recovery, his mind was spinning rapidly. He could not let Kalea be in desperate situation for himself, even if it took the entire fleet and himself. I don’t want anything to happen to Kalea.

At this moment, Gao Feng did not calculate the bottom line of the loss, nor did he think of looking for opportunities to escape while relying on Kalea to drag down the unknown creature, nor did he think of sacrificing part of it and preserving the other. Gao Feng had never felt such absolute dependence like he did with Kalea. He didn't have Kalea, and there were other women, but without Kalea, he had nothing. This was an emotion he had never experienced before, and it gave him the urge to give up the whole world for Kalea. Although this impulse was given to him by Kalea first.

The mature Maple Leaf Maniac immediately discovered that something was wrong with Gao Feng. There was no problem with the previous orders. Faced with unknown dangers, he first thought of self-protection. Only by keeping a low profile as much as possible could he minimize the risk and activate the final defense system. When you hear it, you can tell that you are passively enduring it. For Gao Feng to issue this order, he must have some practical thoughts, but fighting back is different. This is just to attract hatred. It focuses the monster's attention on himself. Once there is a problem, the entire The fleet no longer exists, the fleet no longer exists, and the hundreds of people in the family no longer exist.

At this time, Maple Leaf Kuang had some regrets and regretted following Gao Feng's fleet back to the mainland. After the ape-men were eliminated, the family had no enemies for the time being. It had a relatively safe environment to cultivate and recuperate. When the next generation grew up, it would be thousands more. The family of No. 1, but at this moment, it means Gao Feng's order, and there is no chance to make money.

The Maple Leaf family is not afraid of sacrifice. Countless people have died at the hands of apes for generations, but they cannot consume all the seeds. Men can die, but women and children cannot. Thinking of this, Maple Leaf Mania has an impulse in his heart. He wants to He held Gao Feng hostage and ordered the fleet to perform the final defense.

The changes in Maple Leaf Mania's expression have been secretly observed. This is the communication officer of the fleet. As an elective psychology course, it is the responsibility of the communications officer to stabilize everyone's emotions at necessary moments, so she could see what Maple Leaf Mania was thinking and couldn't help but stand. Get up and shout loudly:

"All members take the orders of Your Majesty the Commander as the first criterion. Any objection or resistance will trigger the self-control system. I agree to fight back immediately..."

The communications officer was a moderator officer assigned from the fleet gifted by Charles. As a suspect who had violated the regulations on the management of non-natural persons, she was thrown over by Charles as a time bomb. No one knew whether she had a tendency to self-destruct. If Charles was Here, you will definitely lament your knowledge of people and knowledge.

The liaison officer's shout beyond his authority brought the panicked Masati back to her senses. At this time, Kalea had been completely wrapped by the unknown creature. On the creature's abdomen, there was a bulge that was constantly twisting. Inside was the struggling Kalea. Compared to the huge size of the monster, Kalea's struggling bag was like goosebumps on a giant's body, tiny and inconspicuous.

At this time, Masati only needs a few minutes at night to make Kalea disappear into the monster's belly forever. At least Masati thinks so. She has always been jealous of Kalea, and she obviously behaved arrogantly at the beginning. Indifference, treating human beings like ant-like creatures, robbed her of the peak and made her suffer in jealousy.

Masati was afraid of this kind of jealousy and fantasized about snatching the peak from Kalea's hands, but she was surprised by her own thoughts. She didn't know that this is the nature of women. She may not cherish what she gets, but others get what she once had. After passing it, I felt uncomfortable and often became mad with frustration.

"Attention all, the unrestricted counterattack has begun, using incendiary howitzer shells to fire scatter shots, the first wave of warships are launched, and the logistics ships are waiting for orders..."

A series of orders were issued by Masati. No matter what, she could not be clever in front of Gao Feng. She knew in her heart that if Kalea died, Gao Feng might hate her for the rest of her life. She did not want such an ending.

Kallea's order was executed perfectly. The three heavy warships and three dagger assault ships fired with full firepower. The main and secondary guns fired together, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound in the valley, and the sound of artillery would be heard. The killer bees clinging to the rock were shattered. Now the killer bees no longer bothered to disguise themselves. They all flew up and fled, but were then sucked in by the huge tentacle suckers. For the huge battleship, the killer bees Bees seemed to be more to the monster's taste. Many of the tentacles wrapped around the ship were released to capture the killer bees, and the flash points of the flame explosions shone like neon lights, exploding clouds of flames on the monsters.

The dark canyon was illuminated red by the flames of the incendiary bombs. Countless killer bees and tentacles vaporized in the flames. Burning black smoke rolled around the monster's belly and rolled into the valley. Amidst the smoke, bursts of firelight erupted from the black smoke. The back side flashed like a flash caused by thunder and lightning.

"As agreed, the logistics fleet cannot go up. At least children and women cannot push up to the front. Let us men die first..."

Maple Leaf's wild and vicious eyes showed that the incendiary bombs did not play a decisive role. It was quite loud with thunder and small raindrops. In just a few minutes, hundreds of incendiary bombs were fired. Even if a mountain was burned down, it still took a long time. There was no sign of retreating from those tentacles. They were like demons dancing wildly, stretching out in the flames and sweeping toward the fleet.

"Natural people are more valuable than you can imagine. Unless it is absolutely necessary, nothing will happen to them..."

Masati said coldly to Maple Leaf Mania, no matter how good Maple Leaf Mania was in wearing pants with Gao Feng, it would still be unreliable at the critical moment. Masati's already vigilant mentality became more wary, and Maple Leaf Mania buttoned her nose in embarrassment. , stamped his feet violently and shouted:

"We can't let that girl stand on it alone. If you can find a way to let the family's back escape, my life will be lost here. Brother, you must remember that I will die for you. Yes, if the younger generation of the family is in trouble in the future, please help me. If anyone bullies them, for my sake, help me kill those bastards..."

After saying that, Maple Leaf Maniac turned around and left. Before he had taken a few steps, a long metal whip was drawn from behind and hung towards Maple Leaf Maniac's calf. How could Maple Leaf Maniac be tied up? A whirlwind suddenly spun from the sole of his foot and circled him. The metal chain was twisted into countless fragments. Fortunately, he immediately woke up and collected all the metal fragments flying like bullets to his side.

At this time, it was obvious that Maple Leaf Madness had become a half-step collapse method. He sent and received messages without revealing any trace. He easily resolved a murder and catastrophe. Countless metal fragments were spinning around him like a magnetic attraction. When the force was strong, After all were eliminated, the clangs fell to the deck.

It was Gao Feng who stopped Maple Leaf Mania. Although others were uncomfortable, his ability was still there. It was no problem to condense a metal chain. He didn’t even ask to catch Maple Leaf Mania. He only needed a little reminder. He couldn’t move when he saw Gao Feng and still wanted to stop him. He himself was suddenly moved to tears by Maple Leaf Mania, and said repeatedly:

"After all, he is my brother. He still wants to hold me back at this moment. Don't say anything. As long as my brother is not dead, I guarantee that you will not die..."

After saying that, he was about to leave again. Gao Feng was so anxious that he could hardly speak. He held back his breath until his cheeks turned red. Finally, he drew a mouth full of blood and shouted loudly:

"Brother, if you want to die, you must die worthy. I have a way to kill that thing, but I need your help to put it into the belly of that thing..."

Hearing what Gao Feng said, Maple Leaf's face turned dark, but he couldn't say anything. He nodded heavily and said, "What should I do? Don't let me die miserably..."

"It's a narrow escape. Kalea is still struggling in the belly of that thing. It's not enough to burn the tentacles. You also have to get into the belly of the thing like Kalea did. Kalea is not strong enough. Let's help her work harder. Son, dispatch the death squads and use landing tanks to send bombs and fuel directly into the belly of that thing to detonate it. The power of the internal explosion is thirty times that of the external explosion. Even steel has to be exploded. Only in this way can Carle be destroyed. Get it out of there..."

Masati's eyes darkened when she heard this. At this moment, Gao Feng was still thinking about saving that stupid woman Kalea, but Maple Leaf Mania didn't care. He understood what Gao Feng meant, and he still kept a share of this death-dealing deal. Vitality, although Gao Feng said that he should rescue Kalaiya as much as possible, since he can leave Kalaiya a life, he will also do the same. It cannot be said that it is greater than Kalaiya's vitality, and in the belly of that thing Detonating a bomb in there makes Maple Leaf Mania's blood boil just thinking about it.

"The BHA-301 earth-penetrating bomb has a tonnage of 300 tons of explosives. It uses alpha erite fission molecule polymerization technology. It weighs 570 kilograms. The main weight comes from the seismic drill bit and power cabin. Now it is also modified That's too late……."

The fire controller is a cute black-haired girl with a baby face that looks like a fourteen-year-old girl. But despite that face, her figure is excellent, not much worse than Helen the Ocean Horse. , a typical childlike face with big breasts, but Gao Feng had no chance to appreciate it. Kalea stared at Gao Feng like a she-wolf. Up to now, Gao Feng didn't even know the name of the fire control officer. Fortunately, she was extremely familiar with her job. All kinds of data come to you at the drop of a hat.

Hearing that the little girl opened her big eyes in surprise, Maple Leaf laughed loudly and said: "Little girl, I have never seen Jialuo do it. A little weight is nothing, even if there are ten of you, I will carry it and run..."

"Old sir, I have a standard body shape of 45 kilograms, but I am only 450 kilograms..."

The little girl failed to comply with the regulations on the management of non-natural persons and could not help but defend herself. However, the Maple Leaf Maniac did not take it seriously and shouted loudly:

"Get ready guys, you have to watch me at the critical moment, let you know what it means to collapse the cloud in half a step..."

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