Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1057 The End Begins

At the moment when Kalea gave up hope and prepared to face death, the control of the silver hair completely fell into the hands of Gao Feng. Even if Kalea cooperated with Gao Feng 100%, there was always a layer of separation in some places, just like Dai Wearing rubber gloves to feel the coldness of the snow, when Kalea gave up cooperating, Gao Feng was able to control the silver hair 100%.

The sensory amplification of the silver hair played an absolute role at this moment. All the controls were clearly understood by Gao Feng. Gao Feng made an unexpected decision for Kalea and the ape-man. Instead of speeding up and escaping, he controlled tens of millions of hairs. The threads intersect and weave in the air, creating hemp ropes out of thin air.

It is not the braid that Kallea had made before, but a hemp rope made of countless hairs. It is stronger and more than ten times tighter. These silver hemp ropes dance in the air like pythons, with fine scales vividly. Even under the cutting of the cyclone, it still did not break, and even the space cracks could not be cut off at once.

This is already the limit that Gaofeng can achieve. The space cracks cannot be cut off at once. They can be cut off by cutting several times. The number is no longer a few. There are space cracks everywhere in the dark. Within the range of sensory exploration, Gaofeng can Hundreds of space cracks were discovered. What's even more terrible is that the silver hair cannot offset the space cracks at all. Unless he can take out enough Thousand Tribulations Silk and use special materials that can absorb perception to eliminate these difficult space cracks. Otherwise, you have to wait until the space crack runs out of energy and disappears. This process may be quite long.

I have to say that Gao Feng is very lucky. In addition to the extremely sharp and difficult-to-prevent characteristics of space gaps, the real danger is tracking and locking in the long-distance control of the ape-man. But at the moment, the ape-man is too busy to take care of himself and has no energy to control these space cracks. If Just like before, even if the control was one-tenth, Gao Feng and Kalea had become meat sauce at this moment. ,

The spatial cracks emanating unconsciously were temporarily blocked on the peak side, but they consumed a large amount of Kalea's silver hair. The silver hair is not rootless. It requires the energy accumulated by Kalea's body, and continuous consumption , something bad started to happen for her. Gao Feng, who was holding her tightly, had already noticed that Kalea's breathing was intermittent, her face was pale and blue, her lips had lost their color, even her pupils began to dilate, and her heartbeat reached a very low level. The extent of checking.

Kalea's originally light body became even lighter at the peak. Gaofeng knew that this was not due to the repulsion of the position, but because Kalea lost a lot of blood, which caused the weight of his body to decrease. The space crack cut off not just Kalea's hair. , and also evaporated a large amount of her blood, which was consuming her life.

But Gao Feng couldn't stop. He was only one step away from success. The Thousand Calamity Silk had already pierced the ape-man's heart. Under normal circumstances, if a creature was pierced through the heart, it would die. But the best thing he had to do was to use Thousand Calamity Threads to pierce the heart. The silk will completely crush the ape-man's heart, giving him no chance to live anymore.

Life for apes means death at the peak. You must not hold back at this time. The collapsed space cracks finally crossed a long distance and spread throughout the entire habitat of apes. Countless apes did not die in the hands of Kalea, but died in their hands. In the hands of the leader, many human women who had escaped disaster in Kalea's hands were easily cut into pieces and erased in front of the space cracks, just like toys made by a masked man.

The heavy losses were also suffered by the gray-haired apes who had been huddled in a pile before. These gray-haired apes were the last force of the tribe. It was precisely because they were huddled together that the space cracks exerted their maximum lethality. A line of gray-haired apes only needed one. The cracks in the space can kill them all. Amidst the continuous screams, the gray-haired ape-man who didn't know what fear was also collapsed, leaving behind a large number of corpses with parts of their bodies wiped out of thin air, and they fled around.

In any area covered by space cracks, life, plants, and rocks all disappear out of thin air, as if being swallowed by a black hole. Countless long and narrow gaps are spread all over the ground and mountain peaks. These are the traces left by space cracks. I don’t know about these cracks. How many meters deep into the ground will it be, but it can be seen with the naked eye that after experiencing the saturation attack of the space crack, the steep mountain lost the foundation on which it relied, broke off from the base, and rolled down the mountain with a roar, driving a large area of ​​​​the hollowed out The crumbling rocks formed landslides, burying countless ape-men in thick piles of rubble.

Not long after, only a lot of space gaps remained on the side of the peak in the sky, and all the space gaps in other directions disappeared into the surface and the mountain wall. This was the last moment when the peak was about to escape the range of sensory control, piercing the ape-man's heart. The threads of Thousand Tribulations slowly stirred, twisting that powerful heart into pieces.

The golden-haired ape-man covering his heart let out a shrill scream. Countless winds, thunder and lightning danced around it. Thousands of arcs flashed rapidly, forming a perfect sphere that shrouded the ape-man in the center. Its transformation was finally completed. , but it has lost its heart and at the same time accepts the coming of death.

At the moment when the ape-man's shrill roar came, blue light flashed and shot out like dancing arc fireworks. Kalea's hair had lost nine-tenths, and she could no longer maintain a flying posture. The two of them were like angels with broken wings. , fell to the ground, and then thousands of arcs flooded the space cracks that followed, and rushed towards the two of them. The only thing Gao Feng could do was to hold Kaletta in his arms and use his back to welcome these. Emits a strong and dangerous electric arc.

Gao Feng did this not to sacrifice his life for righteousness. At the moment when the arc was radiating, Gao Feng knew that it was impossible for him and Kalea to go back alive. Kalea was so angry that the two of them lost the ability to float. At the same time, Gao Feng was at the end. For a moment, it crushed the ape-man's heart, but overdrawn all his perceptions. This was the first time that his senses were completely overdrawn. The severe headache made him feel that his head was about to explode. This level of severe pain even made him think that it might be better to die. The idea was that in this desperate situation, Gao Feng could only wait for death. Even because of the severe pain, he did not even have the regret to look back on the past, and just welcomed the final darkness.

Thousands of scattered arcs hit the peak without any accident, forming countless electric-like chains on his body, entangling him and Kalea, and the protective clothing and underwear were instantly burned to fly ash, and the tough skin It was also penetrated by the arc, and countless blood flowers exploded. The blood flowers first appeared and disappeared, and were completely evaporated by the arc. At the moment when Gao Feng was about to be burned to ashes by the arc, all the arcs poured into Gao Feng's arms.

Before Gao Feng could notice it, the rapidly enlarging ground filled his field of vision. The two of them stumbled into the fields below that were burnt with black smoke by arcs. Gao Feng's spirit finally collapsed, and darkness descended, but in the final perception, there was no trace of what he had imagined. There was a violent collision and no buffering rebound. It was like time stopped, and all external perceptions disappeared.

Gao Feng seems to be trapped in a chaotic world. In this environment where there is no difference between up and down, and no boundaries between weight and weight, Gao Feng is like a fetus gestating in the womb, enjoying a different kind of tranquility. In this tranquility, all sufferings leave him. Responsibility and commitment no longer exist, there is no pain, no joy, no enemies, relatives and friends, and even no thinking. He is like a single-celled paramecium, not needing to pay attention to anything.

In the chaotic world, Gao Feng cannot feel his own existence, and he no longer needs to become that painful mortal. The stripping of spirit and consciousness, the disappearance of body and soul, makes him sleep endlessly in chaos, and he wants to be with this purest human being. Chaos merged into one, he was no longer himself, but part of Chaos.

If he continues to remain silent, Gaofeng will be completely assimilated, and he will become a shell without all his thinking and senses. Even if his body is still alive, he will disappear forever as a living individual, but Gaofeng will not be able to wake up independently at this moment. Come, because he has lost his thinking and senses as a commanding life.

Maybe after a second, maybe after a lifetime, weak vibrations were transmitted to Gao Feng. It was originally a trivial touch, but it continuously impacted Gao Feng, making him wake up from the haze, and his brain was still as muddy as paste. , can’t tell who he is and where he is? At this time, Gao Feng was like a hypoglycemic patient who had just woken up. He didn't know that he was far and wide, but the persistent vibrations were still coming. This only movement made Gao Feng put his head close to him, wanting to feel more real. .

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound became clearer. Gao Feng pressed against the cold metal and finally remembered that this was the heartbeat of a living person. Then Gao Feng saw the purple and gold bra on Kalea's chest. The moment he could see clearly, severe pain suddenly occurred. It made him open his mouth and want to cry out, but the cry was stuck in his throat and he couldn't scream out. It hurt so much that his heart shrank into a ball and he couldn't even breathe air into his lungs. It was all burning and severe pain. The severe pain made him shrink into a ball, open his mouth and pump hard. The continuous pumping finally made him cry out.


A burst of words that Gao Feng couldn't understand were uploaded from the beginning. The owner of the voice was a man. His voice was low and magnetic, without much emotion. It was very similar to the electronic voice of a robot, but more rounded and tactful. The voice was neither high nor low, but It resounded clearly to Gao Feng's ears.

In the severe pain, Gao Feng reluctantly raised his head and looked up at the sky, not at the owner of the voice, but in the direction of the golden-haired ape-man. As soon as he raised his head, Gao Feng saw countless charred corpses scattered around, and the plants that were previously green and lush had all turned into charcoal. It was like charcoal ashes, and the hilltop where the gray-haired ape-man was located has been completely flattened. The golden-haired ape-man diagonally above the hilltop has lost all traces, leaving only a blue transparent gelatinous ball that keeps falling down with crystal light spots all over the sky.

Seeing that thing, Gao Feng remembered the energy pool in the forbidden area of ​​​​Xuan Ye's family, but the energy pool was quiet, and the sky-blue gelatin ball continued to decrease in the scattered light spots, slowly and irresistibly. It was the vision of heaven and earth after the death of Bengyun Jialuo. Gao Feng had seen the video. Apparently, at the last moment, the ape-man successfully advanced to Bengyun Jialuo, but in the end he did not survive.

Among the light spots in the sky, Gao Feng vaguely saw a suspended figure. The figure was blurred in the light rain, but Gao Feng still recognized it as a tall man. The scattered light rain was like iron filings attracted by a magnet. , all gathered in the middle of the figure, and it was precisely this that made it difficult for him to distinguish, and the gathered light spots made him as dazzling as a god.

"It's great for you to wake up from my realm of chaos..."

The light and shadow were intertwined, and the man who couldn't see the details spoke words of appreciation to Gao Feng in not very authentic Chinese. There was something unclear in the words, whether it was regret or something else. Gao Feng couldn't hear it, but he knew that this At this moment, he had lost all combat power and all weapons and was unable to deal with this man, so Gao Feng kept silent and just stared at the man who was plundering Gao Feng's loot with wide eyes.

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