Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1026 Loyalty

The landing tank saved the entire convoy when Maple Leaf Mania was at its most desperate, which filled the Gallo people with joy. They believed that with the landing tank, they no longer had to be afraid of the highly toxic solution raining down from the sky, including Maple Leaf Mania, but Maple Leaf Mania did not I don't know, the driver who landed on the tank only knew about the highly toxic solution was unknown objects. When they followed the operating procedures and shot down the highly toxic solution, they used too many artillery shell reserves.

Even though the landing tank has multiple functions and can be used as a personnel carrier and a transport vehicle, it actually does not have much ammunition reserves. In addition to two thousand rounds of machine gun bullets, the 120mm rapid-fire cannon has only 120 rounds of shells. The turret can fire nine rounds at a time, and if you want to explode the viscous poisonous solution in the air, this number will be tripled. This means that it takes twenty to break through a ball of highly toxic solution each time. Seven rounds, equivalent to a quarter of the ammunition reserve.

When the Maple Leaf Maniacs moved towards the base with great hope, the fifth round of bombardment ended, and the landing tank suddenly opened the cockpit, revealing the driver inside, and shouted anxiously to the Maple Leaf Maniacs:

"After all the shells have been consumed, let everyone get on the tank and abandon the logs behind..."

"What did you say?"

After hearing this, Maple Leaf Maniac still didn't understand the meaning. He didn't know what a cannonball was, but he knew that the tank was the majestic big iron car in front of him. Giving up the logs meant giving up the divine blessing wood that he finally found in the forest. This was his preparation. Another weapon to deal with the four-armed ape.

The driver didn't speak anymore and retracted the cockpit. The next moment, the triple turret sank into the car body. Two towering machine guns stretched out from both sides of the car body. They aimed at the sky together and sprayed out tongues of fire several meters long. , countless sparks connected into straight red lines, shuttled over the incoming highly toxic solution. All the sense of security before Maple Leaf Mania suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the sky in horror. In the line of fire, liquid water splashed everywhere. , but still threw down the highly toxic solution, and immediately understood what the driver said before.

After the highly toxic solution was completely consumed by more than a thousand rounds of large-caliber bullets, the two machine guns had to be re-mounted into the vehicle body. The landing tank lost most of its combat power. Maple Leaf Mania suddenly woke up, and the beast put away its fangs and claws, meaning No longer aggressive, isn't this what landing tanks show?

"Cut the rope, cut the rope, climb up, climb up..."

A meter-wide cyclone formed in Maple Leaf Mania's palm, and threw it onto the chains tied to the logs. At the same time, he shouted loudly to the others. In the howling wind, Maple Leaf Mania's roar was like thunder that shook everyone's eardrums. They were the first to In an instant, they cut off the ropes tied around their waists and climbed onto the tank one after another. Jialuo's agility was fully demonstrated at this moment. In the blink of an eye, the tank was filled with heads. Many people had no place to wear clothes and could only ride on other tanks. On the person's head. '

The Maple Leaf family's instinct to survive in the bitter cold land for decades has made them tightly united, as if the whole body is attached to the landing tank. The inside of the landing tank is also accepting the Gallo lying outside. Although the number is not large, it is effective. Relieves the pressure above.

The landing tank itself has the function of riding on infantry. The 20-meter-long body can barely form a platoon of Doomsday Slayers. The Baidu Garo is squeezed on it, but it can be closely connected while the tank is traveling at high speed. It has to be said that it is a miracle to drop anyone.

Maple Leaf Kuang and three or five Xianjun Jia Luo did not sit on it. They could still keep up with the speed of the tank and were more flexible at the same time. However, there were too many highly toxic solutions in the sky. Even if the tank driver's skills were quite high, It was also thrilling, and Maple Leaf Mania's heart almost jumped out of his throat many times.

When they were unable to continue, a pair of eyes were staring at the convoy that was approaching the base. Gao Feng sat steadily in the captain's seat, watching the highly toxic solution flying in from the sky, many of which fell on the ground. Within the base, the light wooden shell that was struck on the hull of the ship began to melt in this unknown solution, revealing the dark steel inside. The disguise that Gao Feng had worked so hard to create before was in vain.

During the large-scale toxic solution landing, the landing tank and the Garo above were like a boat about to capsize in a storm. Watching the boat moving forward with difficulty in the wind and rain, Gao Feng's heart couldn't help but lift up. Fortunately, Xiaodie Both went to comfort the women and children entering the battleship, otherwise they would be worried to death.

"Masati, find a way to rescue them, whether it's missiles or artillery, use them if you can, otherwise they won't be able to come back..."

Gao Feng finally couldn't sit still. Although it would be risky to move easily before the ingredients of the highly toxic solution were clear, he didn't want to watch Maple Leaf Kuang die in front of him. In any case, Maple Leaf Kuang was still a pretty good guy with his own abilities. It has strong combat effectiveness and can be used as the trump card of the fleet.

Compared with Gao Feng's restlessness, Masati kept looking at the landing ship calmly. When Gao Feng formally issued the order, he did not execute it immediately. After a little hesitation, he said:

"Your Majesty Commander, I personally suggest not to take action for the time being. Unknown substances in the air will not corrode steel..."

"What did you say? What on earth did you mean?"

Gao Feng didn't understand what Masati said, why didn't he take action? Just because the tank was okay doesn't mean that the Garos will be okay. Maple Leaf Hill has described the power of the poisonous wave in detail. Thousands of people in the Maple Leaf family have died on this thing. How could they not save them?

Masati's deep eyes flashed with an inexplicable look, she took a long breath and whispered to Gao Feng:

"It is not in the interests of Your Excellency Commander that they are alive. If they die due to accidents, Your Excellency Commander will have enough reasons to truly recruit them and eliminate the unpredictable hidden dangers of the fleet..."

When Masati said this, Gao Feng immediately understood what he meant. Some time ago, the Maple Leaf family entered the base without the consciousness of being guests, and had no intention of joining Gao Feng. They huddled together to form another force in the fleet, whether it was building floating battleships, Still looking for the Divine Blessing Cannon, both of them have the intention of setting up a separate mountain. Masati also tried to assist Gao Feng to collect these people, but encountered great resistance. This resistance came from the men of the Maple Leaf family, who would not Being willing to be subordinate to others, only by eliminating them can Gao Feng truly take control of the Maple Leaf family.

The reason for doing this is not that Masati wants to find subordinates for Gao Feng, but that in the fleet, having two heads means unpredictable risks. Once an emergency is encountered, it will drag Gao Feng down, just like the above Encountered an insect cloud for the first time, if it weren't for Gao Feng's insistence, the two auxiliary ships would not hesitate to block Gao Feng's knife. But if it were the Maple Leaf family, it might be Gao Feng who would block the knife for them. This is a potential threat, Martha All Dee had to do was stifle that threat.

"Can't you see that you know a lot about politics? You don't know anything else, but you know how to add insult to injury. Stabbing someone in the back is much better than your commanding ability?"

Gao Feng sneered and said sarcastic words, but he could not see any selfish thoughts in Masati's dark red eyes. Suddenly, Gao Feng understood that everything Masati did was for him. Whether righteous or negative, Masati never thought about himself, but regarded his interests as the highest criterion. Whether he was commanding two auxiliary ships to open a way for the battleship in the insect cloud, or this time he wanted to It may not be conducive to clearing peak hidden dangers.

"Forget it, I understand your thoughts, everything you do is for me..."

After thinking about it, Gao Feng softened his tone. Just a slight change made Masati, who had always been indifferent, feel her heart beat wildly and a surge of boundless sourness. If she hadn't held it back, tears would have almost fallen, but she still persisted. looking at the peak.

"There are some things you don't understand, and it's hard for me to tell you, but I hope you can obey my orders, any orders I give, do you understand?"

Gao Feng didn't have time to explain anything to Masati, but Masati finally gave in. Under her order, the fire control officer activated the battleship's secondary guns. The twelve high-speed cannons fired in just ten seconds. After preparations were completed, there was an ear-splitting roar.

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