Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1023 Great Wind Disaster

The forward base changes three times a day. In the surprised eyes of Maple Leaf Family Jialuo, countless new things happen every day. A steady stream of ores and materials are transported from the infinite forest to the forward base. The straight road opens in the forest in just three days. Born in the middle of the forest, it stretches ten kilometers in length every day. What makes all this happen is a small engineering team of less than thirty people and five pieces of construction equipment. This avenue connects several mining sites developed in the forest, forming a forward-looking road. In the transportation artery of the base, deep in the forest at the end of the avenue, Maple Leaf hugged a giant tree more than thirty meters high and laughed loudly. Beside him, twelve scouts were preparing to cut down the big tree with chain saws. The landing tank as a means of transport is always ready for transport.

Gao Feng stood at the highest point of the defense mountain, watching the convoys that kept coming out of the forest. A landing tank was pulling them. The long four-wheel transport vehicle was like a train carriage and was pulled behind the landing tank. It was full of ore, and it was heading towards the landing tank. Set up a simple smelting plant in the wilderness and go away.

Although it is only a temporary and simple smelting plant, it is one of the most critical equipment for the supply ship. The multi-functional smelting equipment can continuously produce the fuel needed by the warships and can also smelt the finished alloys needed by most fleets. These finished products After a little processing, they are qualified spare parts.

It is a pity that the Chaos Front has not allocated real core technology to the fleet. It can make parts, but it cannot make real finished products from spare parts. Not to mention powerful battleships, even landing tanks cannot be made. What Gao Feng doesn't know is , even if he wants to crack the core components of the battleship, it is impossible. Once someone who does not understand the program does it, the entire battleship will turn into a huge bomb and be shattered into pieces.

Bismarck did not have any good intentions when he sent the fleet to Gao Feng, leaving a secret door that could be destroyed at any time. Fortunately, Gao Feng had no intention of building a battleship. Even if it was built, there would be no qualified crew to operate it. For Gao Feng, the battleship It's nothing. If he encounters Bengyun Jialuo, he will still be destroyed by ashes.

Seeing the loaded trailers turning into empty trucks, driving out of the processing factory spewing thick smoke, and then returning to the forest, Gao Feng couldn't help but feel a sincere sense of accomplishment from the bottom of his heart, having made something from nothing. , how could he not be proud of creating an industrial system in a short period of time? This was something he had always dreamed of doing in the wilderness, but here, hundreds of people did it in less than a month. The forward base has been built into a town that can accommodate thousands of people.

Clean streets and buildings, spacious and bright houses, hurried footsteps, women preparing meals for men who go out, and cheerful and playful children's voices. Through the negotiation between Gao Feng and Maple Leaf Hill, these people who are lazy on the outside and proud on the inside are finally transformed. The Garos organized themselves and completed their work independently.

A group of ant-like black spots appeared on the road at the edge of the forest, moving quickly along the straight road. Not long after, Gao Feng saw ten men walking in with their heads held high. These men were wearing uniform overalls, but they were They were stained with blood, holding various spears and guns on their shoulders. Behind them, the same trailer did not tow a vehicle. They followed quickly with only manpower. The corpses of various beasts were piled on it. It was Ga Luo's meal today.

These Jia Luo cherish the weapons in their hands. They like the smooth flow of cold weapons in and out, and do not accept the simple shooting of hive rifles. For them, hand-to-hand combat is the real man. These ten men are responsible for the meals of five hundred people. , at least a hundred beasts were hunted every day, and apart from the day's consumption, the rest were all made into dried meat by the women as reserves for their upcoming journey.

As these men gradually walked to the base, another group of people appeared in the forest. They sat empty-handed on the shell of the landing tank. Their noisy laughter could be heard vaguely. A huge light tree was floating behind the tank, covered by Densely packed cable pulls.

Not long after, these people and the light wood dragged by the landing tanks arrived at the simple slipway covered with scaffolding. The huge keel was being inlaid with skeletons. The prototype of the floating airship had already been glimpsed. One by one, strong men and women were on the way. Under the command of the moderator engineer, the light wood board in his hand was fixed on the frame, and the progress was so fast that the wood processing factory next to the slipway could hardly keep up with the supply of raw materials.

The light wood was easily unloaded at the processing plant, and in less than half an hour, it was turned into beams and ship decks, allowing the Maple Leaf floating airship, which was one size larger than a heavy battleship, to gradually take shape. The airship is Gao Feng's gift to the Maple Leaf family. It uses the previously damaged landing tank engine as the power core to give this light airship a strong heart. Unfortunately, Gao Feng is not sure whether it can sustain the space of hundreds of people. with weight.

Just when Gao Feng had finished his inspection and was about to return to his den, light a cigar, and enjoy life leisurely, two boy scouts rushed over from below. Many young children had come these days, so the two little The guy was very happy, and soon they started playing together. The toys prepared for the children were actually attractive to the two children. As long as they didn't take off their military hats, they couldn't see anything, and they were quickly beaten. The Garos accepted it and became the children's playmates.

In this way, Gao Feng no longer pestered Gao Feng as before. The days of following Gao Feng were far less interesting. At this moment, they rushed up, which made Gao Feng feel strange. He saw them pulling Gao Feng's trouser legs left and right, squeaking. Zhi Ya Ya didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Gao Feng had been with them for a long time and could understand what they meant.

"What? Is there danger? Where is the danger?"

Gao Feng asked strangely under the anxious expressions of the two little guys. At the same time, he looked at Xiaodie and Shuang who were standing next to them like wooden stakes. Their faces were dull, and their beautiful faces had a lot of blood, which was a little more red than before. Glossiness is a normal reaction after supplementing a large amount of vitamins and trace elements. After all, in the past, apart from meat, there were very few other foods, which would only make the skin dull.

Xiaodie was also baffled by the doubts in Gao Feng's eyes. The two little guys could only warn. Even they themselves couldn't tell where the danger came from. Neither the drones nor the scouts who were on guard at the periphery sent any warning messages. alarm.

Just when Gao Feng was thinking about whether to let the unmanned fighter plane go to a farther place for reconnaissance, a moderate wind blew from the Black Rock Mountains, making Gao Feng almost unsteady and swaying slightly. At this moment , Xiaodie both exclaimed and said in a trembling voice:

"Oops, let them all come back, the wind is blowing..."

The incomprehensible words made Gao Feng roll his eyes. What kind of danger is this? Even if you are not afraid of a tornado, let alone the Black Rock Mountains and forests blocking it, even if you get close, it is impossible to blow away the battleship, right? The two little guys continued to pull Feng Feng anxiously. They pointed their little fingers in the direction of the Black Rock Mountains and squeaked something, as if they wanted Feng Feng to leave here.

"Master, please tell others to come back quickly. The three-year catastrophic wind is coming. Once the three-year catastrophic wind comes, no one can stop it..."

Gao Feng couldn't understand what he said inexplicably, but from the frightened eyes of Xiaodie and the abnormal behavior of the little guys, Gao Feng knew that trouble was coming again.

The strong wind became more and more fierce, and in just a few words, Gao Feng retreated continuously. The two little guys were unwilling to stay any longer. They rushed to the base without loyalty and got into the battleship. Then Gao Feng heard There were faint sounds of shouting and wailing in the wind. These sounds came from Maple Leaf Garo. Not only did Xiaodie guess it, but they also guessed it.

The hair was flying and twirling in the strong wind, covering Gao Feng's eyes. The fine pebbles were swept up in the air by the strong wind and shot towards Gao Feng. Then they shattered within ten meters outside and turned into fly ash. , Gao Feng's Thousand Tribulations Silk can crush gravel, but it cannot block the dust. In the diffuse dust, he had to hold Xiaodie's hands and go to the base below. Unexpectedly, Gao Feng's kindness was misunderstood. , two pairs of small hands held Gao Feng's arms at the same time, lifted him lightly, and quickly lowered him to the ground. He forgot that Xiaodie was a rare girl with great strength.

When we got down to the base from the peak, things got a little better. The previous strong wind turned into a whirlwind. The children were greeted by the women and ran towards the battleship together. Obviously they didn't think that the beautiful houses could block the strong wind.

Gao Feng and Xiaodie rushed onto the battleship in one breath. Only then did they truly stabilize. He immediately gave an order to Masati on the bridge:

"Deploy all the landing tanks to bring back the people outside. Don't worry about the equipment and equipment outside. First, ensure the safety of the people..."

Gao Feng was not afraid of something happening to Maple Leaf Garo, but he did not want to lose the highly skilled crew members outside. As long as they were there, Gao Feng could build a small industrial base anywhere.

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