Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1003 We must die together

Masati said Gao Feng's decision was unacceptable. In Masati's eyes, the two auxiliary ships were just an unimportant part of the fleet, but to Gao Feng, the two battleships meant hundreds of lives. Perhaps modulators and clones People do not take their own lives seriously, but Gao Feng cannot do this. He is a soldier. What soldiers fear on the battlefield is not the brutality of the enemy, but the abandonment of one's own side. He has never abandoned his own soldiers. , whether in the previous life or in this life.

"The missiles continue to be launched, trying every means to kill those things. The fleet increases to its maximum speed and returns to the forest as soon as possible..."

After hesitating for less than three seconds, Gao Feng made a decision. He could not give up anyone until the last moment. After his order was issued, hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles were launched, twelve 120mm secondary guns They neatly stretched out from both sides of the battleship to form a rearward turret, firing volleys at the same time.

Amidst the huge roar, the battleship shook violently, making everyone on the bridge shake as if in the waves. The flames of the continuous explosion blocked the front of countless flying insects like shields, and tens of thousands of flying insects fell downwards like raindrops. The 120mm high-explosive grenades are like meteors, rushing into the depths of the insect cloud and exploding continuously. Each explosion will raise a stormy wave, clearing out blank areas in the dense insect cloud. In the blink of an eye, these The blank space was once again overwhelmed by the cloud of insects.

"The fleet speed is 680, deflection is 30 degrees and dives downward, the limit altitude is 3..."

Masati tightly grasped the armrests on the peak seat and loudly issued orders to the navigator. The fire control officer and the fire control adjutant hurriedly completed the preparations for launching various weapons. At this time, the two auxiliary ships were also launching their weapons. With the firepower, the three ships formed a large and not dense net, blocking the approaching cloud of insects from behind. Flames and gunpowder smoke filled the air, and huge roars repeatedly shook the eardrums of everyone in the fleet.

The insect cloud buzzed like a frenzy, overwhelmingly chasing the three ships. Each ship was larger than the sea-going ships of the previous era, but they seemed extremely small in comparison with the insect cloud, just like a yellow cloud chasing a black bird. , seeing that the three birds were about to be swallowed up by the dark clouds.

The continuous explosions of flames and smoke caused countless yellow flying insects to fall like raindrops. Every second, thousands of flying insects turned into nothing, or their wings were burned off by the flames, but the remaining ones were still boundless. I chased them desperately, looking around, I saw dark clouds spreading from the barren desert. For more than a hundred kilometers, there were these yellow flying insects. Suddenly I couldn't tell the difference between heaven and earth. The whole world was shrouded in yellow dark clouds.

As the dark clouds chased them, the neat deflection angles of the three ships, although there were slight differences, were always coordinated. They tilted downward together and fell at an angle of thirty degrees, while the dark clouds also swooped down together from a height of more than a thousand meters. , as if the maggots on the tarsal bones never fell for a moment.

Regardless of rising or diving, the warships cannot get rid of the dark clouds. Even if the warships try their best to block them with firepower, they cannot widen the distance between them. Instead, they get closer and closer. If both sides are not just flying, if it is not suppressed by the violent firepower blocking, I am afraid that the dark clouds have already swallowed up the ship. In this life-and-death pursuit, hundreds of black shadows suddenly appeared in front of the ship more than ten kilometers away like silent sharks, and the two sides were about to collide.

At this moment, the two auxiliary ships had a tendency to break away, trying to use their hulls to rush forward and open a bloody path for the largest battleship in the backbone. This fierceness made Gao Feng's eyes burst into tears and he roared loudly in the bridge. road:

"Let them come back... I don't need them to give me a big cover. At worst, we will die together..."

Gao Feng's order was not carried out. Masati gritted her teeth and looked at the auxiliary ship on the screen with trembling eyes as it crashed into the flying creature that appeared in front. The order was issued by Gao Feng inadvertently. Only in this way could they Only then can a way out be opened, using two unimportant auxiliary ships to contain the flying creatures, and letting the insect cloud attack and flying creatures attack each other. The battleship takes the opportunity to increase its speed to the ultimate speed of 1,800 kilometers per hour, and thus escape from this A dangerous area.

Without waiting for Masati's answer, Gao Feng suddenly became angry and pushed Masati with his right palm. Gao Feng's power was beyond Masati's ability to bear. In the huge push, Masati flew upside down seven times. Eight meters away, he fell heavily to the floor, but Gao Feng didn't even look at it and shouted at the liaison officer:

"Let them all come back and hide under the battleship..."

"Your Excellency, Commander, you can combine them with the battleships to form a three-body mothership, but it will slow down the Frank battleships..."

For the first time, the navigator took the initiative to suggest to Gao Feng that her delicate face was not as rigid and solemn as before, and her eyes were bright, as if there was something extra. Gao Feng looked at her, but she did not avoid her sight as usual.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's die together..."

With an order, the three separated ships came together again, this time closer than ever before. On both sides of the battleship, much smaller auxiliary ships simultaneously stretched out the air channel to connect and hit the battleship. As the channel shrank, the three finally The ships are closely connected together.

"The process defense firepower is fully opened, and all combatants enter the auxiliary fort..."

Masadi struggled to hold herself up with both hands. She watched Gao Feng continue to give orders, but her heart sank into the abyss. She did not expect that Gao Feng would take risks and make such an unwise decision. From the beginning to the end, she had no intention of doing anything. Selfishly, when Gao Feng appointed her as the fleet commander, she made the decision that even if she sacrificed the entire fleet, nothing would happen to Gao Feng. However, she did not expect that Gao Feng would reject her good intentions, leaving her unable to prove the value of her existence. .

"Order the transport ship to open the oil valve device and be ready to release oil at any time..."

Gao Feng's order was not single. Two orders were issued in succession. The entire fleet followed Gao Feng's order. Masati became a spectator. While the fleet was busy, hundreds of flying creatures swarmed in and approached. Within one kilometer, the next moment, all the short-range defense firepower of the three ships was fully activated, weaving petal-like lines of firepower in the air, covering 80% of the air defense area.

In the face of powerful firepower, hundreds of flying creatures collided unreasonably, instantly exploding countless flesh and blood residues in the air. However, this did not stop the flying creatures from approaching. More than 60% of the aerial creatures crashed through This fire net drew a dazzling trajectory and swarmed into the ship from different directions.

With eagle claws and beaks, and iron feathers like knives, flying creatures can always use different methods to cause damage to ships. The transport ships and supply ships on both sides were hit one after another, breaking open large swaths of the shell, revealing huge holes and some vital parts. Violent fire even broke out, and the main attack by these flying creatures was the central battleship with the most powerful firepower.

The powerful firepower network can block 40% of the aerial creatures, but it does not mean that it can block the scattered aerial creatures. They are like dexterous elves in the air, always able to avoid projectiles from different sides and approach quickly. , at this moment, the big flower finally showed its power. Three snow-white spider webs covered the three largest flying creatures backwards. When they were about to be wrapped into rice dumplings by the spider webs, strange fluctuations reached hundreds of meters. The Thousand Eyes pattern erupted from Dahua's body, and all the creatures enveloped by this wave were like crashed planes, falling from the sky one after another, but it could not stop the flying creatures that were determined to hit the battleship.

The creature that always looked like a flying fish instantly hit the turret with a bright line of fire, and instantly knocked the turret away, rolling along with the rolling turret. Then the six-winged shuttle accelerated instantly, like a white line hitting it, from the outer shell of the battleship. Sliding up, streams of flames spurted out from the cracked holes like red fountains.

In the blink of an eye, the three warships suffered a huge blow. Countless flames burned on the hulls of the ships. Dozens of thick smoke billowed into the sky. The endless yellow clouds behind them were chasing after them. The fleet was about to fall into a trap. A catastrophe.

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