Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 902 Misfortunes never come singly

"Approaching the predetermined position, charging is complete, warhead is loaded, aiming trajectory is set, launch preparation is complete..."

A flurry of reports came from the mouth of the brown-haired fire control officer, and the fire adjutant presented all the data on the command platform. As long as it was confirmed, the fatal projectiles would be launched. At this time, the terrifying behemoth was still slowly moving. And walked firmly into the depths of the forest, knocking down huge trees and clearing the messy avenue.


Gao Feng changed into a comfortable posture and leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his hands on his chest, and calmly gave the order. The next moment, all the lights went out instantly, and the battleship suddenly sank, almost frightening Gao Feng to jump. Immediately afterwards, Wu The human fighter plane fed back the picture of the giant beast being shot.

A half-moon-shaped gap appeared on the shoulder on the right side of the monster's neck, and black anxiety covered the flesh and blood. The monster roared angrily, like a crazy bull hitting countless trees, turning over and rushing towards the battleship.


Gao Feng gave the order again, and then all the officers, including Masati, looked at him with strange eyes. Gao Feng had a bad premonition in this strange look.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it takes five minutes to prepare for the launch of the electromagnetic gun. At this stage, we cannot use any weapons. If you don't object, the transport ship has a 210 mm caliber naval gun. Maybe we can try it with the transport ship..." "

It was like a thunder struck Feng Feng's head hard, leaving him unable to react. It seemed that in his image, the Sky Fortress could continuously fire? Then he recalled that the electromagnetic gun of the Sky Fortress was divided into three layers, and each time it was fired, it was one after another, but he ignored this.

"The preparation time for the next launch is four minutes and thirty-two seconds, thirty-one seconds..."

The fire control officer was afraid that Gao Feng would give random orders and quickly reported the data. Gao Feng stood up suddenly and was so frightened that the little pink ball on his shoulder jumped. Then the little pink ball grabbed Gao Feng's collar and tore at it, shouting anxiously. , and then a little thing like a pig rushed to Gao Feng's feet, hugged his calf, and pulled him to escape.

"The Radiation Beast is rapidly approaching, forty-seven kilometers..., forty-five kilometers..., forty-two kilometers..."

"Can't you fly if you can't fight? Keep the distance..."

While the captain was counting the numbers, Gao Feng kicked the little thing away and threw the small dough ball on the seat. He stepped forward and shouted in front of the captain's nose. He regretted his rashness. He was still a battle-hardened warrior, so why didn't he understand the importance of mastering equipment information? But precisely because he had never mastered such a powerful battleship, he got carried away, which led to the current situation.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Commander, we are already flying, but to increase the normal speed, we have to wait..."

The captain's report made Gao Feng dazzled. In other words, the giant beast was moving faster than the airship could fly, and it seemed that it could only rise upwards.

"Give up the attack and increase the height. I don't believe that that guy can jump up to an altitude of three thousand meters?"

"We can't take off. Once we get to 1,000 meters, flying creatures will find us. Hundreds of radiated birds will attack us. If we get to 3,000 meters, the electromagnetic storm in the clouds will cause our engines to lose control." , there is even a risk of explosion..."

Obviously Gao Feng's understanding of the sky is not as good as Masati's, but Gao Feng is surprised. Why is the sky in the Garo World not so troublesome? No matter it is the wilderness, the family's territory, or even the beast's territory passing by Cloud City, there are no flying creatures attacking?

Gao Feng didn't know that it wasn't that there were no flying creatures attacking the airship, but that the flying creatures were frightened. The airship was guarded by Rishan Jialuo, and had the sensory lock of the Divine Blessing Cannon. No matter how fast the flying creatures were, they couldn't think faster. The fluctuations of the flying creatures are often killed by Shanshan Jialuo's Divine Blessing Cannon as soon as they launch an attack. Even if these flying creatures approach the floating airship, they will be killed by Xianjun Jialuo, who is equivalent to the desolate beast level. Brutal beasts, who also like to use large nets, happen to be the nemesis of flying creatures. This leads to the fact that flying creatures recognize the status of floating airships in the sky and will not easily seek death.

"If you can't get into the air, then continue to attack. Use whatever weapons you have. Use all the weapons you can use..."

Gao Feng made a decision with a heavy heart. All escape routes were blocked, and he had no choice but to regret it. If he made a mistake, he would risk everything and fight. No matter what, he was still a warrior at his core.

Gao Feng's order was carried out, and the transport ships and supply ships each had their own armaments. Although they were much inferior to the main battleships, they were still much stronger than the Xuan Lei that Gao Feng had modified before. The first thing to sing was the 210mm naval gun, a huge The fireball flashed past, and the extended-range armor-piercing projectile made a sharp roar in the air, flying towards the giant beast that was charging madly in the distance. However, the speed was too slow. More than a minute had passed, and the shell had not yet hit the giant beast. On his head, Gao Feng remembered that the naval gun was not an electromagnetic gun and did not require high speed. He was suddenly dumbfounded.

Just at this moment, the supply ship's short-range rockets were ready, and rockets were seen rushing out of the launch holes on the supply ship's shell, scrambling to fly towards the giant beast. At this moment, a black shadow as fast as lightning appeared. It passed over the monster's head and suddenly exploded far behind it. The huge fireball soared into the sky, splattering countless dust and sawdust, making the monster unable to help but look behind it.

Rockets hit the monster's chest accurately, and dozens of fireballs exploded in an instant, drowning the monster. But the next moment, the monster rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards the battleship manically. The skin on its chest was blackened. One piece, it seemed that there was no serious damage, only the huge hole on the shoulder spurted out streams of blood.

Seeing that the monster was even faster, Gao Feng couldn't help but slap himself on the forehead. It would be better to do nothing with such an attack.

"The electromagnetic gun is ready. The optional plan is to give up the electromagnetic gun launch, charge and dissipate, and restore the ship's defense and triple 210mm main gun."

While the terrifying behemoth was making a quick exit, Gao Feng finally heard some good news. Although the good news was a bit deceiving, just when he was about to burn the boat, someone told him that he could start running away.

"Don't give up, just hit me. I don't believe you can't kill it, so aim for its legs..."

Gao Feng waved his arms and shouted excitedly. Masati heard this and said nothing. He quickly rushed to the fire control supervisor, deprived him of his rights, and personally controlled the electromagnetic gun. Seeing Masati's rapid Setting the data, Gao Feng vaguely thought of the night when he first saw her, the precise rain of bullets hitting the beast's head.

"Preparations for launch are complete, launch..."

Masati's speed was very fast. While reporting, the electromagnetic cannon was fired. The lights were darkened again and the ship sank suddenly. Three seconds later, everything returned to normal and the screen was re-displayed. Gao Feng saw the terrifying beast at a glance. Still standing in the forest, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Hitting the target, the speed of the radiation beast decreases, and the next launch plan is prepared..."

Masati returned the fire control authority to the fire control officer and stood up with a little ease. On the screen, although the terrifying beast did not fall down, a huge hole was opened in the left forelimb. The holes were opposite each other, and the back could be seen. Compared to the huge body of the giant beast, this little injury, although unknown, made it difficult to move forward. However, it did not give up. Instead, it aroused its ferocity and continued to rush towards this side, just limping.

Seeing this, Gao Feng's heart dropped slightly. At least they didn't have to worry about the giant beast catching up with them. Unexpectedly, the giant beast's problem was suppressed and new problems reappeared.

"Warning, warning, unknown flying creatures appear, distance 120, speed 800, number 15..."

The warning made Gao Feng's cheeks bloodshot. He felt that his luck was terrible and nothing went smoothly. Maybe it was a mistake to challenge the fearful beast in the first place.

"Marty, I'll leave the things on the ground to you. Order the clone soldiers on the ship to carry automatic weapons and follow me to the outer deck. I'll stop the ones in the sky..."

Gao Feng's reaction was not slow. He knew why these flying creatures came. It was caused by the roar of the 210mm naval gun fire. Since it was a mistake he made, let him make up for it himself.

"But..., I understand, please be careful, Master..."

The expression on Masati's face changed several times in a short period of time, from surprise to confirmation, and finally to a trusting gaze. This brief emotional fluctuation was absorbed by Gao Feng, and she felt a warm current flowing in her heart, at least He still has some status in this woman's heart.

The clones' combat readiness was faster than Gao Feng expected. When he arrived at the elevator, there was already a team of twelve scouts in place, carrying various weapons, waiting for Gao Feng's orders. The sound of neat footsteps was heard not far away, inside the ship Fighting soldiers were also arriving one after another. Gao Feng was the first to enter the elevator, and the next moment he was on the outer deck.

Even though he was wearing a fully enclosed helmet, Gao Feng seemed to be able to hear the roar of the wind. At an altitude of 300 meters, the strong wind kept blowing on him and pushing him back. He finally knew what kind of life Dahua had been living.

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