Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 894 Unexpected Branches

After a short wait, Yang returned with two fully armed soldiers. As soon as he entered the door, a smile appeared on Gao Feng's lips. In his perception, he already knew who was under the protective clothing. He didn't expect Charles to come in person and not tell him. With a woman I have never seen before.

As soon as Charles entered the door, before Yang could explain, Gao Feng stood up and said to Charles, who was covered by a helmet:

"I didn't expect His Majesty the General to come here in person. A gentleman is not good behind the wall. The General was still too careless..."

Gao Feng stunned Charles. Before he could organize his words, Gao Feng turned to look at the people around Charles and said:

"I thought you were going to bring Aiseline here, but I didn't expect to bring a beauty from the East. I didn't know this lady was..."

"The cherry blossoms in the pond, please take care of them..."

This woman who had never appeared before took off her helmet, revealing a beautiful oriental face, like a fairy who was not touched by the world. She smiled at Gao Feng. Her black eyes were like dreamlike gems, which made Gao Feng slightly dull. From these eyes, he Li noticed something similar to Masati, and couldn't help frowning at Charles.

"Ahem, Sakura is the moderator of Japanese blood and my most important deputy. Most of the time, I will ask for her opinion..."

Charles said to Gao Feng with some embarrassment, which made Gao Feng feel funny. He finally understood why Aiseline was so rebellious. No matter who it was, he would feel uncomfortable if he fell in love with a father who likes to find a baby mother.

"Have you read all the information I gave you?"

Gao Feng no longer cared about the cherry blossoms in the pond. In his previous life, he fought with the Japanese on the battlefield to the death. In the middle and late stages of the war, the Japanese even sent their women to the battlefield, which made him feel shameless and deeply disgusted with these women in his heart. After all, many of his brothers were merciful because the other party was a woman, but they died of the backlash.

When Charles saw that Gao Feng showed no interest in the cherry blossoms in the pool, he took a high look at Gao Feng and became more friendly. He nodded with a smile and said:

"With this information, I don't have to worry about anything. I didn't expect that your skills are so good. I don't think anyone can bring back the Alpha Earth Stone except you. I don't know if you are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with me. I will Acquire it at the right price…”

Charles looked at Gao Feng with a smile and said an idea that made Gao Feng want to slap him. Is that place a place where people go?

"I'm sorry, General. If it weren't for my fate, I would have died there. The four scouts are a warning. Besides, no one knows when the radiation storm will break out. If I hadn't been lucky, you wouldn't have seen it. To this stone….”

Gao Feng crossed his arms in front of his chest and was unwilling to continue talking about this matter. If Charles forced him, he would not give him face. Gao Feng's refusal was expected by Charles and he nodded and said:

"I thought wrong. If the Alpha Stone could be obtained easily, it wouldn't be so precious. It's a pity that this Alpha Stone has to be handed over, otherwise the destruction of the Royal Nest can be started in advance and the most powerful battle can be restored. force……."

"I wonder if you can sell us the remaining Alpha Stone. It is too important to us. Please take care of us..."

While Charles was sighing, the cherry blossoms in the Leng Bu Ding Pond pled to Gao Feng, causing Charles to look expectantly, but Yang stood aside and stopped talking, always alert to the door.

Regarding the request of Sakura in the pool, Gao Feng was already prepared and shook his head directly and said:

"This thing is very precious to me. If it weren't for the reason we agreed before, I wouldn't give it to you..."

Gao Feng refused very simply. Not to mention the reluctance of the miser-like Masati, Gao Feng also wanted to return to Yinyun City and exchange energy crystals for the floating airship. Otherwise, how could he go back?

"Everything has a price. It depends on what you need. No matter what you need, we will find a way to satisfy it. Please tell us the conditions..."

Charles folded his arms and held an unlit cigar. He stood aside and watched the cherry blossoms in the pool bargaining with Gao Feng. He looked like an elegant gentleman. In Gao Feng's eyes, the aura of the cherry blossoms in the pool was overwhelming. The scene suddenly changed, from a delicate and timid beauty to a strong woman, which made him unable to react. He turned to look at Charles, but Charles gave Gao Feng a helpless look and said:

"I'm more interested in art and music. When it comes to trading, Sakura is the expert..."

"If I want a battleship, will you sell it to me too?"

When Gao Feng saw Charles's appearance, he was furious. No wonder this guy would be easily exposed to the position. With such a lazy temperament, there would be something wrong if nothing went wrong.

As soon as Gao Feng said this, Charles suddenly became serious, Sakura stopped talking, and her aura changed again, placing herself behind Charles.

Gao Feng looked at Charles without showing any signs of weakness. There was an inexplicable silence between the two. After a while, Charles said:

"I have already sent Aiselin away. As long as you don't let the battleship fall into her hands, I can sell it to you..."

Okay, Gao Feng feels like he's fainted. Who is this person? Do you even dare to sell battleships? But Charles' next words almost made Gao Feng angry to death.

"But the battleships of the third regiment cannot be sold. Do you dare to sell the battleships of the special battle group?"

"Your Majesty General, do you want to be a white wolf with nothing?"

Gao Feng looked at the serious Charles speechlessly, but did not notice the twinkle in the corner of Sakura's eyes in the pool.

"I know you are very powerful. You can kill anyone you want within thirty meters. In this case, I will send you to the battleship, and you can grab it soon, okay?"

Charles' idea was like a fairy tale, but he said it so seriously. Gao Feng couldn't help but sigh and said:

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore. Even if you give it to me, I can't start it..."

"How about I give you a shuttle? Although it has no weapons, there is no problem in loading ten tons of supplies. You can drive the shuttle back to your place..."

Seeing Gao Feng's helplessness, Charles thought of a new way, but Gao Feng was not interested in shuttles. Even if the battleship was on a whim, he also knew that driving a battleship through the infinite forest would not work at all. According to the speed of the shuttle, danger often comes when danger comes. Before, he had put it on danger's lips, and he didn't even have time to react.

"If it is convenient for you, please give us three Alpha Stones. You will gain the friendship of General Charles. As long as General Charles can control the Third Army, he can give you a battleship in the name of battle damage in the future..."

Gao Feng was lowering his head and thinking about whether to replace the shuttle with a landing tank. Unexpectedly, Sakura in the pool came up with such an idea. Leave a connection in the Destruction Guards, maybe it will be useful one day?

"This method can be considered, but you have to give me the reward you agreed on before..."

"No problem, what you want has been prepared for a long time, including vector ion joint control engine technology, multi-dimensional energy conversion technology, high-fiber superconducting variable alloy, individual aircraft structure diagram, and new non-military material technology within thirty years. And our latest gene repair map, a total of twenty-nine subjects, eighty-five new technologies..."

New technologies are nothing to Charles, and the Destruction Guards have no tradition of technological blockade. They don't care about some more popular technologies. If Gao Feng is willing to wait, he can even get Gao Feng finished products and production equipment. Unfortunately, Gao Feng I was eager to go home and didn't want to delay any longer.

"No, Bismarck's guard battalion was dispatched, and we were exposed..."

Just when Gao Feng was about to complete the handover with Charles, Yang, who was standing at the door, suddenly issued a warning. The next second, countless sharp whistlings came from outside, making Charles's face turn pale with fright, and he shouted loudly:

"How dare he use weapons against us? I must sue him..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of explosions sounded outside. The billowing air waves pushed Yang Meng into the air and hit the wall heavily. Then, billowing smoke and flames rushed in from outside the door. Gao Feng reached out to grab Charles. As he was running away, he didn't expect someone to pass him quickly and caught Charles first. When he saw this person, Gao Feng shouted loudly:

"Follow me……."

While shouting, the spider fangs quickly scratched the wall, instantly opening an equilateral triangle hole. He kicked open the broken silk and metal skin, turned his head to look behind him, and then he froze and asked strangely:

"Aren't you going to die for your love?"

"Your Excellency Gao Feng, General Bismarck wants to see you. He will offer a price that Charles cannot afford. Even a battleship is not impossible..."

One hand was around Charles' neck, and the other hand was holding a pistol, pressing it against Charles' temple. She was leaning against the pool behind Charles. Yinghua couldn't see her cheeks, and said to Gao Feng in a muffled voice. Gao Feng frowned slightly, and the spider silk wrapped around Chi. Zhong Yinghua's gun-holding wrist, as long as a thought occurs, this flawless jade hand will break away from the snow-white wrist.

"Don't move, her nails are poisonous..."

Charles saw the danger in Gao Feng's eyes. Thinking of the shattered table, he couldn't help but plead to Gao Feng. In addition to the pistol, his neck was also clasped by pink nails. If his skin was scratched, he would be in trouble. .

"Haha, this is the warrior who went deep into the forbidden area, right? This is the first time we meet. My name is Bismarck..."

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