Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 846 Node Core

Gao Feng saw strange flying creatures falling to the ground one after another, swallowing some small energy crystals. These creatures were not greedy for more. After swallowing a piece, they would fly away quickly, as if something was chasing them. Same, I suddenly became curious. Although the Grand Canyon has blocked the channels for many creatures to come, there may still be many creatures that can survive here. Why can't I see them?

Gao Feng thought it was related to radiation. Not every savage beast could withstand super strong radiation. Occasionally, some weathered bones could be seen among the energy crystals. Just when he was about to continue walking forward, he suddenly heard The two little guys let out a shrill scream together.

Such screams rarely come out of their mouths, but once they do, Gao Feng knows that they are in big trouble, and a crisis that threatens them is approaching. The next moment, two little things jumped off the spider and rushed in the direction they came from. Go, Dahua was unambiguous, turned around and followed the two little things, running away desperately. Gao Feng couldn't help but look behind him, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he saw layers of white whirlwinds forming behind them, spreading out for hundreds of people. The area of ​​​​square kilometers is like a demon with teeth and claws.

A thunderbolt shook the wilderness, causing Gao Feng to almost fall off Dahua. The huge roar could be heard clearly even through the helmet, as if it was exploding in the heart. Then countless whirlwinds blew from behind, causing Dahua to The speed suddenly increased by a third, as if something was pushing it forward.

The two little guys were like rabbits running on the ground, like two javelins, rushing forward quickly. When they disappeared into a depression on the ground, the spider also rushed in. Gao Feng saw the two little guys at a glance and was immediately happy. , they are like two groundhogs, digging the ground.

When Spider Flower also started digging holes, Gao Feng couldn't be happy anymore. Apparently, the movement behind him was beyond his imagination. Even the two little things knew that they could not get out of the danger zone if they continued running forward. Only by digging a hole and hiding yourself can you have a chance of survival.

The eight legs of the spider can dig holes much faster than the two little guys. Unfortunately, the ground is too solid, so strong that even the spider cannot dig. In a hurry, he took out a few pieces of alloy from his backpack that he had not had time to refine. Block, quickly forged a small drill bit, plunged into the ground, and turned like a wheel quickly, pulling out a cloud of sand. After a while, a hole with a depth of two meters was dug out. Unfortunately, the hole was only as thick as the mouth of a cup. This is also the maximum size of the drill bit.

Seeing that the manic storm behind him was approaching, Gao Feng suppressed the fear in his heart, took out the high explosives from his backpack and stuffed them into the hole, and dragged the spider and the little guys out of the depression together. Just now As they rushed out, they were almost swept up into the air. Countless grains of sand were spinning and flying in the air, polishing Gao Feng's body. Fortunately, Dahua was smarter, and her eight claws were firmly nailed to the ground and huddled together, so she didn't let go. They fly into the sky.

Under Dahua's swaying body, Gao Feng gritted his teeth and pressed the detonator. Amidst the loud roar, Dahua and Gao Feng jumped up together. Dahua was fine, but Gao Feng was so shocked that his whole body was numb and his internal organs were almost damaged. They were all displaced, but fortunately Dahua was also smart. He grabbed the peak and jumped down into the depression to avoid the swirling wind above his head.

Gao Feng and the two little guys rolled down the slope into the large pit that exploded. The pit was more than one meter deep. It didn't seem to have much effect, but the soil below was not as hard as the ground. Whether it was Gao Feng or the two little guys, Even a little guy can easily dig it open.

Dahua is like a protective umbrella, firmly covering the top of the head. Gao Feng and the two little guys worked hard to dig a hole. Dahua also helped, and the efficiency was ten times that of Gao Feng. Finally, they dug a pit more than three meters deep. , during the excavation process, Gao Feng actually dug out seven or eight semi-crystalline energy crystals.

When Gao Feng and the spider were placed in the big pit together and used various means to fix themselves, an overwhelming sandstorm came over them. This sandstorm was like a mixer, polishing anything that was swept into the sky, while also There were strange fluctuations mixed in the strong wind, which made Gao Feng unable to help but feel nauseated.

Obviously only Gao Feng felt sick. The two little guys stretched out their heads in Gao Feng's arms, with expressions of enjoyment and cheerful smiles, as if they were taking advantage. And Gao Feng's perception also found that whether it was a spider He was still a little guy, absorbing the strange fluctuations that made Gao Feng nauseated and filled his heart with questions.

Under the torment of the strong wind, the scouts had no hope of survival at the peak. In this level of sandstorm, even an iron man would have to be ground into iron filings. That is to say, the spider's skin is rough and the flesh is rough, and there are pits to avoid. Otherwise, it has to be minced into meat sauce.

At first, Gao Feng expected that the sandstorm would come and go quickly. Unexpectedly, after an hour, the situation became more and more powerful, and the waves that made him sick became more powerful. In his perception, he finally discovered the energy crystal. The secret is that in the strange fluctuations of some pebbles, tiny energy crystals begin to condense on the surface. Perhaps this dissipated fluctuation is the energy escaping from the energy nodes.

Both the little guy and the big flower are absorbing this escaping energy. Only Gaofeng cannot absorb it, because he is not Rishan Jialuo yet. As a last resort, Gaofeng continues to dig holes downwards, and the strong wind is still sweeping. As long as the dug soil , will be swept up in the air, so that he can dig faster.

Three hours later, even though he was super strong and energetic, he began to tire. The pit was dug down another two meters, reaching five meters, which was fully able to accommodate the spider. He lay down at the bottom before Kankan felt a little better, with only the whistling wind lingering around him.

Sometimes it's strange. At first, Gao Feng thought that the strange wind would be over in half an hour. After three hours, he thought it would be over in five hours. But after five hours, Gao Feng had no hope. , he would naturally leave when it was time to leave, and he could only lie in the pit and suffer.

But after he was mentally prepared for a protracted battle, the wind suddenly stopped, and the whole world was covered with yellow mist. The swishing sand fell like raindrops, and soon covered up the spiders and pits. Fortunately, the height of the peak The helmet has a built-in breathing function, so he might choke to death from the dust in the sky.

After Gao Feng stood on the ground again, it seemed that the sandstorm that had made him want to die before was just an illusion. Nothing had changed between heaven and earth. Only the yellow dust that had not dissipated in the air was still there. At this time, Gao Feng discovered the radiation from his personal terminal. It was decreasing rapidly, pouring like an hourglass. He didn't know what was happening, but one thing was that there was no better time to explore the energy nodes than now.

It happened that the individual aircraft could also be used. Gao Feng left Spider and the two little ones where they were and pushed forward on the aircraft. The maximum speed of the individual aircraft was 150 kilometers per hour. Beyond this speed, even elite soldiers He couldn't stand the resistance in the air and fell, but the peak was different. His physical fitness was comparable to that of a savage beast, so he accelerated to the limit without any scruples, reaching two hundred kilometers per hour.

It only took an hour and a half for Gaofeng to reach the core of the possible existence of the energy node. During this journey, Gaofeng did not see any living creatures or traces left by the scouts. There were only energy crystals scattered everywhere. According to his estimation, the energy crystals are walking on the land of 300 to 500 kilometers in the core area. Calculated at more than a thousand per square kilometer, the number of energy crystals here reaches tens or millions, and the closer to the core, the more energy crystals there are. In the area, the larger the energy crystals, the higher the purity. He even saw energy crystals the size of a washbasin, one of which was equivalent to hundreds of standard crystals in the underground world.

In the end, Gao Feng saw a small stretching mountain range. In this winding mountain range, there were rocks made of energy crystals everywhere, and the entire mountain peak was made of energy crystals. Mountains of all sizes, even the smallest ones, could float in the air. Compared with the size of the airship, when you look at it, the energy crystals here are like sand, making people feel that there is no precious place.

The suspicion in Gao Feng's heart increased again. He had already determined that Charles had lied to him. The cost of destroying the Guards was not to save the world and eliminate monsters, but to save the world and eliminate monsters, but for the endless wealth here. Once he revealed the true situation here, If he reports it, I'm afraid there won't be any good results waiting for him.

After raising the individual aircraft, the peak rose again and flew towards the mountain. The radiation data of the personal terminal began to rise again, almost at the same rate as before. It might not be long before the intensity of the radiation here would destroy his body in an instant.

But none of these could stop Gao Feng. He wanted to know what was there. The moment he flew over the mountains, a crystal lake with an area of ​​tens of square kilometers appeared in front of him. The fluctuations from this crystal lake were immediately noticed by Gao Feng. Feeling it, at the same time as he felt it, he actually had the idea of ​​​​integrating with this crystal lake, just like his mother's call, asking him to put down all curiosity and vigilance and get closer to this crystal lake.

Just when his expression fell into a trance, the pool in the Xuan Ye family's forbidden area suddenly popped into his mind. Uncle Cheap's warning echoed in his ears again, causing Gao Feng to wake up suddenly, only to find that he had unknowingly touched the crystal. On the edge of the lake, at this distance, I actually saw a snow-white snake-like giant beast sleeping in the middle of the lake. This giant beast is hundreds of meters long, and its head and tail cannot be seen clearly. Looking from a distance, it is still chilling. .

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