Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 844 High Intensity Radiation

Gao Feng woke up very early the next day, and the scouts didn't even sleep. They continued to be alert to the movements around them, but Dahua never woke up. Her whole body shrank into a ball, like a fancy steamed bun. Then Gao Feng knew something was different about herself. Now, his vision is sharper, he can see things farther away, and he can also see details that he can't usually see. Just like a stone not far away, he can see the texture on the smooth surface more clearly. It's like using a magnifying glass.

This feeling was not temporary. Gao Feng found that his eyesight had been improved, as if it had been improved from 0.1 to 1.5. The huge change surprised him. He sat on the ground and slowly thought about it, and then he thought It is the change of crystal sand.

The crystal sand is translucent and has an indescribable smell. Yesterday, because of the barbecue, the smell was covered up. Gao Feng smelled it in the early morning and felt that something was wrong. This crystal sand should not be a magic medicine or a mineral, but it is. What, he couldn't remember it for a moment?

Putting aside the matter of Jingsha for the time being, Gao Feng kicked Da Hua up, placed the two little guys in place, and followed the method he came up with last night to push Da Hua through the huge gap. Including Gaofeng, there were a total of five individual aircraft. They used Gaofeng's spider silk to tie the big flower tightly, like a crane, pulling the trembling spider on the rope to fly towards the opposite side.

When Gao Feng flew to the opposite side unharmed, he suddenly remembered something and suddenly loosened the bundled spider silk, causing Da Hua to let out a miserable scream and fall hard to the ground. The next moment Gao Feng would hang the silk sac on the aircraft. He took it off, threw it on the spider's face and yelled:

"You have such a bad conscience that you actually let me eat bat poop..., I'm going to fuck you, Ye Mingsha..."

Luming sand is a kind of medicinal material, a Chinese medicinal material. The specific peak of its medicinal effect is not known, but he knows that it has a named effect, and this medicinal material is called a biological medicinal herb, like cicada slough, tortoise shell, toad skin, etc., but its real source is bats. of excrement.

Gao Feng never expected that Dahua actually went to eat bat droppings. He ate it himself, but even brought some to him, and eagerly asked him to eat one too. Although the benefits were obvious, how could Gao Feng accept him eating this? ? It is inevitable to have resentment towards Dahua.

So Gao Feng's punishment for Da Hua was to run so fast without even giving it time to rest. From early morning to dusk, they ran for twelve hours, reaching a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. There was no time to breathe, not to mention that the big flower had already begun to stagger and rush to the street at any time. Even the four tough scouts were a little unbearable. Not everyone could stand up for twelve hours. bearable.

The reason why we were able to maintain high speed for twelve hours was that after passing the Grand Canyon, the number of dangerous prairie beasts dropped rapidly. In many cases, you might not encounter one even for dozens of kilometers, but there were more small beasts, but for They are not in any danger.

During the time they took a detour due to the terrain, they traveled more than 1,300 kilometers throughout the day. Counting yesterday's journey, they had officially entered the core area of ​​the energy node. It is unbelievable that they could do so easily. Breaking in, you must know that the Destruction Guards lost at least ten warships and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in order to investigate the intelligence here.

Precisely because this is a blank area for destroying the intelligence of the Imperial Guards, the road ahead, the terrain, and the peak are all unclear. Everything needs to be explored by themselves, and air support and material replenishment can no longer be counted on.

With nerves on high alert, the peak continued to move forward. When the sky dimmed and night fell, the grasslands on the ground gradually became sparse, turning from red sand and gravel to hundreds of kilometers forward. Even the plants were gone. Not to mention wild beasts, it is a land of red sand with occasional rolling hills, as if you are on Mars, which makes people feel weird.

Gao Feng began to feel uncomfortable in his heart. The further he walked, the more depressed he felt, as if there was a huge danger waiting for them ahead. On the contrary, the big flower was very lively and jumping around, not like a spider, but like a spider. flea.

"Attention, attention, there is a high-intensity radiation area ahead, there is a high-intensity radiation area ahead, the radiation exceeds the warning line..."

There was no need for Gao Feng to decrypt, the scouts already knew what was here, and the short-frequency pulse communicator was also interfered with, and the transmission to Gao Feng's ears was obviously distorted, even though the scout who was speaking was less than a hundred meters away from him.

The group of people stopped one after another, and then they went beyond the warning line. Gao Feng was very indifferent to high-intensity radiation. It seemed that if they encountered it, they would not end well. Not to mention the scouts, if they continued to move forward, their Even protective clothing cannot block radiation.

"What should I do? We can't go any further..."

Gao Feng asked the corporal depressedly. He did not expect that what was blocking the front was not a dangerous beast, but an invisible killer. Dahua lay quietly on the ground, his body constantly beating, as if absorbing something, the two little ones The guy didn't feel uneasy, but was quieter than usual.

They did not send an alarm to the peak because the radiation was not harmful to them, but the scouts could not do it. They had human shortcomings. They seemed to have no idea. They tried their best to contact Charles at the rear. Unfortunately, the radiation interference here was too severe. Their communication cannot be achieved.

Gao Feng waited quietly. He did not give a certain standard for whether to move forward. Everything would be decided by the scouts, because Gao Feng found that his high-end protective clothing had good resistance to radiation and there was no discomfort at all.

"We can't give up the opportunity. It took a lot of effort to get here. I don't know how many people will die next time before we can get here..."

The corporal suddenly spoke with a decisive tone, but Gao Feng did not agree.

"We already know the situation here. We can make targeted preparations when we go back, such as bringing more supplies, high-quality protective clothing, and information collection devices..."

Gao Feng didn't want to move forward, not because he was worried about himself, but because he didn't want these outstanding soldiers to sacrifice in vain. However, Gao Feng didn't understand that for the scouts, they had been listed as dead from the moment they set off. Therefore, it is not up to them to decide whether to move forward or not.

"Captain, please stay here. Let's try first to find a passage that can pass through the radiation..."

The scout did not adopt Gao Feng's advice, but asked Gao Feng to stay behind. Upon hearing this, Gao Feng felt uncomfortable. Is he afraid of the radiation?

"What exactly is an energy node? Where is this place? We're already here, why are you still unwilling to tell me?"

Gao Feng asked several people angrily. He didn't want to know more than a clone, and he never fully believed Charles's words. He always had doubts in his heart. At this time, the veil was about to be lifted, and he had to know the truth. .

Perhaps having received instructions in advance, the corporal did not hide any more and said to Gao Feng:

"We don't have much information about the energy nodes. The map indicates that this is Hawaii hundreds of years ago. It suffered the most violent nuclear attack. It may be that the energy nodes were generated here due to the saturation nuclear bomb attack.

In addition, our predecessors have participated in the Energy Node Operation and have also encountered the current problems. Radiation is not constant. There will be a road leading to the center of the energy node, but this road is not constant. , it will move on its own, so to get in, you must find the way.

When General Charles set out, he told us that Captain Gao only needs to deliver us here safely. As long as one of us can go in, collect intelligence, and send it back to the command center, even if the mission is completed, Captain Gao will be asked to , bring back the intelligence we collected... "

These were his last words, and the scouts no longer hid it, and Gao Feng also understood that Charles had no intention of using himself as cannon fodder. The real protagonists were these scouts, who would use their lives to open this passage.

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