Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 839 The Shadow of the Night

A little bit of bright green light, like fireflies, appeared on the vast grassland. A few at first, and soon they spread to the farthest point of sight, decorating the entire grassland with a strange light, and the chirping of insects also appeared one after another, making their chirping sound in this night. Playing a magnificent symphony, ghost-like shadows flew quickly in the air, flashed through the grass, and preyed on a moth that only flew around the bright green light. This creature with wings the size of a washbasin is related to its previous life. Similar to bats, they occasionally fly over the top of the peak, fanning out a slight cool breeze.

Gao Feng was a little bored while waiting. A piece of spider silk beside him suddenly shot up into the night sky like a swarm of spray. It suddenly tied up a creature that was about to hit the battleship and wanted to change direction, and pulled it to his feet. Before he could see it clearly, it was miserable. A scream came from the mouth of the creature, forming a powerful sound wave that spread around. Even if he was wearing a fully enclosed helmet, Gao Feng felt slightly uncomfortable. He quickly tied the mouth of the creature. He originally planned to watch it carefully and then let it fly, but it came. In this way, Gao Feng simply trapped it to death.

At this moment, the patches of lantern grass suddenly went out, and Gao Feng also focused on the grassland where the insect sounds were gradually becoming rarer. After a while, he saw black shadows shuttled across the grassland, followed by various small creatures. The screams and wails echoed through the wilderness.

The hunting and counter-hunting at night finally began. This was a game field between animals. As a spectator, Gao Feng had no intention of joining. He waited for dawn and carried out the following tasks according to the established plan. If there was no attack at night, they would They would leave after dawn. If there was an attack, they would hold out until dawn and wait for Charles' reinforcements.

The dangerous atmosphere did not come as expected. The small pink ball that had been quiet on Gao Feng's chest came out from the collar. He yawned a little and sat on Gao Feng's shoulder as always. The little thing nestled on Gao Feng's calf moved. Move and continue sleeping.

Seeing that none of them felt any danger, Gao Feng was relieved. He opened his helmet and squinted his eyes to enjoy the breeze of the grassland at night, while his mind was running at high speed, thinking about the main purpose of this operation.

Charles only asked for one thing, detailed information on the energy nodes in the core area, to assess the strength of the beasts hidden in the energy nodes, and to find flaws that could kill them with one strike. However, Gao Feng did not believe that he could really kill them, without a doubt. , that savage beast is definitely a terrifying disaster beast, capable of defeating Bengyun Jialuo's disaster beast.

As time passed, Gao Feng's thoughts slowly turned into the breeze and dissipated. A wave of sleepiness hit him, making his eyelids droop. Before falling asleep, he raised his head and glanced at Masati's position. Masati shrank. They were huddled together, hiding in a high place where the night wind was howling, motionless. They couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but they knew that this woman must not have slept.

Gao Feng had no objection to Masati's arrangement. It was impossible for him to take this woman with him to complete the task. Although this woman was very smart and excellent and could survive alone for so long, it did not mean that she could be perfect. To cooperate with Gao Feng, you must know that the scouts have been included in the death list from the moment they set off. He cannot guarantee that professional soldiers will be brought back, let alone this untrained non-combatant.

Giving her some supplies, guns and ammunition may be the best choice. If she can come back, take her with her. When the time comes, Fengfeng will let her follow him back to Yinyun City. Gaofeng doesn't care if she is a modulator or something else. Something, as long as she has human blood in her blood, it is enough.

After making up his mind, an uncomfortable knot in Gao Feng's heart suddenly dissolved, and he closed his eyes due to sleepiness. His eyes never moved away from Gao Feng. Masati looked at the sleeping Gao Feng below, her teeth sinking deeply into her lips. She didn't know if she should ask the team commander for help, even if it was the scout who secretly gave her the idea.

As a modulator, she has spent time in various studies and trainings since her birth. Compared with the twenty-year period of use of a clone, a modulator's life is longer, and she faces more injustices and treatment, not to mention They were also deliberately taught the skills of serving men, and their dignity was inferior to that of the clone soldiers who were used as cannon fodder.

Masati doesn't care about dignity or whether she can live comfortably. She just wants to live. Only living can prove her existence. She is afraid that if she dies, no one will remember her anymore, just like her former companions will die. As time went by, she was forgotten.

"We must live..."

The idea suddenly became firm in her heart, and Masati looked at Gao Feng with a more stubborn look. She decided to ask Gao Feng tomorrow to ask him to take her in. After making the decision, the depression in her heart suddenly disappeared. Masati was far away. Looking over the grassland, admiring the rare beauty, hiding in a narrow and dark battleship day and night, working hard for food, have you ever seen this scenery so close?

Suddenly, Masati's beautiful eyes were filled with fear. On the grassland dozens of meters below, a group of wild beasts were surrounding her in a fan shape. Looking at it, she couldn't even count the number of these wild beasts. They looked like one by one. The ghost swallows up the light along the way, forming a spreading shadow.

The beasts approached silently without any movement. If she hadn't been able to see things clearly in the absolute darkness, she wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong. When these beasts approached the edge of the cut grass, they even hibernated at the same time. Like a well-trained army, the lantern grass that had been extinguished not long ago regained its light, but no trace of the beast could be seen anymore.

Masati couldn't help biting her thumb in her mouth, feeling extremely frightened in her heart. She could survive only by relying on the sixth sense that was stimulated when she was about to collapse. At this time, the sixth sense told her that she must not be exposed, otherwise she would never be exposed. There was no way she could survive, even if she was in a safe zone dozens of meters above.

She knew in her heart that the beasts hiding in the darkness had been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for their prey to completely lose their vigilance, to launch a fatal blow. She knew what would happen if these beasts broke into the messy and scattered position. A month ago, the battleship was only The remaining clone soldiers were dragged away and devoured by wild beasts.

She was extremely troubled when she saw a beast quietly walking out of the shadows, moving its steady and powerful limbs, and slowly moving closer to the defensive position. Her heartbeat was so fast that it almost reached her throat. She thought of the scout's advice to her before. , there was still more than a month left, the cruelty who was alone in the battleship drinking blood and eating raw meat suddenly raised the hive rifle in his hand and fired a regular burst.

Dozens of miniature bullets sprayed out fireworks from the muzzle of the gun, then hit the beast's head in confusion, sending it flying into the air and letting out a shrill scream. In the next second, another bullet hit the beast. There was a flashing missile at the edge of the grass, and a huge roar exploded into the night. The bright red flash reflected a strange light in Gao Feng's eyes.

In fact, there was no need for Masati to be so entangled. Gao Feng had already awakened the scouts who had taken the time to sleep. Each soldier was ready in his own trench. Masati's attack relatively interrupted their plan, but Gao Feng not only did not Instead of blaming him, he was somewhat appreciative. Masati was a pretty good comrade-in-arms for being able to fire the first shot in this situation.

The flames of the explosion and the killed beasts aroused the frenzy of the beasts. Countless black shadows rushed out of the grass, like sharp arrows rushing towards Masati's position. Just as they rushed to the position At the gap, when they were squeezing each other, twelve streams of flames erupted at the same time, sealing all the breaches. For a time, the beasts crowded in the breaches suffered heavy casualties.

But these could not stop the determination of the beast to attack. More black shadows flew out from the grass, forming hundreds of black lines to surround Gao Feng and others. Before the black smoke could jump over the previously piled obstacles, clusters of explosives were buried on the ground. It was detonated immediately, and the metal fragments piled on top of the explosive were like a storm. The fan spread out at an angle of 270 degrees, covering all the black shadows.

The bones and internal organs of the beasts were shattered in the air waves of the explosion, and countless blood spattered from the torn wounds. They rolled and fell to the ground. Some beasts were not dead. They stood up manically and were about to launch the next impact. The automatic machine gun that was activated again turned them into a pile of pulp.

The battle has reached its most intense stage. The beasts are like endless ants, rushing out of the grass one after another. Even in the dense rain of bullets, they are still attacking crazily. The obstacles previously made of various debris are being torn apart by the collision of the beasts. It collapsed quickly, and automatic machine guns that sprayed continuous firepower were pushed forward by the monster and easily bitten into pieces.

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