Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 836 Many crises

The deeper they went into the grassland, the less dissatisfied Gao Feng was with the elite scouts. In the end, he had to admit that the twelve chess pieces Charles placed around him were not bad. They could be in place within three seconds with a combat gesture without speaking. , like a veteran who has cooperated in countless battles.

At this time, Gao Feng was sitting on Dahua, holding an electronic telescope with a power of 50 times, and could clearly see an inconspicuous little beast two kilometers in front of him. The little beast was only the size of a native dog. His eyes were blind, and his hairless gray skin was covered with large and small scars.

It was this little beast that made Gao Feng and the team around him stop. It looked like a humiliated and lost dog, but Gao Feng understood that if twelve scouts came within 500 meters of the little beast, none of them would survive. Just because the little thing and the little powdery ball warned the peak together, they felt the faint danger in front of the claws.

The electronic telescope can clearly see the thickness of the hair on the little beast. The image of the little beast is also sent to the personal combat terminals of twelve scouts, and through the portable communication devices they carry, it can be seen hundreds of kilometers away. It was sent back to the command center for filing. This was the first time Gao Feng showed fear of a creature.

Charles stood on the intelligence wall of the command center, looking at the almost humble little beast. Beside him, a one-to-one simulated three-dimensional diagram was vividly displayed. It was only the height of his device cover, and it seemed that there was no danger. , Aiselin folded her arms in boredom, leaning to the side, staring at the mangy dog ​​with disdain, laughing at Gao Feng for making a fuss out of a molehill.

The Intelligence Power is the most advanced real-time device for destroying the Imperial Guard, with a delay of no more than three minutes. Now that the sky is filled with strong electromagnetic waves, the communication equipment in the previous life has basically failed. Even the video cannot be transmitted, and only photos can be sent. And the quantity cannot be too much.

Photos are constantly being updated. That little beast is not the first dangerous beast blocking the road, but it is one that cannot be bypassed, because in other directions, there are peak beasts that are more powerful than this little beast. , Gaofeng must solve it before he can move on.

Charles looked at each photo carefully, and guessed in his heart, how did Gao Feng see the danger of the little beast? Then he saw Gao Feng firing a plasma sniper rifle at the little beast. At this time, due to the battle, twelve photos were transmitted quickly in a fine-tuned order. This was twelve scouts joining the intelligence transmission at the same time, and their respective The personal terminal is merged into the server.

A brief but fierce battle unfolded before Charles' eyes. He saw with his own eyes that the plasma, which was as big as a fist, could penetrate the front armor of a landing tank. The plasma, known as individual combat artillery, exploded on the little beast, and then the little beast flew towards it intact. Gao Feng fully opened his fangs, and countless tiny shards of light hit the little beast's forehead. These were heavy-duty honeycomb rifle bullets. Each bullet was a poor-axis bullet. It could penetrate the strongest concrete in the previous life, but it could not penetrate the little beast. skull.

The scouts are all clones who have no concept of death or fear. They have always stood in place and fed back as much information as possible. Aiselin's eyes looked at the approaching little hand in a jumping format. Even the trajectory of the bullet could be clearly displayed. It can be seen how quickly this little beast approaches.

In less than ten seconds, the little beast actually crossed a distance of two kilometers and came into close contact with Gaofeng. At this time, Gaofeng's heavy rifle with 500 rounds of ammunition happened to be empty. The sniper rifle fired. He put down the sniper rifle and replaced the heavy rifle. , turn on the safety and fire, all this peak time took three seconds, that is to say, in seven seconds, five hundred rounds of bullets were fired at the peak, and not a single bullet missed. Such a level of penetration shooting, no matter how hard the object is, It would all be penetrated, but it could not penetrate the skull of the little beast, and could only beat the fur on its forehead to a bloody pulp.

The next moment, the little beast transformed into a terrifying R-class radiation beast. His whole body suddenly tensed up, and he stretched out his meter-long claws and pounced on the nearby peak. The sharp claws were less than ten centimeters away from the peak's eyes. The scouts who did not receive combat orders faithfully disciplined all this and sent it back to the command center.

As Aiselin screamed, the little beast that became manic, ferocious and powerful was fixed in the air by the peak. Then two strange and exaggerated black and purple daggers crossed and stuck in the throat of the little beast. No one knew how the peak moved. , like shifting positions, from under the sharp claws to the side of the little beast.

The little beast's head, which could not even be broken by bullets, was like a broken grape, falling off easily. The blood spurting from the shot floated in front of Gao Feng. Charles was so shocked that his pores shrank slightly, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. Aiselin looked at Gao Feng squatting on the ground as if she had seen a ghost and began to collect trophies.

It seemed like an encounter that only lasted less than a minute. The target was easily clear and no one was injured. However, for Charles, it was extremely thrilling. From the little beast being ambushed to being killed, he was counted to death by the peak from beginning to end. , coupled with the weird methods and the pair of sharp daggers, it can be killed in one fell swoop. If clone soldiers are replaced, I am afraid that even if a field company with landing tanks is sent out, they will not be able to get a single hair on them. Instead, the entire army will be killed. destruction.

This is a very precious set of information, which gave Charles a new understanding of the small radioactive beasts that had been ignored in the past, but to Gao Feng, this was nothing. The small beasts were not wild beasts, but wild beasts close to wild beasts. , and has no wisdom. He could see from the countless scars on the little beast that it was an extremely warlike and violent wild beast. It liked to seek challenges and fight to the death against the creatures that attacked it, so he was able to formulate the tactics just now. , it is expected that the little beast will attack in a straight line, weave a large web with spider silk, and intercept it in front of it.

There were not many blood crystals condensed by the little beast. The two pieces were about the size of peanuts, and the quality was not high. It did not cause the little things to fight for it. It was just enough for the two little guys to share it equally. There was no material on the little beast that Gao Gao could see. The sharp blades on the two front paws were somewhat interesting, but after the spider teeth easily cut the claws open, Gao Feng fed the entire little beast to Dahua.

After the road ahead was opened, Gaofeng continued to move forward. The twelve scouts spread out again, not far away, patrolling a hundred meters away. However, danger was not always discovered in time. Not long after they continued to move forward, an accident happened. Suddenly, a scout behind him disappeared silently. If Gao Feng hadn't discovered that one of the scenes suddenly went dark, he wouldn't have known what happened.

Dahua brought Fengfeng to the scene of the incident. He only saw the equipment among the bright flowers. There were still some human bones left in the equipment. The wreckage disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. It can only be discovered with perception that hundreds of millions of microorganisms are digesting the leftovers. The debris below, as long as it is organic matter, will disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What made Gao Feng feel strange was that even though he was standing five meters away, he was not affected by anything. Not a single microorganism found his head. Soon he discovered the problem, which was in the brightly colored flowers within a few meters. , this kind of flower is the most beautiful flower that Gao Feng has ever seen in his life. The scout just now flew into the flower bush unintentionally, and just touched the stamens of the flower at a height of three feet. Countless microorganisms sprayed out like spores, killing the scout. Wrap it for three minutes or so to completely digest it. After digestion, the microorganisms disappear on the body of the plant, which makes Gao Feng's heart tingle slightly. He doesn't know what will happen if he encounters it?

The flames flashed past, and all the flowers and microorganisms turned into dust. The team continued on the road. A life was exchanged for information. It was not known whether it was a loss or a gain. At this time, it was still more than two thousand kilometers away from the periphery of the core area.

Dahua maintained a high speed of 120 kilometers per hour and rushed forward, but the grassland was not a highway. They encountered countless creatures that could make the two little guys wary. Whenever they encountered these creatures, Gaofeng would take a detour. This made it more difficult, and as they moved closer, the remains of some technology also appeared in front of them.

Debris from the aircraft always appeared at intervals. The float was broken into two ends by unknown creatures, and there were traces of missile explosions in some places. Whenever Gao Feng saw some combat uniforms or broken weapons, Gao Feng would sigh the most. With one sound, the equipment and personnel lost by the Imperial Guards here were probably an astronomical figure. He didn't know if it was cost-effective. If it were placed on him, he would not tolerate such losses.

At first, the wreckage was only visible for three to five kilometers. When Gao Feng and the remaining eleven scouts continued to move forward for hundreds of kilometers, more and more debris appeared. Finally, when night came, Gao Feng was surprised to see two pieces of debris. A battleship stuck upside down on the ground, like a cigar.

One of the battleships, Gao Feng, even saw the electromagnetic gun on the bow of the ship. Although the style was different, it was a real electromagnetic gun. The place where the battleship crashed was deviated from the main direction. Originally, Gao Feng had no intention of going there because he could not get through the wreckage. He found advantages in it, but at this time the sky started to turn gloomy and night was coming, making Gao Feng change his mind.

When they arrived at the wreckage, Gao Feng keenly discovered that there were traces of survivors here. Some scattered boxes and large pieces of battleship fragments were scattered in a ring to form a defense line. On the periphery of the defense line, some uneven vegetation had breaks. Someone was bored and broke all the vegetation, but Gao Feng knew that these were all traces left by bullets.

There are only vague traces of the defense line. There are more debris walking in the huge gaps, which looks messy. Only veterans on the battlefield can tell that this place was forcibly broken through after resistance. There are no corpses, only some combat uniforms. The splinters, broken helmets, and even the old blood stains were hidden by the grass on the ground.

Standing in the center of the defensive position, Gao Feng took a deep breath of the grass-scented air, but in his mind he recalled the burning smell of gunpowder smoke and the flashing explosion flames in his previous life. The days when I can only sleep in my arms.

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