Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 833 Showdown

Aiselin obviously didn't take Gao Feng's warning to heart very much. She wished she could crash a few more ships to destroy the King's Nest and make the resistance army bigger, but Charles had to take Gao Feng's warning to heart. He had already seen that Gao Feng was not simple. Alone, the inseparable Piaomiao has lurked in the camp. Even with hundreds of probes and infrared observers scattered in the camp, no Piaomiao shadow was found. Only the image of her being inadvertently captured while climbing over the automatic fire net. , if they attack the peak, maybe it won’t take long before there won’t be any living creatures in the entire camp, right?

"Do you think we have failed? There are only so many remnants left?"

Although Charles knew the seriousness of the problem, he did not give up his goal. He believed that Gao Feng was discouraged after witnessing the failure of the Flying Fortress. The troops were indeed crippled, with less than 3,000 of the 5,600 men in the third regiment remaining. The heavy weapons were almost completely destroyed. In this strange place, even the repair parts could not be found. No one knew what would happen tomorrow. But it was precisely because of this that he wanted Gao Feng, a native, to join in and have a familiar environment. And the locals who follow the rules, at least don't have to have a black eye.

After hearing Charles' question, Gao Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. He turned around suddenly, pointed to the electronic map on the wall and said:

"I don't know your purpose here, I don't know your mission, I don't know how many powerful creatures there are in this land, but I want to say that you must be responsible for your own soldiers. I don't care if those clone soldiers are you. Once they are all lost, I think your aristocratic elegance will not be able to deal with more dangerous creatures."

Gao Feng suddenly showed a more pure military demeanor than Charles. Just like Gao Feng had labeled Charles as elegant before, Charles also saw the purest military temperament in Gao Feng, an iron-blooded aura that made Aiseline's eyes blurred.

"It is an energy node. The energy node is the thirty-two support points formed by the earth's self-rescue after the World Extermination War. As the last protective cover for biological reproduction, as long as these thirty-two nodes are not destroyed, the earth will not be completely destroyed. Energy nodes are scattered all over the world, with the largest number in the Asia-Pacific region before the war..."

Aiselin finally couldn't help but tell Gao Feng the reason that had always been inexplicable. Judging from the contact between Gao Feng and Charles, the atmosphere between the two parties was good. Aiselin did not want Gao Feng to be dragged into the destruction of the Guards by Charles. With Gao Feng With his personal energy, joining the Destruction Guards is really terrifying.

Aiselin was doomed to be disappointed. Gao Feng had no interest in any energy nodes. He just wanted to be sure that the Destruction Guards came to conquer the Asia-Pacific region. When he saw Charles's face twitching, he was so concerned about his daughter. After looking helpless, I realized that Athelin was right.

"Didn't I tell you not to come into my study if you have nothing to do? It's enough to play war games in normal times, but now you want to get involved in the energy node. If something goes wrong, I can't protect you. It seems that I have to make up my mind to save you. Lock you up..."

Charles said threatening words to his doting daughter to the point of lawlessness, and Athelin did not accept this at all, but they were all observing Gao Feng's reaction, and the only reaction Gao Feng gave them was that there was no reaction, which made Ai Selin Serin felt uncomfortable as she punched the air with certainty.

"Having said all that, just because of an illusory energy node, you will give countless soldiers to be eaten by wild beasts?"

Gao Feng returned to his seat, crossed his legs, and lit a cigar that came out of Charles's study. Charles's eyes almost popped out of his head. From the moment Gao Feng entered the study, he was under full surveillance. Not to mention Gaofeng's every move, even Gaofeng's heartbeat and pulse, as well as the heavy breathing, were all clearly detected. How could he get the cigar without anyone noticing among so many monitoring devices?

Charles obviously had a specific communication channel. At this time, he already knew that in the study, all fifty-two cigars in the cigar box had disappeared, as well as the matches. Apart from these, everything else was intact, even the contents of his drawer. The custom-made pistols made from various rare ores are untouched.

Gao Feng puffed out a puff of smoke, and kept scanning the information on the surrounding walls with his eyes, writing down all the information as much as possible. As the commander of the front line battlefield, he was interested in any information, because it might be the most inconspicuous. All the information means a hope of victory or a way out. During urban operations, he once obtained a street map from thirty years ago and found an air-raid shelter buried underground, thus evading a full range of attacks. During the cloud bomb attack, of the three brigades that attacked, only his Storm Battalion was intact. The other two brigades only had some remnants left, and they had not regained their combat capability for a year.

Charles kept thinking about Feng Feng's words. It was not the meaning of the words that moved him, but the second time Feng Feng mentioned soldiers. He already had a rough idea of ​​what kind of person Feng Feng was. From Feng Feng's temperament and how much he valued soldiers , it has been concluded that the man in front of him is a real commander, a commander who cares about the lives of his soldiers. This is exactly what he needs.

He suddenly understood how to convince Gao Feng. He didn't need high-ranking officials and generous salaries, or beauty and money. He only needed a reason to convince Gao Feng. Aiselin had always been treated as a dispensable person, and she had always wanted to cause trouble, but she couldn't. Every time he was ignored by Gao Feng, he was like a clown who shot himself in the foot. In his helplessness, annoyance and atmosphere, he forgot how he had been pestering Gao Feng these days and just wanted Gao Feng to die.

"Your Excellency is very knowledgeable. You must know about the World-Destroying War, right?"

As soon as Charles waved his hand, the whole room returned to light. The images and information on the projected wall disappeared and were cleaned up. The tabletop with the tea set rose again. On the side of the peak, there was also this ashtray. Apparently Charles had prepared it. Long talk.

Gao Feng sat comfortably in his seat, enjoying the civilized life he had not seen for a long time. The cigar smoke kept coming out of his mouth, enjoying the taste of the cigar. The only pity was that the cigar smoke could not enter the lungs. Part, less exciting, more fragrant.

"Isn't the cause of the world-destroying war because of resources and living space? I don't know if the Indian Asan who started the war is still alive, but the siege of China in Southeast Asia seems to have become a history that no one understands. Maybe we have to wait. Only by exhuming the corpses can we prove their existence, but this will have to wait for historians to work hard..."

Feng Feng said these words calmly, which made Aiselin even more surprised. From the moment she saw Feng Feng, she regarded Feng Feng as a savage aboriginal, because she did not find anything civilized in Feng Feng, even Feng Feng's Viper pistol. It is also thought to be some antique found in the wreckage.

Charles was not surprised. Gao Feng had previously informed him of his identity as the supreme governor of a region. If he did not know this, he would think that the war-torn China had degenerated into a primitive society, although this was indeed the case.

"At the end of the World Extermination War, I don't know who triggered the nuclear weapons. Within twenty-four hours, thousands of mushroom clouds rose up around the world. According to the radiation levels at that time, all living things would be destroyed within ten years, but the creation of the earth After a miracle, thirty-two energy nodes were formed around the world, continuously extracting deadly radiation, allowing the earth to gradually recover within hundreds of times.

If the rate of continuous purification of the thirty-two energy stages is followed, it will only take a hundred years for the radioactive radiation to disappear, the water source to be pure, the extreme climate to be changed, and the land unsuitable for farming to become a granary. It is a pity that this process started fifty years ago. It was interrupted, and there was a problem with some energy nodes... "

Charles's frankness and unfairness did not appeal to Gao Feng very much. He knew better. Humanity has struggled from the initial stage of the strongest radiation to the present, and there is no longer a problem. Whether the energy nodes are destroyed or not, it doesn't matter to him. Problem, he would not worry about it in vain.

Having said this, Charles was a little disappointed. He didn't see any intention on Gao Feng's face. It was as if he was listening to a plain story, with no reaction at all. On the other hand, Aiselin was listening in fascination, clenching her fists tightly. She was standing, her cheeks flushed.

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