Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 829 An Inexplicable Invitation

The big turtle did not have any more interactions with Gao Feng. Gao Feng used the essence of the elixir to save himself a huge trouble. No one thought that there would be another four-armed ape waiting for Gao Feng. Aiselin passed the big turtle incident After that, she became completely honest. She could no longer understand the peak, nor could she understand this place filled with all kinds of magical monsters.

Xiao Fantuan had no objection to Gao Feng taking away his rations, and even gloated at the little thing who kept protesting. The orange bonfire shone on Aiseline's face, making her hesitate, as if she was thinking about something, but Gao Feng turned to Looking in a dark direction, there are also big flowers.

Aiselin was about to speak when she saw where Gao Feng was looking. She turned her head and heard two loud noises and a few sparks. Then two tumbling airships swooshed and landed on the ground at the edge of the fire. The roll made Aiselin jump up immediately. She drew out her short knife and was about to rush forward, but Gao Feng grabbed her hand.

"Don't go, wait and see..."

Gao Feng said a few words concisely and concisely, and kept looking over there. Neither the little things nor the little dough balls warned of danger. Gao Feng decided that there would be no danger, at least not to him. Soon, the roar of humans and the typewriter The sound of gunfire kept coming, and Dahua suddenly stood up and took a few steps toward that side, obviously feeling uneasy.

Gao Feng sat still and continued to bake the barbecue on the campfire. Whether it was unknown beasts or the remnants of the destroyed Imperial Guards, he was not interested. As long as it did not affect him, Aiselin spent the initial After panicking, she also calmed down. She knew that there was nothing she could do. Since Gao Feng didn't speak, she felt at ease.

The sound of gunshots kept getting closer, and hurried figures rushed here quickly. Some people kept falling to the ground and screaming. Gao Feng slowly stood up and squinted his eyes to look over there. At this moment, the spider swooped. He rushed out, causing Aiselin to scream.

At this moment, Gao Feng swung his spine knife and instantly cut off a bone spear that whizzed towards Aiselin. The broken spearhead was inserted straight into the ground at Aiselin's toes and disappeared in a whoosh. A hole the size of a wine glass was left in the ground, causing Aiselin to scream and pull out the short knife, shaking it open on the ground. A blue halo suddenly erupted from her forehead, and suddenly expanded to the limits of the surrounding area.

Gao Feng fell into this halo, still using his senses to offset it just like the day before yesterday. The two little guys felt slightly uncomfortable and a little dizzy. At the edge of the kilometer where the halo expanded, several muffled roars were faintly heard, and then two people wearing The people in the Guards combat uniforms stumbled and fell in front of the bonfire. The guns in their hands flew to the foot of the peak, while they were tied up and unable to move.

“It’s these things again….”

Gao Feng roared angrily, but Aiselin couldn't stop him, and rushed out like a fly. After a few blinks, he disappeared. After a while, there were a few shrill and wild screams, and then there was no sound again. Gao Feng carried the blood dripping The spine knife and Dahua came back at the same time, and Dahua dragged three squirming cocoons and two bone spears stuck on its back.

Without saying a word, Gao Feng swung his spine knife and slashed the cocoon hard. The cocoon was not broken, but the contents inside spurted blood and seeped out from the gaps in the spider silk. He was unwilling to check whether the cocoon was alive, so he cut it. He was smashed to death, while Dahua shook his body as if nothing had happened, and shook off the two bone spears inserted in his back.

Everything happened too suddenly and ended suddenly. Aiselin still maintained her fighting posture, and Gao Feng had already taken down the attacker. In his daze, Gao Feng ignored the two guys on the ground who were wearing combat helmets and could not see their faces clearly. Walking to Dahua, he carefully looked at Dahua's back and the weirdly textured skin. He was surprised to find that the centipede-like markings on the spider's skin had been integrated with the complex and weird patterns, but it was no longer as fragile as before. In addition to growing down, the defense ability is increased by more than ten times?

Dahua didn't care what Gao Feng did to her back, and concentrated on retracting the spider silk, leaving behind three black-haired ape-men whose brains were smashed. The three ape-men frightened Aiselin and the two captives on the ground. The fear and trembling are not because of fear, but like the peak, I think of something I shouldn't think of.

"This..., is this their weapon?"

Aiselin picked up a smooth and straight bone spear with her toes, and when it sank in her hand, she was shocked. The bone spear was much heavier than she imagined. It was as heavy as a millimeter-diameter steel bar. An ordinary woman would not be able to do it. Pick it up.

"What do they do?"

Gao Feng did not answer. Instead, he pointed at the prisoners on the ground and said. The two prisoners obviously understood Chinese and looked up at Gao Feng together.

"Kill me, what else can I do?"

Eselin obviously didn't care about the lives of the enemy and judged their fate lightly, but Gao Feng did not take action. Instead, he waved his hand and touched their restraints, leaving only two hive rifles sitting and watching.

Gao Feng's actions made it difficult for the two prisoners to see clearly, but Aiselin understood Gao Feng's intention. He did not intend to interfere in the grudge between Aiselin and the Destruction Guards. As for who wanted to kill whom, he would not care. Of course, if Aiseline is in danger, Gao Feng will still save her.

Gao Feng stopped taking action, and Aiselin's eyes suddenly turned red. She raised the short knife and slashed at her like two people. The two unarmed people were not hesitant, and they entangled Aiselin one from the left and the other from the right. All three of them had good skills. Above a certain level, if Gao Feng had just come to this world, he might not be a match for any of them.

In the dazzling fight, various martial arts emerged one after another. Gao Feng watched the fight with a serious face. Among these martial arts, he saw that the routines of the three people were the same, and the martial arts encompassed the skills of special forces from all countries around the world in previous lives. Many of the fighting techniques he had personally experienced on the battlefield.

In the end, Aiselin was torn between the two people's calculations, and finally retreated to Gao Feng. The two Destruction Guards stopped at the same time and looked at Gao Feng together. They had just appeared before, but they were tied up by Gao Feng for no apparent reason. Zongzi, being disarmed again, naturally knew that the bearded and disheveled guy in front of him was not easy to mess with.

"Do you still want to fight? If you want to fight, continue. If not, sit down for me..."

Gao Feng licked the firewood for the campfire and said to them lazily, feeling a little worried in his heart. These guys are all about the same. If you calculate it this way, the quality of the individual soldiers of the Destruction Guards is terrible. Even if Gao Feng's Stormtroopers encounter When it comes to these people, one-on-one, I'm afraid they may not necessarily be opponents.

Gao Feng, who was full of confusion, thought that the target of these destroying guards was Aiselin, but in his perception, he found that all the attention of these two people was on him, and he felt very uncomfortable. He guessed that it was because of his body. The reason for destroying the Imperial Guards is to serve, but with the conscience of heaven and earth, if he had clothes to wear, he would not dress himself up as a pheasant.


With two soft sounds, the helmets were taken off at the same time, and the two handsome Western men, who were as handsome as the sun gods, revealed their true colors. Gao Feng looked up and couldn't help but murmur in his heart:

"Twins? It's rare to see them nowadays."

"We have been ordered to ask you to meet with General Charles. He has been waiting for you..."

As soon as the name of General Charles came out, Aiseline was shocked and trembled but did not speak. Gao Feng was even more confused. Who did he provoke? How did it get involved with him?

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