Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 825 Completed

As he spoke, new changes appeared in the sky. After starting the engine, the Sky Fortress flew backwards and diagonally. The angle was not obvious, which was enough to correct the angle of the gun position. The nine Gauss electromagnetic cannons rotated rapidly, neatly arranged in the upper, middle and lower parts. Blue light Flash, the light was just exposed, and several monsters below flew out one by one, like flies being swatted away by a fly swatter.

The electric sparks never stopped after they flashed. Cannonballs popped up one after another. Gao Feng had experienced the power of the electromagnetic gun. The shadow of the cannonballs could not be caught with the naked eye. Only the sand splashed up from the ground like a fountain, rushing into the sky. , when Gao Feng saw a monster flying upside down and its whole body exploded into pieces, his scalp suddenly became numb. This was a wild beast that could deal with the Rishan Jia Luo. Without the help of Piao Miao and Spider, Gao Feng would never be able to deal with the creature.

In a short time, the electromagnetic gun stopped firing, leaving behind a miserable land. The battle in the air had not stopped yet. When the electromagnetic gun was fired, the monster actually dug a hole of more than ten meters in the air fortress, exploding layer by layer. The blast of air contained flames, electric sparks, and fragments of various sizes, and the monster was about to break through to the inner layer.

Behind the blown-up external combat units, there were layers of thick armor, which could withstand most armor-piercing bullets. The monsters continued to explode with clear-cut gestures, and were finally penetrated by the scarred monster. .


The woman screamed, and her blue eyes were full of fear. She was not frightened by the sky fortress, but saw the monster taking out the struggling red figure from the sky fortress and throwing it into its mouth, swallowing it like a jelly bean.

"Don't worry, humans are definitely not to its taste, but if the commander of the Sky Fortress can't come up with an idea, things will be bad..."

Gao Feng looked at the Aerial Fortress with gloating. Ninety-nine percent of the weapons could not be used in close contact. At such a distance, whether it was a missile or a bomb, it might damage the Aerial Fortress itself before killing the monster. What's more, the monster has broken through the outer protective armor. If it gets in, it will be really big.

The commander of the Sky Fortress is not an idiot. Triangular objects are continuously sprayed out from the top of the Sky Fortress, just like a tennis machine. These sprayed triangular objects are tumbling and suddenly stretch out their slender wings. In an instant, Stabilizing the center of gravity and flying in the sky, it was the drone that had appeared before.

Gao Feng clasped his nose and looked at the drones that were like flies hovering around the stool. He didn't feel the same surprise as before. He had been surprised so many times that it had become a habit. Looking around, he saw countless drones that could not kill thirty of them. Man and machine were all ready for battle in one minute and thirty seconds, leaving him amazed at the efficiency of destroying the Imperial Guards.

The drone flew behind the monster and sprayed out steel cables. I don't know what device was installed on the top of the steel cables. The thirty steel cables were tied to the monster one by one, and they were pulled outward together. , Gao Feng suddenly laughed loudly and almost rolled off the spider quilt.

"Why are you laughing? That monster is about to be torn off..."

Because of the common enemy, the woman longed for the sky fortress to be beaten down by the monster, and did not want Gao Feng to gloat over the misfortune. Gao Feng held down the woman's head, scratched her long golden hair into a chicken coop, and said while holding her belly: "I don't see you. Such a stupid commander..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the monster bent one of its claws behind its joints and gestured with one hand. Then a huge wave of air burst out. Thirty taut steel cables broke at the same time, causing the tugged drone to lose its balance and roll over. , three or five of them collided with each other and exploded into fireballs, and seven or eight of them rushed directly to the ground. At a 90-degree angle and speed inertia, they didn't even have a chance to pull up, and they bloomed on the ground.

Now the woman finally understood why Gao Feng was laughing so much. He had known that this method would not work. Only half of the remaining drones were flying in the air in a neat formation, with the nose of the aircraft facing the monster. At this time, Gao Feng just He shook his head and said: "Only if you hate yourself a little can you have a chance..."

After saying that, thirty anti-air missiles flew toward the air fortress. None of them flew toward the monster, but all flew toward the fortress itself. The woman couldn't understand. Gao Feng waited for the missile to take effect, and the flames formed an incomplete circle around the monster. The ring covers the monster, and the location of each explosion is in the sky fortress itself.

It seems that the drone made a mistake, causing more injuries to the air fortress. In fact, the area centered on the monster is shaking more and more violently amid the continuous explosions. This is not what thirty anti-air missiles can do. The power of release.

"This is……."

The woman couldn't understand and couldn't help asking questions. Gao Feng threw a piece of dried meat into his mouth, chewed it deliciously, nodded and said:

"The commander is a ruthless character. He installed explosives inside the fortress to blow up the area connected to the monster. Unfortunately, this may not necessarily blow up the outer armor. Unless the outside is exploded at the same time, not everyone can be so decisive. This is hurt. The enemy is one hundred and one is losing three thousand. I believe that at least half of the people in the Sky Fortress will die in various explosions and flames..."

Gao Feng admired the commander. This was not a gecko tactic, but a leg-breaking tactic. If the thigh was broken off, the entire army would be destroyed if not careful, but at least there was a chance to save the remaining thigh and body.

The area where the monster was located broke away from the aerial fortress. In the continuous explosion of fire, the tracks of the three electromagnetic guns at the bottom suddenly broke. In the explosion of sparks, the three electromagnetic guns self-destructed one after another. Almost a quarter of the area was in contact with the monster. Detached and falling to the ground, more parts and fragments continued to separate like hourglasses, including many corpses and severed limbs. A layer of fiery red color swirled around the huge fracture, thick darkness emerged, and countless electric sparks Flashing, as beautiful as a neon light, the exploding fireballs come and go, forming a continuous glow like a flash.

"It's a pity, it would be great if our battleships were here..."

The woman looked at the miserable fortress in the sky with regret and said through gritted teeth. Gao Feng smiled and pointed at the birds in the distance that looked like light smoke and said:

"These little guys haven't left yet, and they are not vegetarians..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp cry came from the sky. At some point, a six-winged shuttle with a body length of thirty meters rolled and shuttled on the edge of the clouds, punching a huge gap in the dark clouds, and saw The woman calmed down about this creature.

Gao Feng frowned, because he discovered that the moment this creature appeared, the birds flew away suddenly, as if they had encountered a natural enemy. Gao Feng could not see further than the woman beside him. At this moment, the aerial fortress had not lost its ability to detect big things. However, it was powerless against the little bird. The little bird was driven away, and the six-winged shuttle became the target of the aerial fortress.

The three electromagnetic cannons rotated slowly, two of them were aimed at the monster that fell to the ground, and the remaining one was aimed at the six-wing shuttle that was flying towards the sky fortress. In the flash of electric light, the six-wing shuttle and the monster were killed together. The almost invisible shells shattered, causing the woman to bite her silver teeth into pieces. She watched helplessly as the airship continued to smoke and explode as it flew towards where it came from.

"how so?"

The woman watched in disbelief as the escaped air fortress went away. Gao Feng shrugged his shoulders. There was an old saying in his previous life: God is not as good as man.

The Aerial Fortress went very quickly. Even though one-third of its area was damaged and it was swaying in the air, it still maintained its flying posture. Gao Feng personally believed that that was the reason why the four wings of the Aerial Fortress were not injured. The moment the fortress left, Gao Feng couldn't wait to push the spider towards the place where the monsters died.

The woman sat quietly on the spider and did not make any more fuss. It was obvious that she had not digested everything she had seen before. The spider sneaked up to the place where the four monsters were concentrated and shot. On the edge of each bottomless hole, three The monster was torn apart and looked dead. Another monster was cut into two ends, and its four arms were detached from the body, but it was not completely dead. It was still rolling and struggling, which made the woman's hair stand on end.

Gao Feng jumped off the spider regardless, stepped on the monster's huge head, pulled out the spider's teeth, like a blunt knife cutting flesh, and swiped hard on the monster's neck artery. After a while, the monster's black blood was It did not flow out from the neck, but was drawn out by the peak, and the essence was transformed into dark green blood crystals.

The monster's blood crystal is more advanced than the toad's blood crystal, which makes the little thing and the little pink ball restless. The little thing is eager to snatch it, while the little pink ball rubs Gao Feng's cheek and acts coquettishly, but the purpose is the same. .

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