Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 818 Two Corpses

Gao Feng was not surprised when he harvested the corpse of Gao Feng Beast. He used the spider teeth to cut a slit in the toad's neck, drained the blood, and refined it into blood crystals. However, he raised his neck high and looked toward the sky. The two wings of a ship were half-arched. The drooping, exaggerated and weird aircraft was frantically dodging small missiles.

The small missiles are like wasps that never give up, chasing after the aircraft crazily, and more small missiles are joining in at all times. The aircraft is not without the power to fight back. Every time it can't escape, it bursts out a blue light wave with a diameter of a kilometer. , any missile illuminated by light waves is like a bird with broken wings, falling to the ground one after another, and layers of flames explode below.

Not long after, Gao Feng saw another aircraft appear. This was a large spacecraft armed to the teeth. It was dozens of times larger than the previous aircraft being chased. It was like a destroyer chasing a patrol boat. The entire hull was black. Material, fully enclosed shell, with honeycomb-like missile launchers all over the shell. Every place where the launch nests are located is as solid and arched as a muscle. All combat parts are standardized external units. Once those places are hit, they will Break away before triggering an ordnance explosion. This is a ship built for war.

The cigar-shaped hull has twelve standard external combat units. Apart from missiles, it has no other weapons. It just continuously attacks small aircraft, but never gets too close. It always maintains a certain range and is extremely ferocious. Be extremely careful.

The battle in the sky caused unimaginable havoc on the ground. The power of a missile was equivalent to the power of a 122mm rocket explosion. It could cover and kill half of the football field. The green grass was blown into a huge pit. The armored horses running in panic got on the plane, and then fell heavily to the ground and fell to death. What's worse is that the armored horses couldn't even find the direction to escape, and they might be bombed from all directions, just like the end of the world.

When Gao Feng saw the two aircraft, he was filled with resentment. After more than two years in the wild, he truly developed a love for nature. He encountered various dangers and disasters, which also made him feel the majesty and beauty of nature, and saw the law of the jungle eating the strong. I also saw the vivid and clear exuberance of cruelty, and I was extremely disgusted with this kind of selfish mechanical product that destroyed beautiful nature.

Of course, Gao Feng was not stupid enough to fly out under the banner of environmental protection. He rushed out and pointed his middle finger at the sky. He suppressed all the anger in his heart and kept dissecting the three-eyed toad that he had let go. There were explosions outside. , in the end, both the spider and the two little guys were immune. The spider chewed Gao Feng and threw it a toad leg. The little guy held his own blood crystal and looked at each other warily. Gao Feng quickly peeled off the toad skin. The craftsmanship is not very good. With the help of perception, it can be roughly preserved intact, but the cortex is still very hard and can only be made into shields, not clothes.

Gao Feng rolled his eyes, glanced at Da Hua, and continued busy, not caring that the battle in the sky had already reached dozens of kilometers away. The fire was still burning in the forest, and there were billowing smoke and birds falling from the sky everywhere. , on the contrary, the place at the summit was preserved because of the bombings before and after.

After Gao Feng completely decomposed the toad, he got twenty-seven blood crystals. Excluding the three eaten by the two little guys, there were twenty-four in total. Gao Feng was not prepared to eat them, although it was good for his body. It’s not beautiful if it’s overdone, so I would rather keep it and take it home to give to Xue Ya or Zaifeng as a nutritional supplement.

The meat of the toad is actually not much, mainly concentrated on the limbs. Now one of the thighs has been eaten by the spider, and the rest is still being prepared for tomorrow. The peak is too much to eat. Compared with the smooth and tender fish meat, this thing is not as good as The wire is still chewy.

Among the rattling internal organs, Gao Feng didn't find anything good. He only found a thin and tough air sac that could be used to hold water without fear of being punctured. In addition, he found the tongue of a three-eyed toad, which was more than ten years long. After the death of the toad, Mi's tongue becomes dark green and translucent. It is flexible and flexible and can be easily moved by perception. It is like having an extra arm. Although it cannot reach the distance of tens of meters that a toad can extend, for Gaofeng Just right.

Biological materials are not easy to refine. Gao Feng has no intention of refining them like spider silk. Spider silk has a very troublesome problem. It cannot bear its weight. Whether it is tied to the body or wrapped around the hand, once it is stressed, it will be If the skin is cut, even the bones may be broken if you are not careful.

It's different with this dark green long whip. The handle is just right to hold, with slight burrs, which neither hurts the hand nor slips easily. It is also a supernatural weapon. When the whip is pulled out, it is like a big knife. General, full of power, seeing the straight crack deeply embedded in the ground in front of him, Gao Feng shook the long whip with satisfaction. He had practiced it thousands of times, and it automatically wrapped around his right hand, interlocking layer by layer, forming an arm ring that reached to the elbow. .

The big flower has changed again. In the past, the spider legs were the most fragile part of the big flower. Because of their brittleness, they could break accidentally. Toad skin is used on the spider legs, like insulating rubber on the copper core, wrapping it just enough to expose the joints. It does not affect the flexibility, but also strengthens the defensive measures. According to Gao Feng's estimation, even if a 30mm grenade is exploded, it will be rebounded. If the toad hadn't been stabbed in the eye and damaged the brain, those missiles would not be able to do anything to it.

Taking a deep breath of the smoke-filled air, Gao Feng turned his head to look at the aircraft and airship falling from the sky. Two huge birds were unyieldingly removing various pieces from the falling ship. The warship was still releasing missiles, constantly The separation of standardized weapons and armor has no effect on the giant birds. A hazy halo surrounds the giant birds, like an insulating cover, completely eliminating the power of missile explosions, except for the airflow of the explosion that allows them to fly. Not very stable outside. Basically no harm done.

Gao Feng had expected this a long time ago. Although he didn't know where the two aircraft came from, bombing this area full of dangerous beasts was definitely an act of seeking death, so he didn't even pay attention. Just waiting for this moment.

The explosion after the fall came as expected, and the flying debris bloomed like fireworks in the flames. Gao Feng excitedly jumped on Dahua's back, pointed at the place of the explosion and shouted:

"Kill it..."

The spider moved in response to Gao Feng's instructions, carrying one of the toad's thighs and two forelimbs, like a little butcher, running wildly, while the little thing jumped up and down, looking over there excitedly. Only the little pink ball sat on Gao Feng's shoulder, pressing his little face against Gao Feng's bearded face.

Gao Feng didn't think about anything at the moment. He kept grabbing his crotch, which was sore from being rubbed by the hard animal skin, and kept muttering: "Clothes, clothes, soft clothes, I want..."

Gao Feng has long been fed up with the original fashion. If he wasn't used to being an exhibitionist, Gao Feng would rather be naked. There are a lot of plant fibers in the forest, but Gao Feng doesn't know how to weave. He doesn't even have underwear when he has the ability to sense and control spider silk. He figured out a way to do it, but he was so annoyed in the morning. In the past few days, his delicate skin had been calloused by the rough animal skin. The most unbearable thing was that after the skin was worn out, he had to smear the life-threatening herbal juice. Every time It hurt so much that he thought his balls were cooked.

Of course, Gao Feng hopes to meet someone who can speak human language, so that he doesn’t have to talk to two little guys and spiders all day long. Even the dinosaurs from the Jurassic era will recognize him. The battleship is filled with missiles and constantly The ground exploded, and the flames caused more armored horses and predators to flee wildly. Two strange creatures that looked like six-winged shuttles patrolled back and forth for several times. They couldn't stand the flames rising from the ground and left one after another. , only Gaofeng ran that way quickly.

The place where it fell was almost thirty kilometers away from the peak. Dahua, who had just eaten the toad meat, reached the edge of the fall in less than ten minutes. Countless burning or unburned debris were scattered over several kilometers. The peak had eyes like Knife, scanning the ground for anything that looked like a locker. Of course, he didn't mind seeing a corpse or two, as long as the clothes were intact.

Just when he thought of the corpse, Gao Feng saw an arm with curved fingers like claws stretched out between the two burning remains. He quickly leaned over and found that the owner of the arm had become a charred corpse, with only the one-piece overalls on his body left. The lower shoulders were not burned at all. From the frightened and painful expression, Gao Feng could tell that this was a young man with blond hair, which made him frown slightly.

It's not that Gao Feng has never seen Westerners before. Whether it's Shen Wuji in the wilderness or Qiao Sen in Cloud City, they don't make him fuss. But what he can't accept is that Westerners jumping out of the aircraft will remind him of his past life. A war, a war for new energy reserve resources and living space.

Letting go of the burning corpse, Gao Feng continued to move forward. Not long after, he saw another corpse, a female corpse that puzzled him. This corpse was obviously blown out of the aircraft by the airflow of the explosion, and its whole body was like mud. , a huge tear in the jumpsuit seeped out flowing blood, forming a small pool of blood. The owner of the corpse had short black hair, dull brown eyes, a soft face and skin with fine pores.

Gao Feng was unsure about this body. He didn't know whether it was a Han woman or an Asian from neighboring countries. Without touching the body, Gao Feng continued to walk forward. After a while, he saw a torn piece of machine. The shell, with the words "Second Aviation Corps" printed in English on it, made Gao Feng's vigilance heightened to the extreme. He couldn't help but pull out the other thing he had left, the Viper pistol he kept on his body as a souvenir.

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