Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 816 Goblin?

Not long after, the elixir was shrunk several times, and the jade-like elixir appeared in Gao Feng's hand. In the little thing's salivating eyes, he carefully received it into a close-fitting shoulder bag, making the little thing's ears droop down in frustration. It knew that it had entered. Don’t even think about returning Gaofeng’s satchel.

Putting away the elixir, Gao Feng knelt down and stroked the thirty centimeter-high ink bone stone. During the stroke, dozens of spider silks silently penetrated into the ground, clearing away the sand along the stones. Not long after, Gao Feng took out the ink bone stone, which was more than seventy centimeters high but weighed less than one kilogram.

The moment it was taken out, a tangible and intangible wave spread like ripples to the surroundings. The peak of the body suddenly felt relaxed, as if the house that had settled in the body was blown away by the breeze, and the whole person became much more transparent.

This fluctuation can only be detected by perception. Spider and the two little guys did not feel the fluctuation, but they clearly noticed the difference in their bodies. They immediately became excited. Even the little pink ball who was usually bullied did somersaults happily. Gao Feng couldn't wait. He was about to pry up the second stone, but at this moment, his heart suddenly hurt, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, making Gao Feng look at the depths of the forest in horror.

The little thing let out a sharp scream, and the little pink ball also echoed with a childish voice. The spider suddenly jumped over the peak, like a city wall blocking the front of the peak. The invisible shock wave hit the big flower, making it stagger a few steps. , before Gao Feng understood the situation, a sharp howl pierced the sky like a sharp arrow and rushed deep into the jungle.

Amidst the loud "rumbling" sound, the jungle floor shook. Countless crashing sounds vibrated in the woods. Thousands of black dots flapped their wings from the trees and flew into the sky, like dark clouds blocking all the light. Then the roar continued from came from deep in the jungle.

When Gao Feng heard the sharp howl, he suddenly felt happy. It was a ethereal cry, warning him to stay away. Gao Feng hesitated for a moment, then turned over and jumped onto the big flower, leaping high and rushing to the treetops of the jungle. , looking deep into the forest.

Three hundred meters ahead, huge trees slowly collapsed. Logs hugged by several people flew into the air and exploded. The scattered leaves obscured the area. In the sky, there were countless sparrows. Birds are flying like crazy, but they maintain the same frequency, and no birds collide with each other.

This kind of bird is the one that Gao Feng saw outside the cave in the hills. They hovered in the sky, spreading tens of kilometers of huge clouds, blocking the light in the sky. Gao Feng's mind was not on the bird, he gritted his teeth and fiercely He jumped up and rushed towards the direction where the battle was raging. No matter what Piaomiao encountered, he would not let her face the enemy alone, even though he understood that if Piaomiao attacked, the enemy must be far stronger than him.

Just as he rushed to the edge of the battlefield, the ethereal warning sound came again. As if he didn't hear it, Gao Feng plunged into the flying debris and leaves, and saw a strange thing on the ground among the scattered soil after an explosion. Creature, a toad with three eyes.

It is said to be a toad because of its posture lying on the ground, its huge mouth, its armor-like bumps, and its tongue that is curling towards the mist. The mist moves so fast that ordinary people cannot catch it. Trajectory, the speed of the three-eyed toad's tongue is faster, every time it points in front of Piaomiao's body, forcing her to be exposed.

Gao Feng shouted loudly and pounced on the toad like a tiger descending the mountain. The pure black ink eye of the three-eyed toad on its forehead suddenly turned, bulging out of its sockets and glared crookedly towards Gao Feng. Gao Feng felt pain in his heart again and vomited out. Blood, this was the second time he vomited blood. Obviously, the three-eyed toad's method was not just his lightning-fast tongue.

Gao Feng, who spit out blood, fell to the ground. Piaomiao let out a high-pitched scream and counterattacked the three-eyed toad. His hands kept colliding with the tongue that followed him, and bursts of shock waves erupted. At the moment of the stalemate, the toad violently The ground jumped, like a cannonball hitting Piaomiao, Piaomiao disappeared like blue smoke. The moment the toad hit the ground, there was a huge roar, and another big tree was broken and collapsed into the sky.

Gao Feng lay quietly on the ground, looking at the dark sky, concentrating his perception to the extreme, and spreading spider silk around him. A mouthful of blood was nothing to him, but continuous vomiting blood would lose his essence. Gao Feng understood that he was restrained by the toad. , he could not expect to face the enemy head-on, the only chance was to launch a surprise attack at an unexpected time, so he had to wait for the opportunity.

The opportunity came soon. Piao Miao was concerned about Gao Feng's injuries. She kept moving towards Gao Feng during the battle, but was afraid of getting Gao Feng involved in the battlefield and getting injured. While she was struggling, a spider web rushed into the battlefield and swept toward Toad. Suddenly, The incoming blow caused the toad to open its mouth suddenly and let out a huge roar. The roar shook the air, like a cannonball hitting a spider web.

What's strange is that the seemingly infinitely powerful, invisible shock wave should have passed through the gap in the spider silk and killed the big flower jumping from behind, but it was completely resolved by the spider silk and hit the toad straight away. On the head, the toad suffered so much that it could no longer spit out its most powerful tongue. The spider swooped over and bit the toad on its back. The painful toad jumped up crazily, like a cannonball blasting dozens of meters away. Outside, it hit a huge gap in the ground and bounced the big flower out.

But the pain from the wound still made the toad jump hysterically. Big trees were hit and bushes were flattened. Piaomiao kept walking around the toad, waiting for an opportunity to kill. Suddenly, Piaomiao accelerated suddenly and wanted to Stop the toad from crashing into the area where the peak is.

Piao Miao was like an antelope standing in front of a Mercedes-Benz elephant. He flew out without any surprise. He watched helplessly as the toad reached the area where the peak was located, slammed into it hard, and couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

At this moment, Gao Feng's eyes suddenly opened, he jumped out of the ground, turned over and rode on the back of the toad. According to the inertia, the toad still hit the ground. Gao Feng should have bounced out like a spider, but he didn't expect that the toad's The four thick legs suddenly stretched straight, as if dancing a ballet.

The toad hit the ground with its peak, but did not hit the big crater like before. In mid-air, its four legs were tied up by hundreds of spider silks. It borrowed its own power to tie a knot, lost its balance, and fell heavily. When it fell to the ground, more spider silk was like a tentacle monster, tightly binding the places where the toad could move, binding it together, not reaching the level of a rice dumpling, but making it unable to move anymore.

Gao Feng sat on the toad's hard back and panted heavily. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Piaomiao who was walking towards him. Unexpectedly, Piaomiao suddenly stopped and disappeared. Gao Feng's heart dropped again. A small sound came from the distance. Something chirped, and he saw a dwarf fat man running towards him quickly. Behind the fat man, there was also a fist-sized powder ball.

Dahua kept wandering around the toad, tapping the toad's scales with his two forelimbs from time to time. Piaomiao took a deep look at Fengfeng and found that Fengfeng was not injured. She turned around and left, letting Fengfeng swallow the words that came to his mouth. .

The three-eyed toad is the first high-level beast caught by Gao Feng. Judging from the situation of its battle with Piao Miao, it is at least the first level of wild beast. Its long-range and close combat capabilities are not weak. If it were not for some mistake, he was Dahua sprayed saliva on his face, restricting its tongue. The outcome of this battle was still a matter of uncertainty.

Gao Feng didn't understand why the toad attacked him. He thought it had something to do with the ink bone stone, which proved that it was more precious than Gao Feng thought. Gao Feng had a headache about this toad. He wasn't sure if there was only one three-eyed toad here. It's not difficult to kill him. What if he offends the tribe again like a week ago?

After hesitating for a while, Gao Feng looked at the big flower with two drops of irritation flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He took out the spider fang with determination and scratched it hard on the toad's bite wound. The bright red blood spurted out suddenly, exuding the fragrance of vegetation. Floating beside the peak.

Twelve blood-red blood crystals rotated clockwise around the peak. The little thing stared up at the blood crystals with big watery eyes and drooled while looking up at the blood crystals. It kept struggling with its legs bound by the spider silk and screamed anxiously. Biting a large piece of flesh and blood, he ate happily while the toad was tied to the ground helplessly, twitching from time to time, but it was not dead yet. Gao Feng just made some interest on it.

Gao Feng waited for Piaomiao to appear. He knew the attraction of the blood crystal to Piaomiao. In addition to being grateful, he wanted to see her more. After waiting for a long time, Piaomiao seemed to know Gao Miao's thoughts and never appeared, which made Gao Feng's expectant heart Depressed.

After waiting for a while, Dahua had finished eating the flesh and blood, and walked around the toad with eight legs, until the spider circled seven or eight times. Gao Feng lost his patience and threw a blood crystal to the little thing. He happily stretched out his little paws to pick it up, forgetting that his legs were still bound by the peak. He fell to the ground in a hurry. The blood crystals rubbed against the scalp of the little thing and fell in front of the little Fantuan, who held it in his hands. Holding the blood crystal, he looked curiously at the small thing, then at the peak, then stuffed it into his mouth and bit it into pieces as fast as lightning.

When the little thing heard the sound of the blood crystal being chewed to pieces, he was so distressed that he almost cried. That was a high-level beast blood crystal that was much better than the elixir. How could he take advantage of his competitors? The struggling little thing was about to give Little Fantuan a good beating, but unexpectedly, Little Fantuan changed.

Just like the little thing changed that day, so did the little pink ball. His body twisted violently, and his eyes were bloodshot in pain. Gao Feng did not stop him. He quietly watched the little pink ball change. Gao Feng no longer planned to kill the other one. A pink ferret allowed the little pink ball to evolve. I just hoped that the little pink ball would always be like this. Unexpectedly, a blood crystal accidentally played a role. Depending on the situation, the alienation of the little thing was even more severe than that day.

That day, the alienation of the little thing was completed by hiding aside, while the little powder ball was in front of Gao Feng. In Gao Feng's eyes, the pink hair fell off one after another, like snowflakes scattered around the little powder ball, and then he saw the skin Gradually becomes snow white and delicate.

Gao Feng felt that he had suddenly traveled to Liaozhai. The scene in front of him was the moment when the spermatozoon rabbit transformed into a human body, with a pair of delicate and plump legs, snow-white pink lotus-like arms, a gourd-like waist, and a crystal-clear and delicate body. The small face and long dark green hair made Gao Feng stunned. The little person less than one foot in front of him turned out to be another fairy Piaomiao.

It took a long time for the pink ball to transform. It was so long that Gao Feng forgot about the time. He sat on the ground blankly, looking at the little pink ball that was still transforming. His little claws gradually turned into small hands with distinct five fingers, and his little feet also turned into cute and tender. Finally, a lively, small-breasted goblin appeared in front of Gao Feng, making Gao Feng dizzy. Why did she look like a misty daughter?

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