Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 812 Frenzy

The fish fillets fell evenly on the grass blades in front of him, and the fish bones and internal organs were thrown back into the river. The peak was like performing the most brilliant magic, but no creature present would cheer him, whether it was a pink mink or a spider. Not understanding this, even the new little fans just huddled up quietly.

The weak meat will not make Gao Gao shed crocodile tears. He picked up the white and transparent fish meat and put it into his mouth without any guilt. He immediately felt his taste buds screaming with excitement. The tender fish meat is 100% guaranteed to be refreshing and smooth. , instantly melted on the tongue, chewed slightly, and could taste a little bit of strength, but these were not important. Gao Feng squinted his eyes and calmed down in the delicious taste. The depression in his heart was not important anymore, and the whole person felt light and relieved. of ease.

A piece of fish fell into his stomach. Gao Feng opened his eyes suddenly and couldn't wait to eat the second and third slices. The first time Gao Feng regretted that his appetite was too small. Even after eating more than ten kilograms of fish in a row, his belly was about to burst. , and couldn't finish the hundreds of kilograms left in front of me.

At this time, Gao Feng's throat was filled with the smooth, tender and delicious taste, but he always wanted to continue eating, not to fill his stomach anymore, but to enjoy the delicious taste of the fish. Fortunately, Gao Feng did not want to push himself to death. He touched his belly with unfinished thoughts and let out a long sigh of relief.

Gao Miao appeared next to Gao Feng like a teleport, grabbed him and threw him on Da Hua's back. He then continued to move forward with a roar. Xiaodong looked nervously in the direction behind him. Even Xiaofenduan felt uneasy. On Gao Feng's shoulder Trembling on the rope, Gao Feng's heart sank, and he drove the well-fed spiders on the road again.

The danger has not left yet. They had eaten too much before the peak and lost their vigilance. However, it does not mean that Piaomiao and the little thing will be immune to the danger. It is obvious that the unknown danger behind them is approaching. This time, the spiders have learned to cooperate with Piaomiao and fly quickly. Running forward, the speed is much faster than last night, and the centipede markings on the skin are also tougher. Gao Feng believes that when the spider digests this meal of monster meat, it will definitely reach a higher level.

In the process of advancing, Gao Feng found that the herds were also beginning to feel uneasy. The millions of beasts scattered on the grasslands did not need to fear any natural enemies. No matter how greedy the enemies were, their bellies were limited. They just used their numerical advantage to fight for the survival of the group. The power can make countless armored horses stir at the same time, which means that the danger this time is like a catastrophe.

Just like a collapsed sand sculpture castle, first one or two grains of sand fell off, and then a little bit, piece by piece, finally led to the collapse of one corner. Once it collapsed, it was an irreversible collapse. The herd of animals ran anxiously on the grassland, After a while, even the digesting beasts hidden in the grass were running around with the restlessness of the armored horses. The previous hunters were actually escaping at this moment, and the objects they were escaping from turned out to be the previous food. In the end, the entire beast was The crowd was like an accelerating train, running at the same time.

When the whole herd ran, the sky and the earth also changed color. Night fell early, and long dust rose from the ground, like a powerful sandstorm, rolling into the sky, covering the clouds with little light. The sky and the earth were dark, and this darkness was not pure. The darkness is made of dust and smoke, and even night vision devices are no longer useful.

There are galloping herds of animals in front, behind, and on the left and right. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of horse hooves are galloping on the grass. The roar produced is deafening. Even if you roar loudly, you can't hear your own roar. The continuous roar is louder than thunder. But there was no pause for the thunderbolts. They were superimposed on each other, producing earth-shattering vibrations, like a tsunami, making it impossible for people to breathe freely.

The ground is no longer stable. Each armored horse weighs several tons, and an adult stallion weighs at least ten tons. Have you ever thought about a main battle tank dancing on the ground? At the moment, there are millions of main battle tanks beating together, like an eight-magnitude earthquake, making Dahua unable to even stand, let alone running in the herd.

There is no more terrifying disaster than alarming the herd of beasts. Even if a wild beast that can break mountains is trampled by millions of iron hooves, there may not even be ashes left, let alone the invisible beasts. He has returned to Gao Feng and is squatting on Da Hua, but the other spiders have been separated from Gao Feng. It is simply a wishful thinking to keep the team intact in the herd.

At this moment, Gao Feng no longer thought about what was chasing him. The frightened beasts at the moment were dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than the danger behind him. Even if he activated his senses with all his strength, he was caught off guard and panicked. Fortunately, Dahua was better than he imagined. Being more alert, he avoided the catastrophe of being shattered to pieces again and again...

At this time, even Piaomiao did not dare to escape with Gaofeng's belly. Among the beasts, the smaller the body, the more disadvantaged it was. Even if Piaomiao could kill ten or twenty armored horses, he could not stop thousands of them. Thousands of armors collide, and once the herd is aroused, it is no longer the strength of an individual, but the strength of the entire group. Just like on the battlefield, every soldier may be scared to death. Once the charge begins, thousands of people They all ran forward, but the courage to stay put outweighed the fear of death. The herd mentality made them subconsciously follow the team and keep moving forward until they fell.

The big flowers no longer remain on the ground. There is only one way to die if they stay on the ground. The only way to survive is on the backs of the herd. Thousands of beasts are tightly packed together, thinking of running in one direction, forming a flow on the earth. The eight legs of a spider are best suited to this bumpy ocean.

The big flower turned into a thin boat, carrying Gaofeng, small things, misty, and little pink balls, thinking about the waves moving against the current. It was not that Gaofeng was confused and went in the wrong direction, but that the whole herd was wrong. The armored horses all rushed towards the source of the disaster. Obviously, the thinking inertia of the herd was not consistent with that of the peak. The peak wanted to stay as far away from the danger as possible, while the beasts ran towards the source of the danger. It was impossible to say who was against whom. wrong.

More than a hundred kilometers away from the peak, seven huge monsters were running away like crazy. These monsters were the monsters that died in the hands of Piaomiao and Spider yesterday. Around them, it was like a slaughterhouse, with countless armored horses and prey falling. The blood of the ferocious beast dyed the grass red. Looking at it, not a single corpse was intact.

If Gao Feng saw this scene, he might laugh out loud. The monsters lifted rocks and hit him on his feet, angering the entire herd. Even if the monsters were villains who killed countless people, they would face millions of rats. A desperate charge, even with a naval gun with a rate of fire of 120 rounds per minute, they did not have the courage to stay where they were, let alone armored horses.

If you look through the fog of dust and smoke and see hundreds of square kilometers clearly, you will see a fat spider holding the peak, like a flea, thinking about the upstream jump of the herd, and at the farthest downstream of the impact of the herd, Pieces of crisp grass were submerged by black waves, and there were countless corpses submerged. At the front were seven ape-like four-armed monsters, and in the middle of the herd, six colorful spiders carrying large and small packages were Running randomly on the backs of the herd, they seemed to be looking for something.

An imminent disaster came to an end in vain. Gao Feng was involved in the tide of beasts. He got rid of the monsters behind him, but was separated from the spiders. The boundless dust covered the sky and the earth, and there was no chance to search. Dahua was among the beasts. His back couldn't rest for a moment, he kept running forward, otherwise he would fall to the ground and be turned into mud.

Piaomiao has a place to rest, and he will only take action when it is most critical. Every time he takes action, it will cause huge disasters in the herd. Piaomiao has not killed any armored horse, it has only let the opponent The threatening armored horse fell down between Dahua and Gaofeng. Once it fell, it would cause a domino effect. Pieces of armor stumbled to the ground one after another, and a stampede just happened. Every time a stampede occurs, it means thousands The armored horses will be trampled to pieces by their own kind.

In the process of escaping against the current, Gaofeng gradually calmed down from the majestic rush of animals and was no longer affected by the external environment. It was like running on the top of the wave. When running becomes a habit, no matter how great the stimulus is, it will I feel nothing new.

No matter whether it is a small thing or a small ball of powder, it is not affected. One is staying on Gao Feng's shoulder, and the other is sleeping in Gao Feng's arms. The only thing that has a hard time is Spider Flower, which is like a surfer. , the waves of the animal tide hit again and again, in this dust that never sees the light of day, even the concept of time becomes blurred,

He couldn't tell whether it was night or day. Gao Feng only felt more and more tired. Even when he was sitting on Dahua, he felt tired, let alone Dahua who was sitting under him. Unfortunately, once the herd started, it would not If you stop easily and run on the herd, don't expect to be able to advance tens or even hundreds of kilometers per hour like on the ground. The herd of animals against the current has a characteristic. If you cannot exceed the speed of the herd, it is equivalent to running. When running on the plane, you will always stay in place or even go backwards.

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