Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 804 Extremely Dangerous

The departure of the giant turtle has restored peace to the grassland. At least until daytime, there will be no more dangerous killings. The running animals have returned to where they left. It is easy to get lost at night. Only by knowing your own position can you It will be easier to survive tomorrow. Not only the herbivorous beasts have returned, but also the carnivorous predators have returned. Many groups of predators have even sent threatening roars to the spiders to warn them not to cross the line.

Gao Feng struggled for a while and decided to return to the cave. He was not interested in exploring the vast grassland, and he was even less willing to examine the social structure of apes. It was rare for the little thing to calm down, and he fell asleep peacefully in Gao Feng's arms, while Gao Feng spent his time in fear. After that, I felt the burning sensation in my belly caused by hunger.

When escaping, the spider could reach a high speed of 120 kilometers per hour, but when returning, it had to slow down. By the time they returned to the valley they left, the sky was already dim and bright, and the peak was too sleepy. Dongzi, rekindled the bonfire, fell down in the grass and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep did not have the vibrations and pain caused by the giant beasts, the endless dripping of rain, and the hungry cries of spiders. It was a rare high-quality sleep during the peak period. When he opened his eyes, Looking at the dark and smoky roof of the cave suddenly seemed like a dream. If the sound of gurgling spring water outside the cave didn't remind him, he almost forgot where he was.

There were two cocoons thrown around him, which were the breakfast brought to him by Dahua. The little thing had gone somewhere. He was the only one in the cave. Gao Feng sat up with difficulty, stretched out his waist, and slowly climbed to the entrance of the cave. Dahua was not seen, only Dahua's brothers, Spot and Hongya, were guarding the entrance of the cave, quietly waiting for Gao Feng to wake up.

Gao Feng is like the emperor of the spiders, with an extremely noble status. Maybe other spiders still want to slack off, but Dahua respects Gao Feng the most. He is more filial than his own son and cannot tolerate the spider brother's disobedience to Gao Feng.

The two spiders left to look after Gao Feng were the best after Da Hua. Originally Gao Feng named all twelve spiders, but later he habitually only gave instructions to the largest spider. Over time, Da Hua became so close to Gao Feng.

Spot and Red Teeth are not as close to Gaofeng as Dahua is, but they are still relatively affectionate. When they see Gaofeng come out, they raise two spider legs to greet Gaofeng. Gaofeng climbs to the edge of the pool, washes himself, and instantly observes that he cannot see clearly at night. Under the valley, there are countless bones piled up, most of which are the bones of small beasts. Obviously, the ape man does not have the upper hand in this grassland. The hills on both sides are covered with low shrubs. It is silent at this time, forming The shadow just blocks the cave where the peak is located, which is a unique blessing.

There was a piercing noise like a buzzing in the sky. Looking up, tens of millions of birds were flying in the sky, forming endless moving clouds. The next moment, all the light above the valley was blocked, like a solar eclipse, sinking into the sky. Endless darkness.

After a while, the birds became distant and the light returned. Gao Feng opened his mouth and stared blankly at the sky. He had never seen such a spectacular and magnificent scene. Nature staged a soul-shaking event in front of his eyes. What a miracle, suddenly thinking of something, the peak threw out two spider silks and climbed to the top of the hill.

Now the two spiders rubbed their arms and anxiously climbed to Gaofeng, making incomprehensible cries. Gaofeng just ignored him and climbed up little by little, and then they were pushed up by Spot, just in time for him Ride on the spider's waist.

Spot is the only spider other than Big Flower that can lift the peak. Although it is not as flexible and strong as Big Flower, it has no problem carrying the peak in a short distance. Soon the peak reaches the top of the hill. When the spider squeezes through the tight shrubs, The moment the vast grassland appeared in front of Gao Feng, Gao Feng's heart melted.

What a vivid and beautiful picture this is? There are no blue skies and white clouds, but there are endless green grasslands. Millions of creatures are eating green grass on the grasslands. Countless birds are flying in the sky, dancing and twisting abstract pictures. All kinds of bright flowers are competing for beauty and laziness on the grasslands. The wild beasts are lying on the edge of the herd, squinting their eyes and taking a nap. A river like a jade belt originates between heaven and earth, roaming towards the infinite forest. Countless creatures drink water by the river. Occasionally, huge fish can be seen jumping. Coming out of the water, there were splashes of water.

Looking around slowly, Gao Feng was intoxicated by the breeze with the fragrance of flowers. At this moment, he had no other thoughts in his mind. He just wanted to keep the scene in front of him firmly in his heart and never forget it. This was a rich place he had never seen before. The land is also the natural beauty that shocked his soul.

Nature is perfectly integrated here, showing the vibrant beauty, which makes people linger and can't get enough of it. After a while, Gao Feng sighed softly, even if this place is a hundred times more beautiful, it is not his territory, and he will still have to do it after all. Go back.

The barbecue on the bonfire was squeaking with oil. Gao Feng slowly shook the barbecue on the wooden stand to allow it to be heated evenly. However, a pair of blurred eyes stared outside, not knowing what he was thinking. The light meat The incense was carried outside the cave along the breeze, and was swept away by the breeze and spread to the outside world.

The burning smell woke up Gao Feng, and he took off the barbecue. Fortunately, it was not completely burnt due to distraction. The hungry Gao Feng took off the barbecue layer by layer, let it cool slightly, and then put it into his mouth. This unknown little The meat of the beast is fresh and tender, unlike large beasts, and the meat is aged like sow's meat, which makes Gao Feng very satisfied.

Not long after, Gao Feng had eaten four or five kilograms of barbecue, and his stomach suddenly felt at ease, and his whole body felt relaxed. Just when he had eaten and drank enough and wanted to take a good rest, Hongya's stern warning came from outside the cave. The sound made Gao Feng suddenly feel energetic. At this time, Dahua was still hunting with other spiders outside. If something happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

When the thought was turning, a huge spider flew in from the outside, grazed Gao Feng's forehead, and hit the stone wall at the deepest part of the cave. It shook out a burst of dust and slowly fell, and then a dark and slender claw stretched out from the outside. Come in and grab the top of the mountain.

Gao Feng shouted loudly, and dozens of strands of essence spider silk floated up into the air together, wrapping his claws tightly. He raised the spider fangs in his hands and rushed forward. At the same time, his perception spread, and the image of the attacker was outlined in his mind.

This is a savage beast that looks like a monster. It has the appearance of an ape, but it has four claws. Each claw is like forged steel. Its thin body has unimaginable power. Its ferocious face is full of greedy eyes, and its canine teeth are sharp. Half a foot of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Gao Feng shouted loudly and suddenly pulled away the spider fang in his hand. However, the dark and smelly claws did not break in response, but suddenly lifted him up and slid out of the cave. In the blink of an eye, Gao Feng was outside the cave. In mid-air, the spider silk was still tightly wrapped around the monster's claws, but the spider teeth did not cut off the claws, as if the dark claws were not flesh and blood.

After a brief pause, Gao Feng was once again swung up by the long, unusual claws, and fell heavily onto the rock. The ape-like monster used its other claws to dig into the cave, and its collapsed nose continued to smell the residue in the air. the taste of.

Gao Feng saw all this in his eyes, but he couldn't imagine it. His legs were severely injured, making him unable to cope with the sudden crisis. At this moment, a spider web entangled him, leaving Gao Feng stagnant in mid-air. He turned around and saw that a spider web was broken. The red fang of the leg was lying under the valley, spitting out spider silk to suck him.

Hongya was in a very bad condition. He was lying half in a pile of bones on the ground, without even the ability to turn over. The monster's power was so great that Hongya had to spray out spider silk, and he was also led to move slowly. Gaofeng With a long sigh, he loosened the spider silk wrapped around the monster's long claws, flew backwards, and threw the spider fangs towards the monster's face.

Everything happened so suddenly that the peak of poor mobility could not adapt to the change of rhythm. Just like now, if the legs were intact, there would never be any hesitation and the spider silk would be released immediately to keep oneself safe. place, but because of his bad actions, he didn't know where the safe place was. If Hongya hadn't wanted to help him when he was seriously injured, he would have died in a daze at the peak of his death.

Gao Feng was like a bird with broken wings, falling towards Hongya. The spider fang hit the monster's face without any effect. It flew out, making Gao Feng feel nervous. He saw with his own eyes that the sharp tooth knife Hitting the monster's face directly was like hitting strong rubber, with no effect.

Fortunately, Gao Feng's attack did not anger the monster. It was still reaching for something in the hole. The monster three times larger than Dahua could not enter the hole. It was like a naughty child digging into a rabbit hole, right here. At this moment, a muffled scream came from the cave, and the spot flew out of the cave like a cannonball, hitting the monster's face, spraying out rippling spider silk, wrapping it up.

At this moment, Gao Feng suddenly became excited and screamed out. After the monster's four claws were attacked, they suddenly drew a strange semicircle. Spot jumped into the middle of the claws as if he had thrown himself into a trap. The next moment, Spot was in the middle of the claws. The peak was torn apart before his eyes.


Gao Feng shouted loudly and wanted to sit up, but his body was tightly wrapped in Hongya's spider silk, making it impossible for him to move, let alone use his sensory control ability. He could only watch helplessly. Gao Feng's cry made the man unable to move. The monster that couldn't tear open the spider cocoon noticed him, suddenly jumped from the top like a grasshopper, and fell straight to the peak, obviously trying to get rid of these nasty little bugs.

Facing this ape-like monster, both Gao Feng and Hong Ya had nothing to think about. At this moment, even the spider teeth that Gao Feng used to fight were lost. They watched four dark, half-curved claws moving towards him and Hong Ya. Hongya falls, and the next second, he and Hongya will follow suit.

Without another second, Gao Feng was like a ball being thrown out. It hit the stone hard, bounced into the bone fragments, and sank to the bottom. In his blur of consciousness, he saw Hong Ya being attacked by the monster. He pierced it with one claw, raised it above his head, and tore it apart fiercely.

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