Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 784 Milk bottle?

A piece of metal wire came out of Gao Feng's neck, turned into a sharp awl, and stabbed hard at his precious spider cocoon. The one-inch-long sharp awl was firmly blocked by the spider silk, Gao Feng's eyes widened. His eyes almost bulged out of his eyes, but he never drilled them out to the size of a sesame seed.

Gao Feng then transformed the metal awl into a small saw, bit by bit on the cocoon. Unexpectedly, the blade of the saw was smoothed, and no spider silk was broken. Finally, Gao Feng changed his mind and turned it into a cocoon. A bone-cutting knife was draped fiercely on his body. In the slight vibrations, the spider silk absorbed all the power, but the blade curled up.

Gao Feng is about to cry but has no tears. What the hell is this? Why can't I keep doing it despite all my efforts? In the end, Gao Feng thought of all the ways he could think of. He tried drilling, chopping, cutting, breaking, twisting, and grinding. The spider silk just didn't give him face. What made him most depressed was that even the essence couldn't do anything. The material of silk was far beyond the scope of his essence, not to mention the effect of absorbing perception. 10% of the ability was not effective at 10%, which made Gao Feng so stunned that he almost vomited blood.

The other beasts saw Gao Feng's torment and were too lazy to care about Gao Feng. They closed their eyes. After a while, the spiders returned to their nest again. This time, three cocoons hung down, two large and one small. Being around Gao Feng made Gao Feng have to be honest.

Spiders are like butchers in a breeding farm, occupying the supreme position. As a ration, Fengfeng can only wait for slaughter. When the space falls into darkness again, Fengfeng has the opportunity to look at the new neighbors. He passes by two ferocious-looking , but an extremely clumsy guy, Gao Feng focused on the small cocoon and saw at a glance that it turned out to be a humanoid creature.

Her hair was half wrapped in a cocoon, hanging out like a willow, and her delicate cheeks were flawless, but there were faint lines on her cheeks, which looked like tattoos or natural occurrences, and what made Gao Feng the most What is surprising is that the other party has four small horns, but they stick out from the middle of the hair.

Seeing this creature, Gao Feng was amazed and felt extremely dangerous. He knew that this thing was actually awake. In fact, the other person was also observing him, which made his forehead go cold. If he hadn't known that the other person was really It's amazing. You won't be trapped by spider threads. You might even want to change positions.

What surprised Gao Feng was that the little thing on top of his head was also afraid of that kind of creature. It seemed to be trembling when it encountered a natural enemy. This was a fear he had never experienced before being hugged by a dark demon. Gao Feng did not change his gaze and kept looking at the creature. At this time, he discovered that the humanoid creature with horns suddenly opened its eyes, giving Gao Feng a familiar feeling, but he had indeed never seen this creature before.

The next moment, the creature moved, like a strange dough, twisting constantly, as if trying to break free from the shackles of the spider silk. The cocoon-like shape kept expanding and shrinking, as if it would break at any time, and the peak suddenly opened wide. He closed his eyes and stared blankly at the creature's huge power.

The size of this creature is only about 1.4 meters, like a short girl. She is covered in a cocoon and can't even see her chin. However, with the power of her hands, even the most ferocious beasts cannot be affected by the cocoon. A new change appeared, with a pointed shape, as if it was about to be pierced. Unfortunately, the spider silk far exceeded Gao Feng's knowledge of the material, and also exceeded the other party's limit. After watching it for more than an hour, Gao Feng admired the other party's ability. With strength and tenacity, I yawned and wanted to sleep.

"Unless you have spider teeth, don't try to bite open the cocoon. Just stay there..."

Gao Feng thought maliciously. He closed his eyes and prepared to have a comfortable sleep. He would not talk about anything until he woke up tomorrow. The next moment he closed his eyes, Gao Feng's eyes suddenly widened.

"Spider fangs?"

Thinking of this, Gao Feng lowered his head suddenly and saw the remains of the spider that could no longer be seen clearly in the pool below. The pool must have light. The night vision device was all green. Gao Feng couldn't wait to look for it tomorrow. What if the spiders were there? If the root is wrong, what should I do if I find it on his head?

A steel ball was hanging from a thin steel wire, and it slowly sank into the pool. Originally, in the darkness, Gao Feng could do it without noticing, but the humanoid creature noticed it and stopped struggling. Looking at Feng Feng quietly, Feng Feng didn't pay attention at first. He raised his head inadvertently, but was frightened half to death, like a thief who was suddenly exposed in the square.


Gao Feng hissed and signaled the other party not to shout. In fact, it was his own guilty conscience and subconscious action. Unexpectedly, the creature suddenly showed a playful look in its eyes and nodded gently, which immediately gave Gao Feng a sense of security. Continuing with his little moves.

The difference between the water pool below and the current position of Gaofeng was about a hundred meters. The steel ball could not be controlled and began to swing with its own weight. Gaofeng was sweating profusely and kept hooking his neck, making his neck so sore that it felt like it was about to break.

When the steel ball fell into the pool and created a slight ripple, Gao Feng let out a sigh of relief. Then something bit off the steel ball with a flick of the steel wire, making Gao Feng want to cry without tears. Is this a joke on him?

The steel wire fluttered lightly on the pool. Gao Feng was heartbroken, but he never gave up. He kept changing the shape of the metal, but a hundred meters away, he couldn't change it at all, even if the steel wire was always connected to him. At this moment, the steel wire Suddenly sinking, Gao Feng didn't know what happened, and hurriedly took the steel wire to retract it quickly. Then he saw a strange thing biting the broken head of the steel wire and rising up, twisting and twisting to keep it going. The ground shook.

When the thing was pulled to a place less than ten meters below the foot of Gaofeng, Gaofeng discovered that the moment the steel wire broke, it bent into the shape of a hook, which happened to catch the thing with a big brain case, a pointed tail, and a thorn-like dorsal fin. Although this thing is very powerful, it is nothing to Gao Feng, so he is going to use steel wire to break it into pieces.


A soft call made Gao Feng look over, and he saw the humanoid creature looking at Gao Feng. Seeing that it attracted Gao Feng's attention, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, which immediately made Gao Feng understand what it meant. This man was hungry for feelings. See something good and ask to share it.

Gao Feng naturally didn't want to eat this thing, so he swung the wire along the way and fished the thing to fly to the mouth of the humanoid creature. Then Gao Feng saw the creature in the water suddenly disappear, as if it had never appeared before, and the humanoid The creature licked his lips with satisfaction as he savored the taste, which made Gao Feng's scalp shiver.

The entire night, Gao Feng was repeating the action of fishing and feeding, while the new neighbor on the opposite side refused to accept anyone who came, no matter how much he could eat. At the beginning, Gao Feng was still calculating the size ratio of the aquatic creatures he caught to his neighbors. Later, he was numb. One night, he dropped almost twice his body weight in water creatures. Who knows how he ate those things?

The two new giant beasts woke up one after another and let out pitiful howls, which made Gao Feng wake up from his numb trance. He suddenly remembered that it would be time for the spider to eat in a while, so he immediately stopped and said kindly to his new neighbor. He whispered:

"Don't make any sound for a while..."

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng was stunned and shook his head mockingly:

"Why do I say this? Does it understand?"

Unexpectedly, Gao Feng's worries were unnecessary. The two savage beasts might be born Pavarotti. Each roar was louder and louder than the other. Hearing this beautiful roar, Gao Feng kept giving them love in his heart. Cheer up and hope they will howl a little longer, until the spiders start eating.

After waiting for a long time, the light finally came again. Gao Feng couldn't help but cheered in his heart. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the pool below, only to find that yesterday's spider corpses were gone. Only some of them were inedible. The remains of the lost limbs are still in the water. What Gao Feng wants is the remains. Carefully identify where the spider's teeth are?

At this moment, Gao Feng did not wait for the spider's feast. He was wondering when he saw a spider holding an ostrich egg-sized egg out of the hole that blocked the light. This immediately made him feel uneasy. Then Gao Feng saw in despair, The spider holding the eggs landed next to a cocoon, opened a hole in the middle, stuffed the eggs in, and then spun out silk threads to block the hole.

"Damn, I'm not just saving food, but also giving back milk bottles?"

Gao Feng couldn't help but swear. No wonder the spider has a limited food intake every day, but it drags back so many trophies. It turns out to be a wet nurse for the next generation?

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