Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 762 Slap in the face

The explosion was greater than any before, bringing the entire battlefield to a standstill. Cang Tianxia even wondered in his heart, was he going to break through the Rishan Jialuo? When the blast of air blew his hair into a bird's nest, Cang Tianxia solemnly nodded and said secretly:

"There must be a breakthrough, otherwise the power cannot be doubled..."

Just as the thought flashed across my mind, I heard a cheer: "I caught it, it's really a woman..."

With the last bit of strength exhausted, the dark demon couldn't even commit suicide. She looked desperately at the greedy and wretched man rushing towards her. Not to mention how regretful she was at this moment. If God gave her a chance, she would definitely take the trouble from her mouth. I understand this word deeply.

When the first stinky hand grabbed her arm, the Dark Demon was devastated, but he didn't expect that after the person who grabbed her cheered loudly, his eyes looked at her strangely, and then a torrent of blood spurted from the person's neck. On her body, the thick black robe was poured out with blood.

"Ah..., that person is not dead..."

Not everyone was stunned by the sperm. Some people saw the spurting blood fountain, and fear filled their hearts again. After shouting loudly, they involuntarily touched their necks. As soon as they touched it, they suddenly felt the skin on their necks sore. There was numbness, swelling and pain, and then a wound the size of a baby's mouth was opened by blood.

This time there were not two people, but five people. These five people were the Xianjun who were closest to the Dark Demon, and they were also the lecherous ones. They focused all their attention on the Dark Demon, and their minds were filled with thoughts of how to torture the Dark Demon. Without the previous vigilance, the corpses of the five people allowed Dark Demon to take a breath and was about to escape. Unexpectedly, the remaining people shouted at the same time and rushed towards Dark Demon. They wanted to use Dark Demon's life support. He was safe, and the dark demon only had time to send out the last thin black mist before he was knocked down by these people.

Taking five shots at one time has reached the peak limit. This is a last resort shot to protect the dark devil. Just now, he used the cover to slip out of the center of the attack without anyone noticing, just to hide himself again, but he had to do it for the dark devil. This is his second adventure, and he hates taking risks for others.

"Don't stay in the same trench with your comrades who are braver than you." Gao Feng agreed with this statement, but the fact is that comrades always have reasons why you have to foul. Gao Feng followed the established strategy and escaped from the dark demon. In the dangerous area, he almost fell to the ground when he turned around. The Dark Demon was being suppressed like a pig by seven or eight grown men.

The Xianjun Jia Luo who had previously attacked the peak suddenly came back to their senses and crowded over with a roar, all surrounding the Dark Demon. Although they didn't know how the peak escaped, they were no longer as afraid as before. The power of the group made them realize that as long as Gao Feng dared to show up, he would be beaten until he had to flee with his head in his hands.

"Damn it, what are you doing around here? Search him for me. He can't escape..."

Cang Tianxia ran over panting, and took down two powerful enemies in succession. Only the real master was left. Once Gao Feng was killed, everything would be over. As for the dead people, he could get more points. Several energy crystals.

"Ah..., it's him, it's him..."

The sudden scream made Cang Tianxia's burning eyes look over, and he saw a Xianjun Jialuo on the edge screaming, waving the supernatural weapon in his hand randomly, with blood splashing all over his head and face. Beside him, two Xianjun Jialuo were falling down with fountains of blood spurting out. They died in exactly the same way as the previous Xianjun Jialuo.

"Watch your neck..."

The same wound appeared again and again. Cang Tianxia immediately thought of something and warned that Jia Luo. He was also anxious in his heart. He clearly had the supernatural weapon in his hand. Why didn't he fight back? Even if he couldn't see it, he would How about razing everything around you?

"Ah! He is here, he is here, I am going to die, I am going to die..."

Jialuo, whose face was covered with plasma, finally collapsed and turned around like running from the sky. His eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt danger approaching.

At the rank of Xianjun Jialuo, his sensitivity to danger has reached a certain level. Even if there is only a little bit of danger, he can raise his vigilance to the extreme. No Xianjun Jialuo dares not to put his nickname aside. In the most important position.

When that Jia Luo was running towards him, his eyes had already condensed with scorching brilliance. It seemed that if that person approached him again, he would be completely destroyed. Based on what he had done before, this was completely achievable.

At the moment when Cang Tianxia couldn't help but take action, a fountain of blood suddenly sprayed out from the open wound on the neck of that Jialuo, making Xiao Cangtian couldn't help but roar angrily. Previously, he thought that this Xianjun Jialuo was The enemy pretended to be a chess piece, but he didn't expect that the opponent deliberately put it to provoke his chess pieces. The opponent killed his subordinates in front of him, which was equivalent to a slap in the face in front of all his subordinates.

The feeling of being slapped can only be felt after you have experienced it. It is not the pain, but the shame of being insulted. Cang Tianxia's cheeks suddenly turned red like cooked shrimp skin, and he wanted to explode. But he suppressed his eyes tightly. He knew that this was the enemy's trick to lure him into using the most powerful but irresistible trick, so he forced himself to endure the shame caused by this slap.

Jialuo, with blood spurting from his neck, made his final death struggle. He stretched out his hands to catch Cang Tianxia, ​​just like a drowning person trying to grab the last straw. Cang Tianxia did not escape, and the light condensed in his eyes began to turn incandescent. , it seems that the next moment, he will ignite himself.

As he expected, Xianjun Jialuo died at the last moment. He was only one meter away from him before he fell weakly to the ground. One meter happened to be within his complete range. Even at the most dangerous moment, Cangtianxia still maintained his strength. His bottom line has not moved. He needs to save his energy to deal with the enemies hiding in the dark.

A soft and undetectable sound of 'Whoosh' made Cang Tianxia's heart skip a beat, and his eyes suddenly emitted a bright light. Less than ten centimeters in front of him, a slender Thousand Tribulations Thread attracted the rays of light together, forming a The huge halo, the bright halo stung Jialuo's eyes in the distance, making them want to cry. If anyone was wearing sunglasses, he would definitely be able to see, in the middle of the halo, a hair as thin as a strand of hair. The black shadow is constantly dissolving.

When the halo completely evaporated the Thousand Tribulations Silk, it fell like a bright flare into the distance, and suddenly erupted into a dazzling beam of light that completely enveloped hundreds of meters. At this dazzling moment, everyone closed their eyes, and the sky He was relieved. At least he had defended himself in the moment of hand-to-hand combat. Even if the enemy had not been eliminated, he was confident that he could defeat or even kill him, because he destroyed the enemy's most powerful weapon, just as he was preparing for the next attack. When the energy came out, the corners of his eyes glanced at the body of Xian Jun on the ground, and his pupils suddenly expanded.

The dilated pupils do not have that dazzling luster. The entire pupils are like hourglasses that are constantly passing by. A little bit of red blood is lingering in the eye sockets. His ability is extremely harmful to the eyes. After each use, there will be a brief blurred vision. When his blurred vision saw the empty ground, he was suddenly surprised. He didn't know if his eyes were deceived or if the body really didn't exist anymore.

Just when he wanted to see more clearly, a black shadow appeared behind him. The extreme danger made him turn his head and look behind him. A pair of rough and strong hands pressed the side of his neck, and then a huge force came and he was thrown up. The chin and cervical vertebrae rotated violently with the force, and the crunching sound clearly resounded through the eardrums. The eyes that had begun to burn suddenly lost their luster...

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