Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 754 Croatia

"Ahem, friend, we are from the forest felling team, Captain Crody, I wonder if you have heard of it..."

In Gao Feng's angry eyes, a man stepped forward and asked with a little caution. Crody was somewhat famous outside the Infinite Forest. He hoped that Gao Feng could give him some face, but he didn't know that Gao Feng was a stupid young man who had just entered the forest. The reason why Gao Feng was so angry was not that he fell in danger, but that the big tree was cut down.

If Gao Feng tells the reason for his anger, it may make people feel ridiculous. Just because of a light wood that is everywhere in the infinite forest, Gao Feng looks at them with murderous eyes. Does he think he is in a fantasy story? A druid?

But Gao Feng had no ridiculous thoughts. He felt a faint sadness and pain from the jungle. This feeling was completely opposite to the joy he felt in welcoming the dawn in the morning. Relatively speaking, the breath of the jungle made Gao Feng It is also affected and hates those who cut down and destroy it.

"Krodi? I've never heard of it. Is it Bengyun Jialuo?"

Gao Feng's rhetorical question left everyone speechless. Will Bengyun Jialuo be the captain of the felling team? One of them disdained Gao Feng for being so arrogant and stood up and said:

"Building a forest to cut down the light wood that everyone in Cloud City knows and monopolizes the entire Infinite Forest, Captain Crowland..."

A loud slap made the guy fly out. Others lowered their heads and did not dare to glare at Gao Feng angrily. However, Gao Feng looked at the first guy who spoke inexplicably. This slap had nothing to do with Gao Feng.

"Don't bring trouble to Captain Crody. It's our fault in the first place..."

These words did not arouse the dissatisfaction of the felling team. Obviously, this Croatian land was very prestigious among them, but Gao Feng found it interesting. He was a little appreciative that a mere felling team loved his captain so much.

"Master Xianjun, we are willing to compensate, please..."

The person who spoke before stood up and spoke to Gao Feng cautiously. At this moment, a deep baritone voice came from not far away.

"Chuanfei, who wants us to compensate?"

As they spoke, dense footsteps resounded in the jungle, and then dozens of strong Gara people emerged like a tide. They all carried strong hemp ropes on their backs and carried sharp axes. It was obvious at a glance that they were... Kuhaha is responsible for transportation full-time. Even so, the advantage in numbers makes them fierce.

Gao Feng turned around and looked at a young and energetic Xianjun Jialuo. Although he was said to be young, his actual age was around twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, but his aura of splitting the mountain in half a step proved his talent in Jialuo. Seeing this guy , Gao Feng's pupils turned cold. Is this the guy who cut down countless giant trees in the Infinite Forest?

"Brother, it is indeed our fault. Stop making trouble. The matter last time has not been settled yet..."

It was obvious that this half-step split mountain was a troublemaker. He looked at Gao Feng with a very unkind expression, and Xian Feng beside him had to bite the bullet and remind him. The surrounding Jia Luo glared at Gao Feng angrily, as if Gao Feng had robbed them. The rice bowl is average.

"Whether it's right or not, let's have a fight first before talking..."

Crowdy, who was aroused by the disdain in Gao Feng's cold eyes, couldn't listen to anything. He roared and punched Gao Feng. The air suddenly roared like a thunderbolt, and exploded layer by layer, forming countless fine ripples. Rolling toward the peak, Gaofeng stamped his feet and slid back ten meters, just in time to avoid the last ripple, and then launched a counterattack, disappearing like a ghost.

"Everyone spread out..."

Amid the man's voice, Crowdy grabbed it out of thin air in a certain direction. There was a crisp sound like tearing cloth in that direction, and then with a wave of his hand, a Thousand Calamity Thread, invisible to the naked eye, was suddenly inserted into the tree trunk next to it. At this moment, Gao Feng suddenly appeared behind Cro Di. In the horrified eyes of the Jia Luo people, he grabbed Cro Di's neck with both hands, turned back and threw Cro Di like a green onion. Immediately afterwards, the body that completed 180 degrees was like a steel plate that bounced back. It suddenly stood upright and shot out like a movie of light, chasing after Crowdy who was dancing in mid-air.

Crowe was hit by Gaofeng and was thrown around. He screamed angrily. Why couldn't he see that Gaofeng was just a junior soldier? Being thrown out in front of so many subordinates, he was so embarrassed that he was thrown into his grandma's house. Thousands of tiny ripples spread out from his waving palms, densely covering Gao Feng's whole body.

These ripples, which are invisible to ordinary Jia Luo Geng, are extremely powerful. The thick trunks of big trees are like being shot by machine guns, exploding layers of sawdust, leaving fist-sized holes, but However, Gao Feng seemed immune to these extremely powerful things. He walked easily and nimbly in the gaps of the ripples. In the surprised eyes of Cro Di, he rushed to Cro Di and grabbed him just before he landed. Crowdy's throat.


As a last resort, Crody unleashed his trump card, creating an uncontrolled explosive layer between the two. The air was instantly detonated, and Crody was like a home run baseball. It flew towards a big tree dozens of meters away and hit it hard.

But no one could clearly see the situation at the peak. The fluctuations of the explosion set off a ring of dust that shrouded the place where the two were. The vanguards were willing to take care of their captain first and chased towards Crowland while yelling. '

Crody was hit hard and hit the tree trunk hard. His whole body was like a big cake sticking to it. He hugged the trunk with his head and feet, like a gecko. Then he started to slide, and he hit the hard tree with his head. On the land, at this moment, a figure flashed in front of Crodi, and Gao Feng suddenly appeared there. Except for his clothes being a little torn and his hair being a little disheveled, nothing could be seen wrong. The previous moment, Crowdy asked for trouble and got himself into it.

Just like that, Gao Feng picked up Crody in his hands like a dead fish. Jialuo who rushed around were all stunned and looked at Gao Feng in fear. Although Crody was brave enough to win, he still had a few blows under his hands. , even the half-step split mountain of the same rank rarely beat him. Unfortunately, Crowland was born in a grassroots, and he didn’t know who his father was. He grew up with his mother who was in the skin and flesh business. He awakened his bloodline early and fought since he was a child. He has a natural chivalrous heart, and he has won over the Kuhahajiala people to start a light wood business to accumulate capital. Otherwise, with the right resources, he would have skyrocketed.

"No, sir, Crody didn't really offend you. We are willing to compensate you, no matter how much you pay..."

No less panicked and unable to advance or retreat than the others, Chuanfei was still a loyal person and hurriedly begged Gao Feng for mercy. This was followed by all the Garo people who also begged Gao Feng for mercy. Some were even willing to use their own bodies to defend themselves, not saying anything else but pointing out that This unyielding loyalty made Gao Feng unable to harden his heart, not to mention that Crody had no reason to kill him.

"Take me to your camp..."

Gao Feng retrieved the Thousand Calamity Silk, held the fainted Crody with one hand, and gave orders to Chuan Fei and others, so the long team surrounded Gao Feng and disappeared around the fallen giant tree...

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