Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 734 Compensation for cheating

Gao Feng didn't notice this and was still waving the stick. He didn't notice that You Ming rushed out of the cabin immediately, and the hair hanging on his face was obviously shorter.

You Ming gritted his teeth and searched for the culprit. When he saw the peak jumping master jumping up and down, as if he was going crazy, he was about to shout angrily when another arc-shaped flying blade jumped out from the wooden stick, this time flying towards the ceiling.

Above is the upper deck, which is made of the highest quality and toughest iron wood. Each piece requires a lot of manpower to polish. It was able to withstand the ordinary level attack of Xianjun Jialuo, but in front of the crescent blade, it was as thin as paper. Because the direction was wrong, the crescent blade flew diagonally, and it happened to print a complete crescent on the deck, and then I heard a message from above. Lai exclaimed vaguely.


You Ming shouted loudly, interrupting Gao Feng's impromptu performance. He stopped stupidly and looked at You Ming. You Ming walked up aggressively and snatched the wooden stick from Gao Feng's hand. Then he felt something was wrong. It was obviously just a very long stick. It was an ordinary divine tree, but it gave her a joy that she couldn't put down.

I was thinking about this strange feeling in my heart, and the ability in my body was slightly touched, and it spontaneously poured into my palm, sending out a half-meter-long azure crescent blade, slamming into the bulkhead, and then the bulkhead shot into half a meter. Long outside light, imprinted on the deck between the two.

Gao Feng's color suddenly changed. What is this? Instant wand?

You Ming, who was at the peak of his drink, was also stunned by the wooden stick. He never thought that just a little strength would be increased ten times, almost catching up with the ordinary Divine Blessing Cannon. Without the Divine Blessing Cannon, she could only protect herself when facing the fire. , with this thing, it is enough to make Huo Yan run away.

Only then did Gao Feng realize that You Ming's hair was missing, and then he saw the crescent gap on the ceiling. Compared with You Ming's giant crescent blade, his crescent blade was like a tadpole next to a frog, only two inches wide. I was a little frustrated, and then my heart suddenly became tight. Could it be that You Ming's hair was done by himself?

For a moment, Gao Feng thought of the guy who was tortured by You Ming and his life was worse than death. The layers of cold hair on his back stood up. He had a clever idea and said quickly:

"This stick can also be carved and used as your scepter..."

You Ming didn't quite understand Gao Feng's attempt to please himself in order to protect himself. There is no concept of a scepter in this world, so Gao Feng continued to lie:

"As the head of the ANBU, as a Rishangara, you must have a symbol of your identity. This stick can not only mark your identity, but also serve as a weapon..."

You Ming didn't care about his identity. When he mentioned the weapon, his heart suddenly moved. He happened to fall into Gao Feng's plan and ignored the trouble of pursuing Gao Feng.

Gao Feng asked for the wooden stick, feeling a little bleeding in his heart. This thing was also very important to him. Although the moon blade was a little small, it was an excellent treasure for surprising and hurting people.

The moment Qianjie Thread wrapped around the wooden stick, You Ming was a little reluctant to let go. He was afraid that Gao Feng would destroy it. Looking at Gao Feng's focused look, he never made a sound. Gao Feng did not have the skills to carve and was not prepared to process it into a work of art. He found that the wood What can increase the energy of the stick is the experienced lines. The lines are connected by countless finer crystal particles. As long as the lines are not damaged, the effect will not be affected.

Following the direction of the grain, the excess part was removed, finally forming a piece similar to rebar. Gao Feng was sweating violently in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he continued to use Qianjie silk to slowly cut at the tail, at least as much as possible. A sharp tip, even if it looks like an iron drill, is better than rebar, right? The former is at least a tool.

Unexpectedly, during the cutting process, the Thousand Tribulations Silk was suddenly bounced away, revealing a black spot the size of a mung bean. The Thousand Tribulations Silk just hit this thing before it bounced away. This shows how strong it is, which made Gao Feng a little curious about that thing. It's dark and looks very inconspicuous, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful? But I didn’t think too much about it. This thing was too far away from a crystal, and in perception, it was no different from the scraps that had been removed.

Then more dark spots appeared, like pockmarks, which was annoying. Gao Feng originally wanted to cut off this part, but in this case, at least two-thirds would have to be shortened. As soon as his mind changed, he used it as a handshake part and carved it. The slightly concave arc is just right for people to hold.

When the so-called scepter was completed, You Ming also looked at the black spots and frowned, just like the ugly spots on the imperial green jade, completely destroying all the beauty.

"This is a handshake, it won't slip..."

Gao Feng carefully returned the rebar and iron cone to You Ming. He was still thankful in his heart. Fortunately, the carving was so ugly, otherwise he would really be reluctant to part with it. As a woman, You Ming has a more persistent aesthetic sense than Gao Feng. He almost smashed this thing when he saw it. Gao Feng's nose, but thinking that it was his son's filial piety, his heart softened, so he took it and waved it casually...

The newly repaired cabin encountered unprecedented damage. Even in the air battle a few days ago, there had never been such damage. A strong wind swept into the cabin, sweeping everything like a violent robber, and no looted objects could be found. , spinning crazily in the cabin, rummaging through every corner.

The strong wind blew Gaofeng and Youming's hair swaying high. They looked at the huge gap in front of them in surprise. The huge irregular circular hole led straight into the sky. The dark red clouds were so dazzling that they could only stare. Looking at the edge full of holes and wounds.

It was covered with dense wounds as if it had been struck by an ax countless times. In many places, the cuts were almost a straight line, swaying in the strong wind and constantly cracking.

"What's this?"

Gao Feng stared blankly at the entrance of the cave and said sleepwalking. You Ming slowly raised his right hand and looked at the ugly black bumps on the scepter. After a while, he said hoarsely:

"This should be God's Blessing Crystal Heart. I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Gao Feng looked at the divine blessing cannons lined up inside the cabin in confusion. Each divine blessing cannon was a refined product. If there were a sufficient number of Rishan Jia Luo, it could sweep across almost all enemy airships. If every divine blessing cannon Cannons have the so-called Divine Blessing Crystal Heart. Does that subvert Jialuo's fighting method?

"Remember, don't tell anyone..." Suddenly thinking of something, You Ming shuddered and told Gao Feng sternly, ten times more harshly than Gao Feng's essence of divine blessing, which left Gao Feng a little confused. Is it necessary to repeat the explanation?

"What exactly is this thing?"

Seeing Youming tightly holding it in his hand, like a peerless treasure, Gao Feng was inexplicably surprised.

"You don't need to know too much about the strangeness of the Divine Blessing Crystal Heart for the time being. After you become a Rishangara, I will naturally tell you. You just need to remember one thing. This is something that all Rishangaras will be crazy about... "

After hearing this, Gao Feng immediately thought of Huo Yan. If there were good things, it would be natural for his good brothers to share them. However, when he thought of Huo Yan, like a rat stealing oil, he emptied the Crystal Lake property, he immediately gave up the idea. Why bother finding it for himself? happy? What if Huo Yan went crazy and sold it, then traced the source of the goods and found them on himself, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

But thinking about giving it to You Ming for free, Gao Feng felt uncomfortable again. He was not Lei Feng. According to his idea, everything was an exchange of interests. His friendship with You Ming was far from reaching the level with Tianzhao. If Tianzhao needs to speak, Gaofeng will offer it, which is a debt to Sanzhao, but does You Ming have anything to do with Sanzhao?

"Well, all the good things belong to you, I didn't get anything..."

Gao Feng immediately changed his face and showed the face of a profiteer while trying not to anger You Ming. If he looked in the mirror at this moment, he would definitely find that to some extent, he was almost similar to Fatty An.

You Ming frowned slightly when she heard this. It seemed like no one dared to ask for any favors from her, right? But when she saw Gao Feng winking and raising the corners of his mouth slightly, she didn't resent Gao Feng's stubbornness and wackiness. Instead, she felt a kind of warmth flowing in her heart. She couldn't help but think of when Sanzhao was sent away more than ten years ago. The baby was crying, his heart softened, he nodded and said:

"How about I give you the Evernight? When you become Rishan Jialuo, it will be your direct airship..."

When Gao Feng heard this, he looked at the broken hole and felt like crying...

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