Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 522 Want to be freed

Countless iron chains were intertwined from the huge cave on the dome to form a huge steel bridge. I don’t know how Gunduzi did it. The passage to the outside was actually widened into a huge tunnel with a diameter of twenty meters. Large trucks of ten tons can pass through.

With just a brief glance, the Magic Dog motorcycle flew past the pedestrians on the bridge, passed through the huge tunnel, and reached the mountain crevice outside.

At this moment, the Devil Dog locomotive lost its center of gravity and floated forward silently, with its head turned downwards. However, the gap outside the tunnel had been filled, and a huge stone platform appeared. Dozens of people were counting the stone platform. supplies, some people looked up in surprise at the peak floating in the air.

On the top of a mountain more than 100 meters high, the hum of a motor could be heard faintly. A huge and crude elevator was climbing upwards. Square sleepers that were fixed on the stone wall and were 100 meters high carried a huge wooden platform. On dozens of iron chains, Under the traction of , it slowly climbed upwards, with various damaged tools piled on it.

"Boom", the Devil Dog Locomotive spewed out eight to blue light, emitted huge roars and air waves, and drove the Devil Dog Locomotive to climb suddenly, like a meteor rushing upwards. This is the hidden function of the Devil Dog, just a few breaths, The peak passed by the militiamen who were standing on the elevator and stared dumbly, and flew to the huge mountain top platform.

The platform on the top of the mountain is no longer as deserted as before. A windproof wall built along the huge stone platform like a city wall of stone bricks one meter long and wide, blocking the strong winds on the top of the mountain in all likelihood, like a city, covering hundreds of meters. The platform is protected.

Two winches, one behind the other, rolled the long noose. Driven by the motor, it rose and fell one after another. It was very lively. Countless materials were piled up on the platform, looking messy and disorderly. Gao Feng even saw one being dismantled. The small floating car with parts is being sent to the foot of the mountain.

Demon Dog U47 floated high in the air, crossing hundreds of meters and falling down the mountain. Only then did Gao Feng realize that the built-in chip in his left eye was transmitting various data to his brain, including altitude, temperature, wind, humidity, and more. His heart rate and breathing status.

The data flashed by, and Gao Feng saw the proposed elevator that was three times larger than the gap. Like a gantry, the winch standing on the edge of the cliff pulled countless steel cables and slowly rotated. Each small winch moved a single The iron chains are separated from the gantry crane and rolled together individually to share space and weight.

Immediately afterwards, Gaofeng and the devil dog fell from an altitude of more than a thousand meters. The blue light that appeared before roared again, spraying air waves that shook the air from the locomotive's chassis. Under the influence of this force, the locomotive descended downwards. landing.

Next to the camp is a camp with nearly a thousand tents. Countless people in the camp covering several square kilometers are as busy as ants, delivering carts of stones to the edge of the camp through the pattern-like gravel road. On the edge of the camp, there are white lines. They are connected intermittently, wrapping the camp, and the shape of the city wall can be vaguely seen.

Gao Feng's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he turned to look at the thousand-meter cliff. He saw dozens of huge caves appearing on the cliff from top to bottom. Each cave can accommodate hundreds of people. The top and bottom were hollowed out, and each step was blocked. The long ladders formed a Z-shaped row, connecting the upper and lower caves together. Countless people went up and down the ladders, like a relay, transporting various materials upwards. On the contrary, there was no other person on the huge and crude elevator platform. No matter how much supplies, there are only men who look back and have a dirty face.

The devil dog finally landed on the ground and landed smoothly. At this time, Gao Feng was stunned. He did not expect that he would drive the devil dog to the surface.

Everything seemed to come naturally, the road was opened, the passage was clear, and the built-in chip also told him how to drive the Demon Dog U47, but what he didn't expect was that he actually did it.

At this moment, the noisy camp was silent for a few seconds, and then cheered loudly. They were cheering for Gao Feng. At first, they were just around Gao Feng, and then like an invading wave, it rolled in all directions, and then the entire camp was cheering for Gao Feng.

The sound waves created by thousands of people reached into the sky with earth-shattering force. Gao Feng woke up from the cheers, but heard the cheers mixed with weird roars. A hundred meters away, the huge Xiaobai imitated the little man next to him. , raised his hands and cheered to the peak, typical of joining in the fun.

At Xiaobai's feet, Gao Feng saw Yun and Mu Mu. Yun's injuries were one shot and two eyes, which were not serious. Mu Mu's ability was overdrawn and severely damaged. At present, Yun can still stand to greet him, but Mu Mu can only sit on it. It is made of wood and leather. On a carrying chair, he was carried by four strong militiamen.

But what Gao Feng didn't expect was that Xue Ya would be sitting next to Mu Mu. , seeing his little loli sitting next to the log, Gao Feng was a little bit disgusted. Fortunately, Xue Ya jumped to the ground without hesitation and ran towards Gao Feng with her broken legs.

Beyond Xue Ya, Gao Feng also saw Ta Luo, Fen Yue, Wan Yu, Mo Yuan, Jin Neng, Bai Hu and others. But what was dazzling was that he also saw the small-eyed second elder standing in the middle of the crowd.

Xueya's legs were short, but her speed was not slow. Wearing red clothes, she jumped into Gao Feng's arms like a ray of red light.

Gao Feng picked up Xue Ya and got on the Demon Dog motorcycle again. No one paid attention to him, and he suddenly flew several meters into the air, making a roar and flying out like lightning.

Excavation of underground cities and food crisis are actually a problem. Gao Feng is going to take people underground, but he just wants to collect mushrooms and use mushrooms to replace food to feed the tribe.

Now Nan Feng takes Fang Shiyu and Xian Zhao back to the underground city to help him buy nutritional pills and yeast production lines. With these things, there will be no food crisis in the short term. As long as it takes half a year, Gao Feng will be able to grow his own food. , then you will be able to advance and retreat with more than enough strength.

Gao Feng still has 28,000 energy crystals in his hand, which amounts to nearly 300 billion credits. Even if he can feed the entire population of the southern wilderness for a lifetime, it will be no problem, but Gao Feng is not prepared to do so. The supply of food is beyond the reach of any force. It is impossible for him to hand over his lifeline to others, not to mention that he has the confidence to build the barren southern wilderness into a paradise.

Once the food can be solved, it will be the time when the peak can really get rid of these debris. The development of the wilderness cannot be rushed. It must take time to accumulate the foundation. It only needs to set the general direction of development. The world is so big, he can't hide in a small place. A lifetime in the wilderness.

But at this moment, Gao Feng didn't want to care about anything, and he didn't want to ask anything. From the moment he appeared in this world, the moment when he really felt at ease was still the first month when he was ignorant. The most heartwarming moment was when he was killing Kui. After Tu, the days spent with Hongsha.

There are always endless surprises, and there are always endless things to do, starting from the invasion of the deserters, to the battle at the Fortress of Despair, and the strangulation of the tribal alliance, a thousand-mile battle royale, from the wilderness to Cuiliu City, and from Cuiliu City to From the wilderness to the underground, all kinds of experiences are like a curse that makes the peak never rest.

The peak is tiring, the mind and body are tired, the blood is fighting, the life and death line is on the line, you are blackmailing me, intrigues, solving one problem, more problems will always appear.

The devil dog U47 was galloping in the wilderness at high speed, reaching a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour. Everything around him was drawn into countless flowing lines, but the scenery in front of him was like a meteor, hitting his pupils and crossing again. When it passes, it turns into flowing light, making people's brains feel dizzy, but only this kind of dizziness can make his heart truly calm and fall into emptiness.

Xue Ya leaned quietly in Gao Feng's arms, without screaming or laughing. Only her eyes as red as blood calmly observed the flow of lines caused by high-speed driving.

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