Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 466 Perception

This time Gao Feng was ready to fight again, but he didn't expect that when he ran to area A, he was not stopped. Even automatic weapons did not fire at him. After rushing into the connection point of area A, he found that the entire hall was empty. One person, only silent machine guns and laser launchers, in addition to some small trailers with containers.

The automatic weapons did not fire on Feng Feng. Feng Feng ran to the small trailer and opened the cargo box. He saw boxes of ammunition and guns, all of which were untouched. There were also rows of goose egg flying machines in some trucks. These things It was the sleeping gas that almost captured the entire mining area. In addition, he also saw an automatic rocket launcher with green rockets that had been programmed.

The rocket is one and a half meters long and 40 to 50 centimeters wide. It is like a diamond-shaped box, but it has a nozzle with a row of numbers printed on it, but I don't know what it is.

But no matter what it was, Gao Feng knew it was not a good thing. He turned to look at the door, preparing to use the laser to open it again. Unexpectedly, the door sounded a beeping electronic sound and automatically rose upwards, revealing the dark mining area. When Gao Feng stood at Not long after looking at the exit, the three hands who were waiting for the peak to appear rushed up with a group of subordinates. Amidst the dense footsteps of hundreds of people, the three hands were full of excitement and ran towards the peak, just like three good students showing off their academic achievements. .

"Sir, I didn't expect you to... so soon."

As usual, when he saw the empty hall, he suddenly felt a little puzzled. However, the mining tyrants behind him rushed in excitedly and roared excitedly. Many people rushed to the container, grabbed their weapons and jumped with laughter. Pull the trigger and shoot towards the ceiling.

"Something is wrong. Let them search the surrounding rooms. If possible, try not to kill anyone. You go to area C and have a look. If the door opens, meet Yun first. I will take some people to check other places..."

The armed men disappeared and the door opened automatically. Everything was weird. The opponent retreated in a hurry. Even the weapons were left here. They were equipped with enough weapons and ammunition for a hundred people, giving Gao Feng's reinforcements the strength to fight. The biggest problem was solved. After solving the problem, Gao Feng wanted to find out what was wrong.

"Okay, I just don't know when the guys down there will wake up. If they sleep for a few days, I'm afraid..."

The problem mentioned by Three Hands is not a problem at all to Gao Feng. He is not planning to take away too many people. A few hundred people using the floating car in the mining area is more than enough...

Gao Feng didn't believe that the mining area would give up resistance, nor did he believe that the other party would lay down their weapons and wait for him to pack up and accept.

The only possibility is that the other party must have a conspiracy, a conspiracy that can turn the tables in one fell swoop.

Gao Feng never expected that the other party would give up the entire mining area and bury the mining area with the lives of nearly Wanyin tribe. For him, he only needed to hurt the other party and force the other party to negotiate so that he could get what he wanted. He did not He won't take away all the hidden people. Even if he wants to, those guys who have been mining all their lives are not willing. He only needs to take away the population he needs.

The opponent did not play according to common sense, which made Gao Feng very depressed. Although he did not believe that the opponent would give up the entire mining area, he still wanted to prevent his opponent from jumping over the wall in a hurry, so Gao Feng was prepared to obtain more chips.

Gao Feng's plan is divided into two steps. The first step is to capture as many prisoners as possible and use them to coerce the opponent. The second step is to obtain the floating car in the mining area to prepare for the next step of escaping.

The trailer in the lobby is a low-power battery vehicle, which is very simple to operate, and the capacity of the container is not small. The five mining tyrants were stuffed into the container by the peak, and they drove the small trailer at high speed, reaching the limit speed of more than fifty yards.

I saw Gao Feng driving a small trailer carelessly in the passage, holding a loaded rifle in one hand to guard against the possible automatic machine gun tower.

Not long after, Gao Feng arrived at the empty tunnel. The tunnel was the same floating car tunnel that Gao Feng had come from. The familiar walls made Gao Feng feel slightly relieved. He drove the small trailer into the tunnel and drove forward. Just as he drove Not three minutes later, there was an engine roar from behind.

The float that appeared out of nowhere was racing behind him. When Gao Feng turned around, he saw that the float was at least ten times the size of the trailer, and its speed was more than three times that of the trailer. It was about to hit the car behind him. trailer.

If there was only Gao Feng alone, he would probably jump out of the car and climb onto the floating car, but there were still five mining tyrants in the container, so he couldn't sacrifice five lives at will.

In a hurry, Gao Feng stopped driving the trailer. He turned around and jumped onto the container. He kneeled on the ground and raised his rifle to aim at the float. The float was like a huge beast, unreasonably ramming towards Gao Feng.

Gao Feng locked the position of the cab and was about to pull the trigger, but the next moment, he hesitated. There was no one there at all, which meant that the float was driving automatically.

For the second time, Gao Feng hated the development of underground technology. It was too late. Even if he opened the container, the people inside would not have time to jump out of the truck.

Just as he was about to be hit, two squeaking chains shot up from Gao Feng's hands and wrapped around the suspended steel beam. The other end of the chain was divided into ten smaller chains, which were nailed to the container. Lift upward.

The chain kept shortening in Gao Feng's hands, and the entire container was hoisted upwards. However, the mass of the container was too heavy, and Gao Feng couldn't pull it up despite his best efforts. The float was about to hit it, but Gao Feng didn't know whether to let go.

Letting go is very simple. You only need to disconnect the chain, and Gao Feng can rise to the top. However, the people in the container are alive and dead, and they followed Gao Feng out. In a sense, they are Gao Feng's comrades. They abandon their comrades. , Gao Feng can't do it anyway.

Seeing that the float was about to hit him, Gao Feng had no strength to pull up the container. He could not help but stare and let out a huge roar. He did not let go at the last moment. With a loud bang, the float hit the container and the float broke into pieces. The car window was thrown in.

The rusty car window was smashed, and Gao Feng fell heavily to the ground. Then he heard the creaking and breaking of steel on the wall outside. Hearing this sound, Gao Feng suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth and looked inside the car, only to find that Dozens of tight metal boxes were piled in the center of the carriage. Seven or eight heavily armed combatants stood beside the boxes. They all looked at Gao Feng in surprise.

Gao Feng didn't say anything. He suddenly raised his hands and shot out seven or eight feather flying knives. They were instantly inserted into the necks of the armed men. They didn't even have time to turn on the safety of their guns. They all fell down with gurgles and groans. , the float did not stop for the rush hour and was still running at high speed. The smashed trailer and container flashed past and fell far behind.

Seven or eight armed men fell to the floor in a mess, and the meandering blood spread like a stream, flowing gracefully to the foot of Gaofeng. Not counting the previous accident, this was the security guard of the mining area who Gaofeng had officially killed. The anger in Gaofeng's heart was not because of these. The man calmed down, stepped forward, grabbed a box and slammed it on the carriage, making a deep groove.

The box bounced to the floor with a muffled sound and spread out, scattering countless crystal clear energy crystals. Gao Feng's pupils suddenly shrank and his heart sank. He knew the value of these energy crystals. Each energy crystal was of the same style and scale. There were at least tens of thousands of energy crystals in dozens of boxes.

The safest place for something as precious as energy crystals is in a heavily guarded vault. Withdrawing like this only means that the mining area has decided to give up everything, which means that the lives of thousands of miners have also been destroyed. give up.

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