Apocalyptic Dark Age

2044 Hidden Killer

The gap in space is so sharp that it can cut through even the void. With this sword, a strange thing comes out. This thing looks like an oarfish. Its eight-meter-long body is considered small among insects, and its outer skin has no sharp horns. Compared with the carapace, it is soft and more like a slug, and it itself is between reality and reality, constantly disappearing and reappearing, as if it is traveling through different dimensions.

Not long after this thing appeared, the chaotic insects around him began to stir violently. Centered on the peak, it was like the center of a vortex, attracting a steady stream of insects and pouring towards him. For a moment, as far as the eye could see, There is nothing else to be seen anywhere, they are all black insects.

Gao Feng would not wait for the insect to come before taking action. Instead, he rushed to the strange insect, stretched out the claws of the dark beast and grabbed it, then pulled it into the multi-dimensional space, and then followed the span of the multi-dimensional space to the end. Line of defense.

This accidentally captured bug was sent by Gao Feng to the core super transport ship. This large ship, which looks like a space city, is also the largest scientific research center of the Wilderness Fleet Cluster, dedicated to studying various new materials on bugs. , thereby achieving the purpose of supporting war with war.

The super transport ship has long been prepared to study advanced insects, so it built a fully enclosed cage. This cage can isolate all signals, and no one, including mental power, can enter it.

As soon as the ugly-looking bug was thrown into the cage, various instruments took turns to collect data and intelligence about the bug itself. However, Gao Feng did not stay in the research room to wait for the final results, but focused on In the sea of ​​​​worms, after all, the sea of ​​​​worms at this time was undergoing some changes that he expected.

Before he caught the strange bug, there was already great chaos in the Sea of ​​Insects. After he caught the strange bug, there were already signs of disintegration in the edge area of ​​the Sea of ​​Insects. The originally intact maelstrom had split into countless pieces. A small piece.

The actual number of insects has not decreased, but the slight chaos has caused the sea of ​​insects to no longer be unified and coordinated, which gives Gao Feng more opportunities. At this time, the Phantom also returns to Gao Feng, with two powerful combatants. As a helper, Gao Feng is naturally ready to do something big, at least to find out more details about the insect sea.

Phantom had not fought with Gao Feng for a long time and was very excited. He kept urging Gao Feng to leave quickly, but Gao Feng entered the most secret place of the super transport ship alone, a warehouse that only he, Minnie and Lila could enter.

The area of ​​the warehouse is not small, but there are not many items arranged. Each item is placed in a single door and in a unique category. Most of them are temperature-controlled display cabinets, which house the most valuable top treasures. Any of them can be exchanged for a large amount in the alliance. wealth.

The dazzling array of treasures did not let Gao Feng take another look. He walked straight in front of the energy metal box with the largest number and carefully checked the labels on the box. There were thousands of these boxes made of energy metal. They seemed to be the most unusual ones here. It is valuable, but it is actually the most helpful to Gao Feng, because it contains powerful bombs that Gao Feng spent a lot of merit to exchange for from the alliance.

In the interstellar age, there are almost no ordinary bombs. Even the weakest one can easily blow up a meteorite with a diameter of tens of kilometers, and an anti-matter missile can even destroy ships within hundreds of kilometers. But these things in front of Gao Feng Bombs are a taboo strictly prohibited by the alliance from being exported.

Whether it is a biodisintegration bomb or an ultra-limited particle bomb, they are both terrifying bombs that can annihilate species of destruction. If they fall into the hands of ordinary creatures, they can easily kill the terrifying species of destruction. They are never allowed in the alliance. Any Any species with this kind of technology in their hands will be destroyed as soon as they are discovered.

However, the Alliance did not completely destroy these taboo bombs that should not have appeared. Instead, they kept them as weapons reserves and tightly controlled them. They would not be used easily. Only at the critical moment when they must be used would they be released with restrictions.

The bombs that Gao Feng can obtain naturally fall into this category, and they are more powerful. They can at least cause horrific damage to battleship mother insects. But in Gao Feng's heart, the best bomb is a high-yield nuclear bomb, which must be at least five thousand. He did not believe that the high temperature and destructive radiation of Big Ivan's explosion could not destroy the super giant ship mother worm hundreds of kilometers away.

Although there were thousands of boxes, Gao Feng was still able to put it into his space belt. He walked out of the warehouse and nodded to Minnie who was coming over. Minnie wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Gao Feng disappeared and took the phantom into the multidimensional space.

Shortly after Gao Feng entered the multi-dimensional space, the four legions of the Wild Fleet Cluster began to take action, along with tens of millions of rookie warriors who had just received equipment. They would follow the fleet to launch a tentative counterattack against the Sea of ​​Insects.

Passive defense is never a consideration in the peak. Active attack is the best defense. The problem is that the scale of the insect sea is too large. If we take the initiative to attack, we will hand over the initiative to the insects. In the vast starry sky, there is far from the ultimate goal. Favorable terrain like a defensive line.

Although we don't know why the Sea of ​​Insects caused chaos, it is still a rare opportunity. We can take advantage of this opportunity to weaken the Sea of ​​Insects as much as possible. If we can defeat them in one fell swoop, it would be great.

Gao Feng and Phantom returned to the edge of the Sea of ​​Insects. Then the three of them were equipped with armors and turned into three bolts of lightning. They rushed into the Sea of ​​Insects together. Phantom took the lead. The manic space storm was like a meat grinder, mincing the approaching insects. Shatter, Peak just needs to be wary of the Dark Thorn.

The consequences of the insect chaos are emerging. Even though there are still huge numbers, there is a lack of unity. Only the insects that find the peak three people will attack, and the bugs that cannot be found will still fly randomly in the chaos, even if these insects are the same branch. Swarm.

While the insects were in chaos, Gao Feng and the other three rushed to another area where the Dark Thorns were concentrated. Since there was no fox-tailed girl following them, the location was a bit off, but this was better than rushing directly into the center of the Dark Thorns.

Where they were, there were dense insects in all directions, up, down, left, and right. Even Phantom's space storm could not stop the crazy counterattack of the Zerg. It was not until the peak released the dark behemoth that they could barely maintain their defense against the insects.

No matter how many bugs the three of them kill, it will be of no use to the sea of ​​tens of billions of bugs. Even if they kill for ten days and ten nights, a volley of light cannons from a legion may not be useful. The purpose of the peak is not to become a target for attracting bugs. In fact he was waiting for the Dark Thorn to appear.

There are a total of twenty-three nodes where a large number of Dark Thorns gather. One of them caused hundreds of thousands of Dark Thorns to be sucked into insect skins due to an unknown attack. Gaofeng cannot guarantee that the Dark Thorns in other nodes will do the same, so he must Proceed with caution.

Just when the peak was about to burst into flames and clear the area, the swarm of insects covered by perception suddenly changed. The insects that were surrounded and inaccessible at the edge suddenly shattered into hundreds in an instant and turned into fine biological remains.

This was just the beginning. Then, the bugs blocking the outside were blown to pieces one after another, and a straight line was blasted from the outside leading to where the three people were at the peak. With such a manic killing effect and concealment, no other bug except the Thorn of Darkness would Do this.

The gap between the explosions is very short, and there will even be several explosions superimposed on top of each other, clearing out more than 100,000 bugs. The advancement speed is also very fast, and the final obstacle will be cleared in a few blinks. At this moment, Gao Feng pulls the two women. Entering the multidimensional space, behind him, countless explosions were like erupting volcanoes.

Appearing again, it happened to be at the place where the thorns of darkness were concentrated before. At this time, Gao Feng didn't even have time to observe the surroundings with his eyes. The broken-tooth sword swung and slashed fiercely. Two consecutive space gaps cut the thorns of darkness along the way into two. segments, and then one after another fall into the void somewhere.

The first space gap drove out the weird oarfish-like insects, and the second space gap evenly divided it into two parts. The body of the cut insect was splitting, and the peak had returned to the multi-dimensional state. space.

The strange bugs were killed, arousing the fury of the Dark Thorns. Most of the Dark Thorns were led away by Gaofeng, but there were still a lot of Dark Thorns left. They all rushed towards the position where Gaofeng was wielding his sword almost at the same time, and exploded together. , and tens of thousands of Dark Thorns caused a chain reaction in the self-destruction of their companions, and actually formed explosive ripples in the center of the insect sea. The rippling ripples were like the wind of destruction. As they spread, they destroyed all the insects that could be touched. Everything was shattered and spread to tens of millions of kilometers away.

There are at least ten insect swarms scattered across an area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers. Each insect swarm ranges from tens of millions to tens of millions. Together they have a scale of hundreds of millions. At this time, they were all self-destructed by the thorn of darkness. The power is destroyed.

The destruction of dozens of insect swarms is nothing to the huge insect sea, but for the wilderness fleet cluster, it is just the right result. In this way, a small gap is opened in the insect sea. This The bugs around the gap are also in chaos.

Gao Feng was extremely lucky. When he returned to the void from the multi-dimensional space with his two girls, he happened to avoid the chain self-destruction of the Dark Thorns, and because dozens of insect swarms were destroyed, he opened a gap to another node. In this case, Gao Feng will not let it go in vain.

The three of them continued to move towards the next node. On the way forward, there was no obstruction. Sometimes they encountered a large number of bugs, and they were not in the mood to pay attention to them. The bugs were in a mess, as if they had lost their backbone, and they didn't know what to do.

Obviously, these bugs are in such chaos precisely because Gao Feng killed the strange bugs, which made Gao Feng firm in his confidence. Every node where the thorns of darkness are concentrated has a queen bee that controls the insect swarm. As long as they are killed, the insect swarm will be destroyed. No matter how many bugs there are, they can no longer form a terrifying synergy and can't form a synergy. The peak is not afraid.

This time, the peak did not attract the Dark Thorn like before, but threw the two Phantom girls into the multi-dimensional space. He appeared at the center of the Dark Thorn's node, and without even a second's delay, he directly swung down the big weapon. The sword slashed randomly, creating about ten space cracks, and then dived into the multidimensional space.

From the appearance of the peak to the disappearance, it only takes a few seconds in total. In these few seconds, it is of course impossible to find the oarfish bugs. The flying gaps in the space can only kill a few thorns of darkness, but the peak is leaving. The next second, hundreds of powerful anti-matter bombs were dropped.

These bombs use forbidden technology to seal excess antimatter. Each one is equivalent to a large starry sky antimatter torpedo that is hundreds of times larger. Hundreds of activated antimatter torpedoes are no joke.

A line of flashes of light swept through the starry sky, stretching for countless thousands of miles. From the center, a flash of light a thousand times more dazzling than the stars rose. Then it suddenly spread, covering tens of thousands of thorns of darkness, and then inspired More blasts.

The most terrifying thing about the Thorn of Darkness is not the power of self-destruction, but the unpredictable speed and silhouette of the ghosts. Most methods cannot effectively detect them, and once they are discovered, it means that you have also reached the absolute lethality of the Thorn of Darkness. scope.

Except for the peak, no other strong person could rush to the center of hundreds of thousands of dark thorns and detonate the bomb. The shock wave of the explosion ignored the diminishing effect of vacuum and spread the terrifying power to the limit, triggering a chain reaction again.

The Thorns of Darkness do not gather as closely as ordinary bugs. Hundreds of thousands of Thorns of Darkness are far apart and scattered across tens of millions of square kilometers of starry sky. However, the power of the anti-matter bomb and the power of the Dark Thorns' own self-destruction add up. It's amazing, it's no less powerful than before, and the number of bugs it clears out is also greater.

The continuous and spreading explosion lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually easing down. The peak appeared again. Just as he was about to check the effect, he was forced to survive by the ultra-high temperature. After the large-scale and high-intensity explosion, except for the peak, No one could show up at the first time, so he became the first person to feel the heat of tens of millions.

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